Source code for eventsourcing.infrastructure.base

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import (
from uuid import UUID

from eventsourcing.exceptions import OperationalError, RecordConflictError
from eventsourcing.infrastructure.sequenceditem import (
from eventsourcing.infrastructure.sequenceditemmapper import AbstractSequencedItemMapper
from eventsourcing.whitehead import (


TrackingKwargs = Dict[str, Union[str, int]]

[docs]class AbstractRecordManager(ABC):
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any): """ Initialises record manager. """
@property @abstractmethod def record_class(self) -> Any: """ Returns record class to be used by the record manager. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def record_items(self, sequenced_items: Iterable[NamedTuple]) -> None: """ Writes sequenced items into the datastore. """
[docs] def record_item(self, sequenced_item: NamedTuple) -> None: """ Writes sequenced item into the datastore. """ self.record_items([sequenced_item])
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_item(self, sequence_id: UUID, position: int) -> NamedTuple: """ Gets sequenced item from the datastore. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_items( self, sequence_id: UUID, gt: Optional[int] = None, gte: Optional[int] = None, lt: Optional[int] = None, lte: Optional[int] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, query_ascending: bool = True, results_ascending: bool = True, ) -> Iterator[NamedTuple]: """ Iterates over records in sequence. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_record(self, sequence_id: UUID, position: int) -> Any: """ Gets record at position in sequence. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_records( self, sequence_id: UUID, gt: Optional[int] = None, gte: Optional[int] = None, lt: Optional[int] = None, lte: Optional[int] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, query_ascending: bool = True, results_ascending: bool = True, ) -> Sequence[Any]: """ Returns records for a sequence. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_notifications( self, start: Optional[int] = None, stop: Optional[int] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any ) -> Iterable: """ Returns records sequenced by notification ID, from application, for pipeline, in given range. Args 'start' and 'stop' are positions in a zero-based integer sequence. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def all_sequence_ids(self) -> Iterable[UUID]: """ Returns all sequence IDs. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def delete_record(self, record: Any) -> None: """ Removes permanently given record from the table. """
TRecordManager = TypeVar("TRecordManager", bound=AbstractRecordManager)
[docs]class BaseRecordManager(AbstractRecordManager):
[docs] def __init__( self, record_class: type, sequenced_item_class: Type[NamedTuple] = SequencedItem, # type: ignore contiguous_record_ids: bool = False, application_name: str = '', pipeline_id: int = DEFAULT_PIPELINE_ID, **kwargs: Any ): self._record_class = record_class self.sequenced_item_class = sequenced_item_class self.field_names = SequencedItemFieldNames(self.sequenced_item_class) if hasattr(self.record_class, "id"): self.notification_id_name = "id" elif hasattr(self.record_class, "notification_id"): self.notification_id_name = "notification_id" else: self.notification_id_name = "" self.contiguous_record_ids = bool( contiguous_record_ids and self.notification_id_name ) if hasattr(self.record_class, "application_name"): assert application_name, "'application_name' not set when required" assert ( contiguous_record_ids ), "'contiguous_record_ids' not set when required" self.application_name = application_name if hasattr(self.record_class, "pipeline_id"): assert hasattr( self.record_class, "application_name" ), "'application_name' column not defined" self._pipeline_id = pipeline_id
@property def record_class(self) -> type: return self._record_class @property def pipeline_id(self) -> int: return self._pipeline_id @pipeline_id.setter def pipeline_id(self, pipeline_id: int) -> None: self._pipeline_id = pipeline_id def clone( self, application_name: str, pipeline_id: int, **kwargs: Any ) -> "BaseRecordManager": return type(self)( record_class=self.record_class, contiguous_record_ids=self.contiguous_record_ids, sequenced_item_class=self.sequenced_item_class, application_name=application_name, pipeline_id=pipeline_id, **kwargs )
[docs] def get_item(self, sequence_id: UUID, position: int) -> NamedTuple: """ Gets sequenced item from the datastore. """ return self.from_record(self.get_record(sequence_id, position))
