Projections and notifications

If a projection is just another mutator function that operates on a sequence of events, and a persistent projection is a snapshot of the resulting state, then the new thing we need for projections of the application state is a sequence of all the events of the application. This section introduces the notification log, and assumes your projections and your persistent projections can be coded using techniques for coding mutator functions and snapshots introduced in previous sections.

Synchronous update

In a simple situation, you may wish to update a view of an aggregate synchronously whenever there are changes. If each view model depends only on one aggregate, you may wish simply to subscribe to the events of the aggregate. Then, whenever an event occurs, the projection can be updated.

The library has a decorator function subscribe_to() that can be used for this purpose.

def new_todo_projection(event):
    todo = TodoProjection(id=event.originator_id, title=event.title)

The view model could be saved as a normal record, or stored in a sequence that follows the event originator version numbers, perhaps as snapshots, so that concurrent handling of events will not lead to a later state being overwritten by an earlier state. Older versions of the view could be deleted later.

If the view fails to update after the domain event has been stored, then the view will become inconsistent. Since it is not desirable to delete the event once it has been stored, the command must return normally despite the view update failing, so that the command is not retried. The failure to update will need to be logged, or otherwise handled, in a similar way to failures of asynchronous updates.

The big issue with this approach is that if the first event of an aggregate is not processed, there is no way of knowing the aggregate exists, and so there is nothing that can be used to check for updates to that aggregate.

Asynchronous update

The fundamental concern is to accomplish high fidelity when propagating a stream of events, so that events are neither missed nor are they duplicated. Once the stream of events has been propagated faithfully, it can be republished and subscribers can execute commands as above.

As Vaughn Vernon suggests in his book Implementing Domain Driven Design:

“at least two mechanisms in a messaging solution must always be consistent with each other: the persistence store used by the domain model, and the persistence store backing the messaging infrastructure used to forward the Events published by the model. This is required to ensure that when the model’s changes are persisted, Event delivery is also guaranteed, and that if an Event is delivered through messaging, it indicates a true situation reflected by the model that published it. If either of these is out of lockstep with the other, it will lead to incorrect states in one or more interdependent models.”

There are three options, he continues. The first option is to have the messaging infrastructure and the domain model share the same persistence store, so changes to the model and insertion of new messages commit in the same local transaction. The second option is to have separate datastores for domain model and messaging but have a two phase commit, or global transaction, across the two.

The third option is to have the bounded context control notifications. Vaughn Vernon is his book Implementing Domain Driven Design relies on the simple logic of an ascending sequence of integers to allow others to progress along the event stream. That is the approach taken here.

A pull mechanism that allows others to pull events they don’t yet have can be used to allow remote components to catch up. The same mechanism can be used if a component is developed after the application has been deployed and so requires initialising from an established application stream, or otherwise needs to be reconstructed from scratch.

As we will see below, updates can be triggered by pushing the notifications to messaging infrastructure, and having the remote components subscribe. If anything goes wrong with messaging infrastructure, such that a notification is not received, remote components can detect they have missed a notification and pull the notifications they have missed.

Application log

In order to update a projection of more than one aggregate, or the application state as a whole, we need a single sequence to log all the events of the application.

We want an application log that follows an increasing sequence of integers. The application log must also be capable of storing a very large sequence of events, neither swamping an individual database partition nor distributing things across partitions without any particular order so that iterating through the sequence is slow and expensive. We also want the application log effectively to have constant time read and write operations.

The library class BigArray satisfies these requirements quite well. It is a tree of arrays, with a root array that stores references to the current apex, with an apex that contains references to arrays, which either contain references to lower arrays or contain the items assigned to the big array. Each array uses one database partition, and is limited is size (the array size) to ensure the partition is never too large. The identity of each array can be calculated directly from the index number, so it is possible to identify arrays directly without traversing the tree to discover entity IDs. The capacity of base arrays is the array size to the power of the array size. For a reasonable size of array, it isn’t really possible to fill up the base of such an array tree, but the slow growing properties of this tree mean that for all imaginable scenarios, the performance will be approximately constant as items are appended to the big array.

Items can be appended to a big array using the append() method. The append() method identifies the next available index in the array, and then assigns the item to that index in the array. A ConcurrencyError will be raised if the position is already taken.

The performance of the append() method is proportional to the log of the index in the array, to the base of the array size used in the big array, rounded up to the nearest integer, plus one (because of the root sequence that tracks the apex). For example, if the sub-array size is 10,000, then it will take only 50% longer to append the 100,000,000th item to the big array than the 1st one. By the time the 1,000,000,000,000th index position is assigned to a big array, the append() method will take only twice as long as the 1st.

