Source code for eventsourcing.infrastructure.popo.manager

from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence
from uuid import UUID

from readerwriterlock.rwlock import RWLockFair

from eventsourcing.exceptions import RecordConflictError
from eventsourcing.infrastructure.base import ACIDRecordManager, TrackingKwargs

class PopoNotification(object):
    def __init__(
        notification_id: int,
        originator_id: UUID,
        originator_version: int,
        topic: str,
        state: str,
        self.notification_id = notification_id
        self.originator_id = originator_id
        self.originator_version = originator_version
        self.topic = topic
        self.state = state

[docs]class PopoRecordManager(ACIDRecordManager):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any): super(PopoRecordManager, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._all_sequence_records: Dict[ Optional[str], Dict[UUID, Dict[int, NamedTuple]] ] = {} self._all_sequence_max: Dict = {} self._all_tracking_records: Dict = {} self._all_tracking_max: Dict = {} self._all_notification_records: Dict[Optional[str], Dict[int, Any]] = {} self._all_notification_max: Dict = {} self._rw_lock: RWLockFair = RWLockFair()
[docs] def all_sequence_ids(self) -> List[UUID]: ids: List[UUID] = [] with self._rw_lock.gen_rlock(): try: ids = list(self._all_sequence_records[self.application_name].keys()) except KeyError: pass return ids
[docs] def delete_record(self, record: Any) -> None: with self._rw_lock.gen_wlock(): sequence_records = self._get_sequence_records(record.sequence_id) position = getattr(record, self.field_names.position) sequence_records.pop(position, None)
[docs] def get_max_notification_id(self) -> int: with self._rw_lock.gen_rlock(): max_record_id = self._get_max_record_id() return max_record_id
def _get_max_record_id(self) -> int: try: max_notification_id = self._all_notification_max[self.application_name] except KeyError: return 0 else: return max_notification_id def _get_notification_records(self) -> Dict[int, Any]: notification_records: Dict[int, Any] = {} try: notification_records = self._all_notification_records[self.application_name] except KeyError: pass return notification_records
[docs] def get_notifications( self, start: Optional[int] = None, stop: Optional[int] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any ) -> Iterable: notifications = [] with self._rw_lock.gen_rlock(): notification_records = self._get_notification_records() if start is None: i = 1 else: i = start + 1 while True: if stop is not None and i >= stop + 1: break try: notification_record = notification_records[i] notification = PopoNotification( notification_id=notification_record["notification_id"], originator_id=notification_record[ "sequenced_item" ].originator_id, originator_version=notification_record[ "sequenced_item" ].originator_version, topic=notification_record["sequenced_item"].topic, state=notification_record["sequenced_item"].state, ) notifications.append(notification) except KeyError: break else: i += 1 return notifications
[docs] def get_max_tracking_record_id(self, upstream_application_name: str) -> int: max_id = 0 with self._rw_lock.gen_rlock(): try: app_records = self._all_tracking_records[self.application_name] upstream_records = app_records[upstream_application_name] except KeyError: pass else: if len(upstream_records): max_id = max(upstream_records) return max_id
[docs] def get_record(self, sequence_id: UUID, position: int) -> Any: with self._rw_lock.gen_rlock(): try: return self._get_sequence_records(sequence_id)[position] except KeyError: raise IndexError(self.application_name, sequence_id, position)
[docs] def get_records( self, sequence_id: UUID, gt: Optional[int] = None, gte: Optional[int] = None, lt: Optional[int] = None, lte: Optional[int] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, query_ascending: bool = True, results_ascending: bool = True, ) -> Sequence[Any]: start = None if gt is not None: start = gt + 1 if gte is not None: if start is None: start = gte else: start = max(start, gte) end = None if lt is not None: end = lt if lte is not None: if end is None: end = lte + 1 else: end = min(end, lte + 1) selected_records: List = [] with self._rw_lock.gen_rlock(): all_sequence_records = self._get_sequence_records(sequence_id) if not len(all_sequence_records): return [] if end is None: max_position = self._all_sequence_max[self.application_name][ sequence_id ] end = max_position + 1 if start is None: start = min(all_sequence_records.keys()) for position in range(start, end): try: record = all_sequence_records[position] except KeyError: pass else: selected_records.append(record) if not query_ascending: selected_records = list(reversed(selected_records)) if limit is not None: selected_records = list(selected_records)[:limit] if query_ascending != results_ascending: selected_records = list(reversed(selected_records)) return selected_records
