
This section describes projecting domain events.

Projections can be updated synchronously by direct event subscription, or asynchronously by following notification logs. Notifications can be pulled, and pulling can be driven by subscribing to events.

Subscribing to events

The library function subscribe_to() can be used to decorate functions, so that the function is called each time a matching event is published by the library’s pub-sub mechanism.

The example below, which is incomplete because the TodoView is not defined, suggests that record TodoView can be created whenever a Todo.Created event is published. Perhaps there’s a TodoView table with an index of todo titles, or perhaps it can be joined with a table of users.

from eventsourcing.domain.model.decorators import subscribe_to
from eventsourcing.domain.model.entity import DomainEntity

class Todo(DomainEntity):
    class Created(DomainEntity.Created):

def new_todo_projection(event):
    todo = TodoView(id=event.originator_id, title=event.title, user_id=event.user_id)

It is possible to access aggregates and other views when updating a view, especially to avoid bloating events with redundant information that might be added to avoid such queries. Transactions can be used to insert related records, building a model for a view.

It is possible to use the decorator in a downstream application which republishes domain events perhaps published by an original application that uses messaging infrastructure such as an AMQP system. The decorated function would be called synchronously with the republishing of the event, but asynchronously with respect to the original application.

A naive projection might consume events as they are published and update the projection without considering whether the event was a duplicate, or if previous events were missed. The trouble with this approach is that, without further modification, without referring to a fixed sequence and maintaining position in that sequence, there is no way to recover when events have been missed. If the projection somehow fails to update when an event is received, then the event will be lost forever to the projection, and the projection will be forever inconsistent.

Of course, it is possible to follow a fixed sequence of events, for example using notification logs.

Reading notification logs

If the events of an application are presented as a sequence of notifications, then the events can be projected using a notification reader to pull unseen items.

Getting new items can be triggered by pushing prompts to e.g. an AMQP messaging system, and having the remote components handle the prompts by pulling the new notifications. To minimise load on the messaging infrastructure, it may be sufficient simply to send an empty message, and thereby prompt receivers into pulling new notifications. This may reduce latency or avoid excessive polling for updates, but the benefit would be obtained at the cost of additional complexity. Prompts that include the position of the notification in its sequence would allow a follower to know when it is being prompted about notifications it already pulled, and could then skip the pulling operation.


Application state replication

Using event record notifications, the state of an application can be replicated perfectly. If an application can present its event records as a notification log, then a “replicator” can read the notification log and write copies of the original records into a replica’s record manager. (If the original application could be partitioned, with each partition having its own notification log, then the partitions could be replicated concurrently, which would allow scaling by application partition. Partitioning an application isn’t currently supported in the library.)

In the example below, the SimpleApplication class is used, which has a RecordManagerNotificationLog as its notification_log. Reading this log, locally or remotely, will yield all the event records persisted by the SimpleApplication. The SimpleApplication uses a record manager with contiguous record IDs which allows it to be used within a record manager notification log object.

A record manager notification log object represents records as record notifications. With record notifications, the ID of the record in the notification is used to place the notification in its sequence. Therefore the ID of the last replicated record is used to determine the current position in the original application’s notification log, which gives “exactly once” processing.

from eventsourcing.application.simple import SimpleApplication
from eventsourcing.exceptions import ConcurrencyError
from eventsourcing.domain.model.aggregate import AggregateRoot
from eventsourcing.interface.notificationlog import NotificationLogReader, RecordManagerNotificationLog

# Define record replicator.
class RecordReplicator(object):
    def __init__(self, notification_log, record_manager):
        self.reader = NotificationLogReader(notification_log)
        self.manager = record_manager
        # Position reader at max record ID. or 0)

    def pull(self):
        for notification in
            record = self.manager.record_class(**notification)

# Construct original application.
original = SimpleApplication()

# Construct replica application.
replica = SimpleApplication()

# Construct replicator.
replicator = RecordReplicator(

# Publish some events.
aggregate1 = AggregateRoot.__create__()
aggregate2 = AggregateRoot.__create__()
aggregate3 = AggregateRoot.__create__()

assert aggregate1.__created_on__ != aggregate2.__created_on__
assert aggregate2.__created_on__ != aggregate3.__created_on__