That’s because the performance of the append() method is dominated by the need to walk down the big array’s tree of arrays to find the highest assigned index. Once the index of the next position is known, the item can be assigned directly to an array.

from uuid import uuid4
from eventsourcing.domain.model.array import BigArray, ItemAssigned
from eventsourcing.infrastructure.sqlalchemy.activerecords import SQLAlchemyActiveRecordStrategy
from eventsourcing.infrastructure.sqlalchemy.activerecords import StoredEventRecord
from eventsourcing.infrastructure.sqlalchemy.datastore import SQLAlchemyDatastore, SQLAlchemySettings
from eventsourcing.infrastructure.eventstore import EventStore
from eventsourcing.infrastructure.repositories.array import BigArrayRepository
from eventsourcing.application.policies import PersistencePolicy
from eventsourcing.infrastructure.sequenceditem import StoredEvent
from eventsourcing.infrastructure.sequenceditemmapper import SequencedItemMapper

datastore = SQLAlchemyDatastore(

event_store = EventStore(
persistence_policy = PersistencePolicy(

array_id = uuid4()

repo = BigArrayRepository(

application_log = repo[array_id]

Because there is a small duration of time between checking for the next position and using it, another thread could jump in and use the position first. If that happens, a ConcurrencyError will be raised by the BigArray object. In such a case, another attempt can be made to append the item.

Items can be assigned directly to a big array using an index number. If an item has already been assigned to the same position, a concurrency error will be raised, and the original item will remain in place. Items cannot be unassigned from an array, hence each position in the array can be assigned once only.

The average performance of assigning an item is a constant time. The worst case is the log of the index with base equal to the array size, which occurs when containing arrays are added, so that the last highest assigned index can be discovered. The probability of departing from average performance is inversely proportional to the array size, since the the larger the array size, the less often the base arrays fill up. For a decent array size, the probability of needing to build the tree is very low. And when the tree does need building, it doesn’t take very long (and most of it probably already exists).

from eventsourcing.exceptions import ConcurrencyError

assert application_log.get_next_position() == 4

application_log[4] = 'event4'
    application_log[4] = 'event4a'
except ConcurrencyError:

If the next available position in the array must be identified each time an item is assigned, the amount of contention will increase as the number of threads increases. Using the append() method alone will work if the time period of appending events is greater than the time it takes to identify the next available index and assign to it. At that rate, any contention will not lead to congestion. Different nodes can take their chances assigning to what they believe is an unassigned index, and if another has already taken that position, the operation can be retried.

However, there will be an upper limit to the rate at which events can be appended, and contention will eventually lead to congestion that will cause requests to backup or be spilled.

The rate of assigning items to the big array can be greatly increased by centralizing the generation of the sequence of integers. Instead of discovering the next position from the array each time an item is assigned, an integer sequence generator can be used to generate a contiguous sequence of integers. This technique eliminates contention around assigning items to the big array entirely. In consequence, the bandwidth of assigning to a big array using an integer sequence generator is much greater than using the append() method.

If the application is executed in only one process, the number generator can be a simple Python object. The library class SimpleIntegerSequenceGenerator generates a contiguous sequence of integers that can be shared across multiple threads in the same process.

from eventsourcing.infrastructure.integersequencegenerators.base import SimpleIntegerSequenceGenerator

integers = SimpleIntegerSequenceGenerator()
generated = []
for i in integers:
    if i >= 5:

expected = list(range(5))
assert generated == expected, (generated, expected)

If the application is deployed across many nodes, an external integer sequence generator can be used. There are many possible solutions. The library class RedisIncr uses Redis’ INCR command to generate a contiguous sequence of integers that can be shared be processes running on different nodes.

Using Redis doesn’t necessarily create a single point of failure. Redundancy can be obtained using clustered Redis. Although there aren’t synchronous updates between nodes, so that the INCR command may issue the same numbers more than once, these numbers can only ever be used once. As failures are retried, the position will eventually reach an unassigned index position. Arrangements can be made to set the value from the highest assigned index. With care, the worst case will be an occasional slight delay in storing events, caused by switching to a new Redis node and catching up with the current index number. Please note, there is currently no code in the library to update or resync the Redis key used in the Redis INCR integer sequence generator.

from eventsourcing.infrastructure.integersequencegenerators.redisincr import RedisIncr

integers = RedisIncr()
generated = []
for i in integers:
    if i >= 4:

expected = list(range(5))
assert generated == expected, (generated, expected)

The integer sequence generator can be used when assigning items to the application log.

application_log[next(integers)] = 'event5'
application_log[next(integers)] = 'event6'

assert application_log.get_next_position() == 7

Items can be read from the application log using an index or a slice.

The performance of reading an item at a given index is always constant time with respect to the number of the index. The base array ID, and the index of the item in the base array, can be calculated from the number of the index.

The performance of reading a slice of items is proportional to the size of the slice. Consecutive items in a base array are stored consecutively in the same database partition, and if the slice overlaps more than base array, the iteration proceeds to the next partition.

assert application_log[0] == 'event0'
assert list(application_log[5:7]) == ['event5', 'event6']

The application log can be written to by a persistence policy. References to events can be assigned to the application log before the domain event is written to the aggregate’s own sequence, so that it isn’t possible to store an event in the aggregate’s sequence that is not already in the application log.