def _get_sequence_records(self, sequence_id: UUID) -> Dict: try: return self._all_sequence_records[self.application_name][sequence_id] except KeyError: return {}
[docs] def has_tracking_record( self, upstream_application_name: str, pipeline_id: int, notification_id: int ) -> bool: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def record_items(self, sequenced_items: Iterable[NamedTuple]) -> None: records = self.to_records(sequenced_items) self.write_records(records=records)
[docs] def write_records( self, records: Iterable[Any], tracking_kwargs: Optional[TrackingKwargs] = None, orm_objs_pending_save: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None, orm_objs_pending_delete: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None, ) -> None: with self._rw_lock.gen_wlock(): # Write event and notification records. for record in records: self._insert_record(record) if tracking_kwargs: # Write a tracking record. upstream_application_name = tracking_kwargs["upstream_application_name"] application_name = tracking_kwargs["application_name"] notification_id = tracking_kwargs["notification_id"] assert application_name == self.application_name, ( application_name, self.application_name, ) try: app_tracking_records = self._all_tracking_records[application_name] except KeyError: app_tracking_records = {} self._all_tracking_records[ self.application_name ] = app_tracking_records try: upstream_tracking_records = app_tracking_records[ upstream_application_name ] except KeyError: upstream_tracking_records = set() app_tracking_records[ upstream_application_name ] = upstream_tracking_records if notification_id in upstream_tracking_records: raise RecordConflictError( (application_name, upstream_application_name, notification_id) ) upstream_tracking_records.add(notification_id)
def _insert_record(self, sequenced_item: NamedTuple) -> None: position = getattr(sequenced_item, self.field_names.position) if not isinstance(position, int): raise NotImplementedError( "Popo record manager only supports sequencing with integers, " "but position was a {}".format(type(position)) ) sequence_id = getattr(sequenced_item, self.field_names.sequence_id) try: application_records = self._all_sequence_records[self.application_name] except KeyError: sequence_records: Dict[int, NamedTuple] = {} application_records = {sequence_id: sequence_records} self._all_sequence_records[self.application_name] = application_records self._all_sequence_max[self.application_name] = {} else: try: sequence_records = application_records[sequence_id] except KeyError: sequence_records = {} application_records[sequence_id] = sequence_records if position in sequence_records: raise RecordConflictError(position, len(sequence_records)) if self.notification_id_name: # Just make sure we aren't making a gap in the sequence. if sequence_records: max_position = self._all_sequence_max[self.application_name][ sequence_id ] next_position = max_position + 1 else: next_position = 0 if position != next_position: raise AssertionError( "Next position for sequence {} is {}, not {}".format( sequence_id, next_position, position ) ) sequence_records[position] = sequenced_item self._all_sequence_max[self.application_name][sequence_id] = position # Write a notification record. if self.notification_id_name: try: notification_records = self._all_notification_records[ self.application_name ] except KeyError: notification_records = {} self._all_notification_records[ self.application_name ] = notification_records next_notification_id = (self._get_max_record_id() or 0) + 1 notification_records[next_notification_id] = { "notification_id": next_notification_id, "sequenced_item": sequenced_item, } self._all_notification_max[self.application_name] = next_notification_id def to_records(self, sequenced_items: Iterable[NamedTuple]) -> Iterable[Any]: return (PopoStoredEventRecord(s) for s in sequenced_items)
[docs]class PopoStoredEventRecord(object): """ Encapsulates sequenced item tuple (containing real event object). Allows other attributes to be set, such as notification ID. """
[docs] def __init__(self, sequenced_item: NamedTuple): self.sequenced_item = sequenced_item
def __getattr__(self, item: str) -> Any: return getattr(self.sequenced_item, item)