Source code for eventsourcing.infrastructure.eventplayer

from functools import reduce
from types import FunctionType
from typing import Optional, Iterable, Callable

from eventsourcing.domain.model.entity import TDomainEntity, TDomainEvent
from eventsourcing.infrastructure.snapshotting import AbstractSnapshotStrategy
from eventsourcing.infrastructure.base import AbstractEventStore, AbstractEventPlayer

[docs]class EventPlayer(AbstractEventPlayer[TDomainEntity, TDomainEvent]): # The page size by which events are retrieved. If this # value is set to a positive integer, the events of # the entity will be retrieved in pages, using a series # of queries, rather than with one potentially large query. __page_size__: Optional[int] = None
[docs] def __init__( self, event_store: AbstractEventStore, snapshot_strategy: Optional[AbstractSnapshotStrategy] = None, mutator_func: Optional[ Callable[[Optional[TDomainEntity], TDomainEvent], Optional[TDomainEntity]] ] = None, ): super(EventPlayer, self).__init__() # Check we got an event store. assert isinstance(event_store, AbstractEventStore), type(event_store) self._event_store: AbstractEventStore = event_store self._snapshot_strategy = snapshot_strategy self._mutator_func = mutator_func or self.mutate
[docs] def project_events( self, initial_state: Optional[TDomainEntity], domain_events: Iterable[TDomainEvent], ) -> Optional[TDomainEntity]: """ Evolves initial_state using the domain_events and a mutator function. Applies a mutator function cumulatively to a sequence of domain events, so as to mutate the initial value to a mutated value. This class's mutate() method is used as the default mutator function, but custom behaviour can be introduced by passing in a 'mutator_func' argument when constructing this class, or by overridding the mutate() method. """ return reduce(self._mutator_func, domain_events, initial_state)
[docs] @staticmethod def mutate( initial: Optional[TDomainEntity], event: TDomainEvent ) -> Optional[TDomainEntity]: """ Default mutator function, which uses __mutate__() method on event object to mutate initial state. :param initial: Initial state to be mutated by this function. :param event: Event that causes the initial state to be mutated. :return: Returns the mutated state. """ # Check obj is not None. if initial is not None: event.__check_obj__(initial) return event.__mutate__(initial)
# def clone_object(initial_state): # initial_state_copy = object.__new__(type(initial_state)) # initial_state_copy.__dict__.update(deepcopy(initial_state.__dict__)) # return initial_state_copy