[docs] def get_items( self, sequence_id: UUID, gt: Optional[int] = None, gte: Optional[int] = None, lt: Optional[int] = None, lte: Optional[int] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, query_ascending: bool = True, results_ascending: bool = True, ) -> Iterator[NamedTuple]: """ Returns sequenced item generator. """ records = self.get_records( sequence_id=sequence_id, gt=gt, gte=gte, lt=lt, lte=lte, limit=limit, query_ascending=query_ascending, results_ascending=results_ascending, ) for item in map(self.from_record, records): yield item
[docs] def list_items(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> List[NamedTuple]: """ Returns list of sequenced items. """ return list(self.get_items(*args, **kwargs))
[docs] def to_record(self, sequenced_item: NamedTuple) -> object: """ Constructs a record object from given sequenced item object. """ kwargs = self.get_field_kwargs(sequenced_item) # Supply application_name, if needed. if hasattr(self.record_class, "application_name"): kwargs["application_name"] = self.application_name # Supply pipeline_id, if needed. if hasattr(self.record_class, "pipeline_id"): kwargs["pipeline_id"] = self.pipeline_id return self.record_class(**kwargs)
[docs] def from_record(self, record: object) -> NamedTuple: """ Constructs and returns a sequenced item object, from given ORM object. """ kwargs = self.get_field_kwargs(record) return self.sequenced_item_class(**kwargs)
def list_sequence_ids(self) -> List[UUID]: return list(self.all_sequence_ids()) def get_field_kwargs(self, item: object) -> Dict[str, Any]: return {name: getattr(item, name) for name in self.field_names} def raise_sequenced_item_conflict(self) -> None: msg = "Position already taken in sequence" raise RecordConflictError(msg) def raise_index_error(self, position: int) -> None: raise IndexError("Sequence index out of range: {}".format(position)) def raise_record_integrity_error(self, e: Exception) -> None: raise RecordConflictError(e) def raise_operational_error(self, e: Exception) -> None: raise OperationalError(e)
[docs]class ACIDRecordManager(BaseRecordManager): """ ACID record managers can write tracking records and event records in an atomic transaction, needed for atomic processing in process applications. """ tracking_record_field_names = [ "application_name", "upstream_application_name", "pipeline_id", "notification_id", ]
[docs] def __init__( self, tracking_record_class: Optional[type] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: super(ACIDRecordManager, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # assert tracking_record_class is not None self.tracking_record_class = tracking_record_class
def clone( self, application_name: str, pipeline_id: int, **kwargs: Any ) -> "BaseRecordManager": return super().clone( application_name=application_name, pipeline_id=pipeline_id, tracking_record_class=self.tracking_record_class, **kwargs )
[docs] @abstractmethod def write_records( self, records: Iterable[Any], tracking_kwargs: Optional[TrackingKwargs] = None, orm_objs_pending_save: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None, orm_objs_pending_delete: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None, ) -> None: """ Writes tracking, event and notification records for a process event. :param orm_objs_pending_delete: :param orm_objs_pending_save: """
def to_records(self, sequenced_items: Iterable[NamedTuple]) -> Iterable[Any]: return map(self.to_record, sequenced_items)
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_max_notification_id(self) -> int: """Return maximum notification ID in pipeline."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_max_tracking_record_id(self, upstream_application_name: str) -> int: """Return maximum tracking record ID for notification from upstream application in pipeline."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def has_tracking_record( self, upstream_application_name: str, pipeline_id: int, notification_id: int ) -> bool: """ True if tracking record exists for notification from upstream in pipeline. """
[docs] def get_pipeline_and_notification_id( self, sequence_id: UUID, position: int ) -> Tuple: """ Returns pipeline ID and notification ID for event at given position in given sequence. """ # Todo: Optimise query by selecting only two columns, # pipeline_id and id (notification ID)? record = self.get_record(sequence_id, position) notification_id = getattr(record, self.notification_id_name) return record.pipeline_id, notification_id
[docs]class SQLRecordManager(ACIDRecordManager): """ Common aspects of SQL record managers, such as SQLAlchemy and Django record managers. """ # Todo: This makes the subclasses harder to read and probably more brittle. So it # might be better to inline this with the subclasses, so that each looks more # like normal Django or SQLAlchemy code. # Todo: Also, the record manager test cases don't cover the notification log and # tracking record functionality needed by ProcessApplication, and should so # that other record managers can more easily be developed.
