Source code for eventsourcing.utils.cipher.aes

import base64
import zlib

from Crypto.Cipher import AES

from eventsourcing.exceptions import DataIntegrityError
from eventsourcing.utils.random import random_bytes

[docs]class AESCipher(object): """ Cipher strategy that uses Crypto library AES cipher in GCM mode. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cipher_key): """ Initialises AES cipher strategy with ``cipher_key``. :param cipher_key: 16, 24, or 32 random bytes """ assert len(cipher_key) in [16, 24, 32] self.cipher_key = cipher_key
[docs] def encrypt(self, plaintext): """Return ciphertext for given plaintext.""" # String to bytes. plainbytes = plaintext.encode("utf8") # Compress plaintext bytes. compressed = zlib.compress(plainbytes) # Construct AES-GCM cipher, with 96-bit nonce. cipher =, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce=random_bytes(12)) # Encrypt and digest. encrypted, tag = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(compressed) # Combine with nonce. combined = cipher.nonce + tag + encrypted # Encode as Base64. cipherbytes = base64.b64encode(combined) # Bytes to string. ciphertext = cipherbytes.decode("utf8") # Return ciphertext. return ciphertext
[docs] def decrypt(self, ciphertext): """Return plaintext for given ciphertext.""" # String to bytes. cipherbytes = ciphertext.encode("utf8") # Decode from Base64. try: combined = base64.b64decode(cipherbytes) except (base64.binascii.Error, TypeError) as e: # base64.binascii.Error for Python 3. # TypeError for Python 2. raise DataIntegrityError("Cipher text is damaged: {}".format(e)) # Split out the nonce, tag, and encrypted data. nonce = combined[:12] if len(nonce) != 12: raise DataIntegrityError("Cipher text is damaged: invalid nonce length") tag = combined[12:28] if len(tag) != 16: raise DataIntegrityError("Cipher text is damaged: invalid tag length") encrypted = combined[28:] # Construct AES cipher, with old nonce. cipher =, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce) # Decrypt and verify. try: compressed = cipher.decrypt_and_verify(encrypted, tag) except ValueError as e: raise DataIntegrityError("Cipher text is damaged: {}".format(e)) # Decompress plaintext bytes. plainbytes = zlib.decompress(compressed) # Bytes to string. plaintext = plainbytes.decode("utf8") # Return plaintext. return plaintext