Source code for eventsourcing.infrastructure.snapshotting

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Optional
from uuid import UUID

from eventsourcing.domain.model.entity import TVersionedEntity
from eventsourcing.domain.model.snapshot import Snapshot
from eventsourcing.infrastructure.base import (
from eventsourcing.infrastructure.sequenceditemmapper import reconstruct_object
from eventsourcing.utils.topic import get_topic, resolve_topic

[docs]class AbstractSnapshotStrategy(ABC):
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_snapshot( self, entity_id: UUID, lt: Optional[int] = None, lte: Optional[int] = None ) -> Optional[AbstractSnapshop]: """ Gets the last snapshot for entity, optionally until a particular version number. :rtype: Snapshot """
[docs] @abstractmethod def take_snapshot( self, entity_id: UUID, entity: object, last_event_version: int ) -> Snapshot: """ Takes a snapshot of entity, using given ID, state and version number. """
[docs]class EventSourcedSnapshotStrategy(AbstractSnapshotStrategy): """Snapshot strategy that uses an event sourced snapshot. """
[docs] def __init__( self, snapshot_store: AbstractEventStore[AbstractSnapshop, AbstractRecordManager], ): self.snapshot_store = snapshot_store
[docs] def get_snapshot( self, entity_id: UUID, lt: Optional[int] = None, lte: Optional[int] = None ) -> Optional[AbstractSnapshop]: """ Gets the last snapshot for entity, optionally until a particular version number. :rtype: Snapshot """ snapshots = self.snapshot_store.list_events( entity_id, lt=lt, lte=lte, limit=1, is_ascending=False ) snapshot = None if len(snapshots) == 1: snapshot = snapshots[0] return snapshot
# Todo: Rename as create_snapshot?
[docs] def take_snapshot( self, entity_id: UUID, entity: object, last_event_version: int ) -> Snapshot: """ Creates a Snapshot from the given state, and appends it to the snapshot store. :rtype: Snapshot """ # Create the snapshot. snapshot = Snapshot( originator_id=entity_id, originator_version=last_event_version, topic=get_topic(entity.__class__), state=None if entity is None else deepcopy(entity.__dict__), ) self.snapshot_store.store_events([snapshot]) # Return the snapshot. return snapshot
[docs]def entity_from_snapshot(snapshot: AbstractSnapshop) -> Optional[TVersionedEntity]: """ Reconstructs domain entity from given snapshot. """ assert isinstance(snapshot, AbstractSnapshop), type(snapshot) if snapshot.state is not None: entity_class = resolve_topic(snapshot.topic) return reconstruct_object(entity_class, snapshot.state)