[docs] def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any): super(SQLRecordManager, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._insert_select_max = None self._insert_values = None self._insert_tracking_record = None
[docs] def record_items(self, sequenced_items: Iterable[NamedTuple]) -> None: # Convert sequenced item(s) to database record(s). records = self.to_records(sequenced_items) # Write records. self.write_records(records)
@property def insert_select_max(self) -> Any: """ SQL statement that inserts records with contiguous IDs, by selecting max ID from indexed table records. """ if self._insert_select_max is None: if hasattr(self.record_class, "application_name"): # Todo: Maybe make it support application_name without pipeline_id? assert hasattr(self.record_class, "pipeline_id"), self.record_class tmpl = self._insert_select_max_tmpl + self._where_application_name_tmpl else: tmpl = self._insert_select_max_tmpl self._insert_select_max = self._prepare_insert( tmpl=tmpl, record_class=self.record_class, field_names=list(self.field_names), ) return self._insert_select_max
[docs] def _prepare_insert( self, tmpl: str, record_class: type, field_names: List[str], placeholder_for_id: bool = False, ) -> Any: """ With transaction isolation level of "read committed" this should generate records with a contiguous sequence of integer IDs, using an indexed ID column, the database-side SQL max function, the insert-select-from form, and optimistic concurrency control. """ if ( hasattr(record_class, "application_name") and "application_name" not in field_names ): field_names.append("application_name") if hasattr(record_class, "pipeline_id") and "pipeline_id" not in field_names: field_names.append("pipeline_id") if ( hasattr(record_class, "causal_dependencies") and "causal_dependencies" not in field_names ): field_names.append("causal_dependencies") if self.notification_id_name: if placeholder_for_id: if self.notification_id_name not in field_names: field_names.append(self.notification_id_name) statement = tmpl.format( tablename=self.get_record_table_name(record_class), columns=", ".join(field_names), placeholders=", ".join([self.make_placeholder(f) for f in field_names]), notification_id=self.notification_id_name, ) return statement
[docs] @abstractmethod def make_placeholder(self, field_name: str) -> str: """ Returns "placeholder" string for late binding of values to query. Depends on record manager's adapted database system or adapted ORM. """
_insert_select_max_tmpl = ( "INSERT INTO {tablename} ({notification_id}, {columns}) " "SELECT COALESCE(MAX({tablename}.{notification_id}), 0) + 1, {placeholders} " "FROM " "{tablename}" ) @property @abstractmethod def _where_application_name_tmpl(self) -> str: """ Returns template string for "WHERE" clause of SQL statement. """ @property def insert_values(self) -> Any: """ SQL statement that inserts records without ID. """ if self._insert_values is None: self._insert_values = self._prepare_insert( tmpl=self._insert_values_tmpl, placeholder_for_id=True, record_class=self.record_class, field_names=list(self.field_names), ) return self._insert_values @property def insert_tracking_record(self) -> Any: """ SQL statement that inserts tracking records. """ if self._insert_tracking_record is None: assert self.tracking_record_class is not None self._insert_tracking_record = self._prepare_insert( tmpl=self._insert_values_tmpl, placeholder_for_id=True, record_class=self.tracking_record_class, field_names=self.tracking_record_field_names, ) return self._insert_tracking_record _insert_values_tmpl = ( "INSERT INTO {tablename} ({columns}) " "VALUES ({placeholders});" )
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_record_table_name(self, record_class: type) -> str: """ Returns table name - used in raw queries. :rtype: str """
[docs]class AbstractEventStore(ABC, Generic[TEvent, TRecordManager]): """ Abstract base class for event stores. Defines the methods expected of an event store by other classes in the library. """