# Check aggregates not in replica.
assert in original.repository
assert not in replica.repository
assert in original.repository
assert not in replica.repository
assert in original.repository
assert not in replica.repository

# Pull records.

# Check aggregates are now in replica.
assert in replica.repository
assert in replica.repository
assert in replica.repository

# Check the aggregate attributes are correct.
assert aggregate1.__created_on__ == replica.repository[].__created_on__
assert aggregate2.__created_on__ == replica.repository[].__created_on__
assert aggregate3.__created_on__ == replica.repository[].__created_on__

# Create another aggregate.
aggregate4 = AggregateRoot.__create__()

# Check aggregate exists in the original only.
assert in original.repository
assert not in replica.repository

# Resume pulling records.

# Check aggregate exists in the replica.
assert in replica.repository

# Terminate replicator (position in notification sequence is lost).
replicator = None

# Create new replicator.
replicator = RecordReplicator(

# Create another aggregate.
aggregate5 = AggregateRoot.__create__()

# Check aggregate exists in the original only.
assert in original.repository
assert not in replica.repository

# Pull after replicator restart.

# Check aggregate exists in the replica.
assert in replica.repository

# Setup event driven pulling. Could prompt remote
# readers with an AMQP system, but to make a simple
# demonstration just subscribe to local events.

def prompt_replicator(_):

# Now, create another aggregate.
aggregate6 = AggregateRoot.__create__()
assert in original.repository

# Check aggregate was automatically replicated.
assert in replica.repository

# Clean up.

For simplicity in the example, the notification log reader uses a local notification log in the same process as the events originated. Perhaps it would be better to run a replication job away from the application servers, on a node remote from the application servers, away from where the domain events are triggered. A local notification log could be used on a worker-tier node that can connect to the original application’s database. It could equally well use a remote notification log without compromising the accuracy of the replication. A remote notification log, with an API service provided by the application servers, would avoid the original application database connections being shared by countless others. Notification log sections can be cached in the network to avoid loading the application servers with requests from a multitude of followers.

Since the replica application uses optimistic concurrency control for its event records, it isn’t possible to corrupt the replica by attempting to write the same record twice. Hence jobs can pull at periodic intervals, and at the same time message queue workers can respond to prompts pushed to AMQP-style messaging infrastructure by the original application, without needing to serialise their access to the replica with locks: if the two jobs happen to collide, one will succeed and the other will encounter a concurrency error exception that can be ignored.

Although the current implementation of the notification log reader pulls sections of notifications in series, the sections could be pulled in parallel, which may help when copying a very large sequence of notifications to a new replica.

The replica could itself be followed, by using its notification log. Although replicating replicas indefinitely is perhaps pointless, it suggests how notification logs can be potentially be chained with processing being done at each stage.

For example, a sequence of events could be converted into a sequence of commands, and the sequence of commands could be used to update an event sourced index, in an index application. An event that does not affect the projection can be recorded as “noop”, so that the position is maintained. All but the last noop could be deleted from the command log. If the command is committed in the same transaction as the events resulting from the command, then the reliability of the arbitrary projection will be as good as the pure replica. The events resulting from each commands could be many or none, which shows that a sequence of events can be projected equally reliably into a different sequence with a different length.

Index of email addresses

Todo: Projection into an index. Application with big array command sequence and aggregates that represent index locations. A one-way function that goes from real index keys to aggregate IDs. And something that runs a command before putting it in the log, so that failures to command aggregates are tried on the next pull. Ignore errors about creating an aggregate that already exists, and also about discarding an aggregate that doesn’t exist. Or use transactions, if possible, so that the command and the index aggregates are updated together. Set position of reader as max ID in command log.

Todo: Projection into a timeline view. Todo: Projection for data analytics. Todo: Merging notification logs (“consumer groups”)?