Source code for eventsourcing.infrastructure.django.manager

from typing import Any, Iterable, Optional, Sequence, Dict
from uuid import UUID

from django.db import IntegrityError, ProgrammingError, connection, transaction

from eventsourcing.infrastructure.base import SQLRecordManager, TrackingKwargs

[docs]class DjangoRecordManager(SQLRecordManager): _where_application_name_tmpl = " WHERE application_name = %s AND pipeline_id = %s"
[docs] def write_records( self, records: Iterable[Any], tracking_kwargs: Optional[TrackingKwargs] = None, orm_objs_pending_save: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None, orm_objs_pending_delete: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None, ) -> None: try: with transaction.atomic(self.record_class.objects.db): # type: ignore with connection.cursor() as cursor: # Insert tracking record. if tracking_kwargs: params = [ tracking_kwargs[c] for c in self.tracking_record_field_names ] cursor.execute(self.insert_tracking_record, params) if self.contiguous_record_ids: # Use cursor to execute insert select max statement. for record in records: # Get values from record obj. # List of params, because dict doesn't work with Django # and SQLite. params = [] for col_name in self.field_names: col_value = getattr(record, col_name) meta = self.record_class._meta # type: ignore col_type = meta.get_field(col_name) # Prepare value for database. param = col_type.get_db_prep_value( col_value, connection ) params.append(param) # Notification logs fields, to be inserted with event # fields. if hasattr(self.record_class, "application_name"): params.append(self.application_name) if hasattr(self.record_class, "pipeline_id"): params.append(self.pipeline_id) if hasattr(record, "causal_dependencies"): params.append(record.causal_dependencies) # Where clause fields. if hasattr(self.record_class, "application_name"): params.append(self.application_name) if hasattr(self.record_class, "pipeline_id"): params.append(self.pipeline_id) # Execute insert statement. cursor.execute(self.insert_select_max, params) # Todo: Use insert_values when records have IDs (like # SQLAlchemy manager). # Todo: Support 'event-not-notifiable' by setting # pipeline ID and notification ID to None. else: # This can only work for simple models, without application_name # and pipeline_id, because it relies on the auto-incrementing # ID. # Todo: If it's faster, change to use an "insert_values" raw # query. # Save record objects. for record in records: # Call 'save()' on each of the ORM objects pending save. if orm_objs_pending_save: for orm_obj in orm_objs_pending_save: # Call 'delete()' on each of the ORM objects pending delete. if orm_objs_pending_delete: for orm_obj in orm_objs_pending_delete: orm_obj.delete() except IntegrityError as e: self.raise_record_integrity_error(e)
[docs] def make_placeholder(self, _: str) -> str: return "%s" # doesn't involve field name
[docs] def get_record_table_name(self, record_class: type) -> str: """Returns table name from SQLAlchemy record class.""" return record_class._meta.db_table # type: ignore
[docs] def get_record(self, sequence_id: UUID, position: int) -> Any: kwargs = { self.field_names.sequence_id: sequence_id, self.field_names.position: position, } records = self.record_class.objects.filter(**kwargs) # type: ignore # Todo: try/except for native error here, call self.raise_index_error() return records.all()[0]
[docs] def get_records( self, sequence_id: UUID, gt: Optional[int] = None, gte: Optional[int] = None, lt: Optional[int] = None, lte: Optional[int] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, query_ascending: bool = True, results_ascending: bool = True, ) -> Sequence[Any]: assert limit is None or limit >= 1, limit filter_kwargs = {self.field_names.sequence_id: sequence_id} objects = self.record_class.objects.filter(**filter_kwargs) # type: ignore if hasattr(self.record_class, "application_name"): objects = objects.filter(application_name=self.application_name) position_field_name = self.field_names.position if query_ascending: objects = objects.order_by(position_field_name) else: objects = objects.order_by("-" + position_field_name) if gt is not None: arg = "{}__gt".format(position_field_name) objects = objects.filter(**{arg: gt}) if gte is not None: arg = "{}__gte".format(position_field_name) objects = objects.filter(**{arg: gte}) if lt is not None: arg = "{}__lt".format(position_field_name) objects = objects.filter(**{arg: lt}) if lte is not None: arg = "{}__lte".format(position_field_name) objects = objects.filter(**{arg: lte}) if limit is not None: objects = objects[:limit] records = objects.all() if results_ascending != query_ascending: # This code path is under test, but not otherwise used ATM. records = list(records) records.reverse() return records
[docs] def get_notifications( self, start: Optional[int] = None, stop: Optional[int] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any ) -> Iterable: """ Returns all records in the table. """ filter_kwargs = {} # Todo: Also support sequencing by 'position' if items are sequenced by # timestamp? if start is not None: filter_kwargs["%s__gte" % self.notification_id_name] = start + 1 if stop is not None: filter_kwargs["%s__lt" % self.notification_id_name] = stop + 1 objects = self.record_class.objects.filter(**filter_kwargs) # type: ignore if hasattr(self.record_class, "application_name"): objects = objects.filter(application_name=self.application_name) if hasattr(self.record_class, "pipeline_id"): objects = objects.filter(pipeline_id=self.pipeline_id) objects = objects.order_by("%s" % self.notification_id_name) for record in objects.all(): # Django returns memoryview objects from PostgreSQL, so need to cast. state = getattr(record, self.field_names.state) setattr(record, self.field_names.state, bytes(state)) yield record
[docs] def delete_record(self, record: Any) -> None: """ Permanently removes record from table. """ record.delete()
[docs] def get_max_notification_id(self) -> int: assert self.notification_id_name try: objects = self.record_class.objects # type: ignore if hasattr(self.record_class, "application_name"): objects = objects.filter(application_name=self.application_name) if hasattr(self.record_class, "pipeline_id"): objects = objects.filter(pipeline_id=self.pipeline_id) latest = objects.latest(self.notification_id_name) return getattr(latest, self.notification_id_name) except (self.record_class.DoesNotExist, ProgrammingError): # type: ignore return 0
[docs] def get_max_tracking_record_id(self, upstream_application_name: str) -> int: notification_id = 0 assert self.tracking_record_class is not None try: objects = self.tracking_record_class.objects # type: ignore objects = objects.filter(application_name=self.application_name) objects = objects.filter( upstream_application_name=upstream_application_name ) objects = objects.filter(pipeline_id=self.pipeline_id) notification_id = objects.latest("notification_id").notification_id except self.tracking_record_class.DoesNotExist: # type: ignore pass return notification_id
[docs] def has_tracking_record( self, upstream_application_name: str, pipeline_id: int, notification_id: int ) -> bool: objects = self.tracking_record_class.objects # type: ignore objects = objects.filter(application_name=self.application_name) objects = objects.filter(upstream_application_name=upstream_application_name) objects = objects.filter(pipeline_id=pipeline_id) objects = objects.filter(notification_id=notification_id) return bool(objects.count())
[docs] def all_sequence_ids(self) -> Iterable[UUID]: sequence_id_fieldname = self.field_names.sequence_id values_queryset = self.record_class.objects.values( # type: ignore sequence_id_fieldname ).distinct() for values in values_queryset: yield values[sequence_id_fieldname]
def get_field_kwargs(self, item: object) -> Dict[str, Any]: kwargs = super().get_field_kwargs(item) state_fieldname = self.field_names.state state = kwargs[state_fieldname] if isinstance(state, memoryview): state = bytes(state) kwargs[state_fieldname] = state return kwargs