[docs] def __init__( self, record_manager: TRecordManager, event_mapper: AbstractSequencedItemMapper, ): """ Initialises event store object. :param record_manager: record manager :param event_mapper: sequenced item mapper """ self.record_manager = record_manager self.event_mapper = event_mapper
[docs] @abstractmethod def store_events(self, events: Iterable[TEvent]) -> None: """ Put domain event in event store for later retrieval. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def iter_events( self, originator_id: UUID, gt: Optional[int] = None, gte: Optional[int] = None, lt: Optional[int] = None, lte: Optional[int] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, is_ascending: bool = True, page_size: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Iterable[TEvent]: """ Returns iterable of domain events for given entity ID. """
[docs] def list_events(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> List[TEvent]: """ Returns list of domain events for given entity ID. """ return list(self.iter_events(*args, **kwargs))
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_event(self, originator_id: UUID, position: int) -> TEvent: """ Returns a single domain event. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_most_recent_event( self, originator_id: UUID, lt: Optional[int] = None, lte: Optional[int] = None ) -> Optional[TEvent]: """ Returns most recent domain event for given entity ID. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def all_events(self) -> Iterable[TEvent]: """ Returns all domain events in the event store. This works by iterating over all sequences, so doesn't return events in order. Use a Notification Log to project application state. """
[docs] def get_domain_events( self, originator_id: UUID, gt: Optional[int] = None, gte: Optional[int] = None, lt: Optional[int] = None, lte: Optional[int] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, is_ascending: bool = True, page_size: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Iterable[TEvent]: """ Deprecated. Please use iter_events() instead. Gets domain events from the sequence identified by `originator_id`. :param originator_id: ID of a sequence of events :param gt: get items after this position :param gte: get items at or after this position :param lt: get items before this position :param lte: get items before or at this position :param limit: get limited number of items :param is_ascending: get items from lowest position :param page_size: restrict and repeat database query :return: list of domain events """ return self.iter_events( originator_id=originator_id, gt=gt, gte=gte, lt=lt, lte=lte, limit=limit, is_ascending=is_ascending, page_size=page_size, )
[docs] @abstractmethod def items_from_events(self, events: Iterable[TEvent]) -> Iterable[NamedTuple]: """ Maps domain event to sequenced item namedtuple. :param events: An iterable of events. """
[docs]class AbstractSnapshop(ActualOccasion): @property @abstractmethod def topic(self) -> str: """ Path to the class of the snapshotted entity. """ @property @abstractmethod def state(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ State of the snapshotted entity. """ @property @abstractmethod def originator_id(self) -> UUID: """ ID of the snapshotted entity. """ @property @abstractmethod def originator_version(self) -> int: """ Version of the last event applied to the entity. """
[docs]class AbstractEntityRepository(Generic[TEntity, TEvent]):
[docs] @abstractmethod def __getitem__(self, entity_id: UUID) -> TEntity: """ Returns entity for given ID. Raises ``RepositoryKeyError`` when entity not found. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def __contains__(self, entity_id: UUID) -> bool: """ Returns True or False, according to whether or not entity exists. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_entity( self, entity_id: UUID, at: Optional[int] = None ) -> Optional[TEntity]: """ Returns entity for given ID. Returns None when entity not found. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def take_snapshot( self, entity_id: UUID, lt: Optional[int] = None, lte: Optional[int] = None ) -> Optional[AbstractSnapshop]: """ Takes snapshot of entity state, using stored events. """