Source code for eventsourcing.infrastructure.cassandra.records

from cassandra.cqlengine.models import columns, Model

[docs]class IntegerSequencedRecord(Model): """Stores integer-sequenced items in Cassandra.""" __table_name__ = "integer_sequenced_items" _if_not_exists = True # Sequence ID (e.g. an entity or aggregate ID). sequence_id = columns.UUID(partition_key=True) # Position (index) of item in sequence. position = columns.BigInt(clustering_order="DESC", primary_key=True) # Topic of the item (e.g. path to domain event class). topic = columns.Text(required=True) # State of the item (serialized dict, possibly encrypted). state = columns.Text(required=True)
[docs]class TimestampSequencedRecord(Model): """Stores timestamp-sequenced items in Cassandra.""" __table_name__ = "timestamp_sequenced_items" _if_not_exists = True # Sequence ID (e.g. an entity or aggregate ID). sequence_id = columns.UUID(partition_key=True) # Position (in time) of item in sequence. position = columns.Decimal(clustering_order="DESC", primary_key=True) # Topic of the item (e.g. path to domain event class). topic = columns.Text(required=True) # State of the item (serialized dict, possibly encrypted). state = columns.Text(required=True)
[docs]class TimeuuidSequencedRecord(Model): """Stores timeuuid-sequenced items in Cassandra.""" __table_name__ = "timeuuid_sequenced_items" _if_not_exists = True # Sequence UUID (e.g. an entity or aggregate ID). sequence_id = columns.UUID(partition_key=True) # Position (in time) of item in sequence. position = columns.TimeUUID(clustering_order="DESC", primary_key=True) # Topic of the item (e.g. path to domain event class). topic = columns.Text(required=True) # State of the item (serialized dict, possibly encrypted). state = columns.Text(required=True)
[docs]class SnapshotRecord(Model): """Stores snapshots in Cassandra.""" __table_name__ = "snapshots" _if_not_exists = True # Sequence ID (e.g. an entity or aggregate ID). sequence_id = columns.UUID(partition_key=True) # Position (index) of item in sequence. position = columns.BigInt(clustering_order="DESC", primary_key=True) # Topic of the item (e.g. path to domain entity class). topic = columns.Text(required=True) # State of the entity (serialized dict, possibly encrypted). state = columns.Text(required=True)
[docs]class StoredEventRecord(Model): """Stores integer-sequenced items in Cassandra.""" __table_name__ = "stored_events" _if_not_exists = True # Aggregate ID (e.g. an entity or aggregate ID). originator_id = columns.UUID(partition_key=True) # Aggregate version (index) of item in sequence. originator_version = columns.BigInt(clustering_order="DESC", primary_key=True) # Topic of the item (e.g. path to domain event class). topic = columns.Text(required=True) # State of the item (serialized dict, possibly encrypted). state = columns.Text(required=True)