Commands that fail to write to the aggregate’s sequence (due to an operation error or concurrency error) after the event has been logged in the application log should probably raise an exception, so that the command is seen to have failed and so may be retried. This leaves an item in the notification log, but not a domain event in the aggregate stream (a dangling reference, that may be satisfied later). If the command failed due to an operational error, the same event maybe published again, and so it would appear twice in the application log. And so whilst events in the application log that aren’t in the aggregate sequence can perhaps be ignored by consumers of the application log, care should be taken to deduplicate events.

If writing the event to its aggregate sequence is successful, then it is possible to push a notification about the event to a message queue. Failing to push the notification perhaps should not prevent the command returning normally. Push notifications could also be generated by another process, something that pulls from the application log, and pushes notifications for events that have not already been sent.

Notification log

As described in Implementing Domain Driven Design, a notification log is presented in linked sections. The “current section” is returned by default, and contains the very latest notification and some of the preceding notifications. There are also archived sections that contain all the earlier notifications. When the current section is full, it is considered to be an archived section that links to the new current section.

Readers can navigate the linked sections from the current section backwards until the archived section is reached that contains the last notification seen by the client. If the client has not yet seen any notifications, it will navigate back to the first section. Readers can then navigate forwards, revealing all existing notifications that have not yet been seen.

The library class NotificationLog encapsulates the application log and presents linked sections. The library class NotificationLogReader is an iterator that yields notifications. It navigates the sections of the notification log, and maintains position so that it can continue when there are further notifications. The position can be set directly with the seek() method. The position is set indirectly when a slice is taken with a start index. The position is set to zero when the reader is constructed.

The notification log uses a big array object. In this example, the big array object is directly the application log above. It is possible to project the application log into a custom notification log, perhaps to deduplicate domain events, or to anonymise data, or to send messages to messaging infrastructure with more stateful control.

from eventsourcing.interface.notificationlog import NotificationLog, NotificationLogReader

# Construct notification log.
notification_log = NotificationLog(application_log, section_size=10)

# Get the "current "section from the notification log (numbering follows Vaughn Vernon's book)
section = notification_log['current']
assert section.section_id == '1,10'
assert len(section.items) == 7, section.items
assert section.previous_id == None
assert section.next_id == None

# Construct log reader.
reader = NotificationLogReader(notification_log)

# The position is zero by default.
assert reader.position == 0

# The position can be set directly.
assert reader.position == 10

# Reset the position.

# Read all existing notifications.
all_notifications = list(reader)
assert all_notifications == ['event0', 'event1', 'event2', 'event3', 'event4', 'event5', 'event6']

# Check the position has advanced.
assert reader.position == 7

# Read all subsequent notifications (should be none).
subsequent_notifications = list(reader)
assert subsequent_notifications == []

# Assign more events to the application log.
application_log[next(integers)] = 'event7'
application_log[next(integers)] = 'event8'

# Read all subsequent notifications (should be two).
subsequent_notifications = list(reader)
assert subsequent_notifications == ['event7', 'event8']

# Check the position has advanced.
assert reader.position == 9

# Read all subsequent notifications (should be none).
subsequent_notifications = list(reader)
assert subsequent_notifications == []

# Assign more events to the application log.
application_log[next(integers)] = 'event9'
application_log[next(integers)] = 'event10'
application_log[next(integers)] = 'event11'

# Read all subsequent notifications (should be two).
subsequent_notifications = list(reader)
assert subsequent_notifications == ['event9', 'event10', 'event11']

# Check the position has advanced.
assert reader.position == 12

# Read all subsequent notifications (should be none).
subsequent_notifications = list(reader)
assert subsequent_notifications == []

# Get the "current "section from the notification log (numbering follows Vaughn Vernon's book)
section = notification_log['current']
assert section.section_id == '11,20'
assert section.previous_id == '1,10'
assert section.next_id == None
assert len(section.items) == 2, len(section.items)

# Get the first section from the notification log (numbering follows Vaughn Vernon's book)
section = notification_log['1,10']
assert section.section_id == '1,10'
assert section.previous_id == None
assert section.next_id == '11,20'
assert len(section.items) == 10, section.items

The RESTful API design in Implementing Domain Driven Design suggests a good way to present the notification log, a way that is simple and can scale using established HTTP technology.

The library function present_section() serializes sections from the notification log for use in a view.

import json

from eventsourcing.interface.notificationlog import present_section

content = present_section(application_log, '1,10', 10)

expected = {
    "items": [
    "next_id": "11,20",
    "previous_id": None,
    "section_id": "1,10"

assert json.loads(content) == expected

A Web application view can pick out from the request path the notification log ID and the section ID, and return an HTTP response with the JSON content that results from calling present_section().

The library class RemoteNotificationLog issues HTTP requests to a RESTful API that presents sections from the notification log. It has the same interface as NotificationLog and so can be used by NotificationLogReader progressively to obtain unseen notifications.