Source code for eventsourcing.infrastructure.sqlalchemy.datastore

import os
from typing import Optional, Union, Sequence, Any, Dict

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.engine import Engine
from sqlalchemy.exc import InternalError
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import DeclarativeMeta
from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker, Session
from sqlalchemy.pool import StaticPool

from eventsourcing.infrastructure.datastore import AbstractDatastore, DatastoreSettings
from eventsourcing.infrastructure.sqlalchemy.records import Base

SQLITE_IN_MEMORY = "sqlite:///:memory:"
# DEFAULT_SQLALCHEMY_DB_URI = 'mysql://username:password@localhost/eventsourcing'
# DEFAULT_SQLALCHEMY_DB_URI = 'postgresql://username:password@localhost:5432/eventsourcing'

[docs]class SQLAlchemySettings(DatastoreSettings):
[docs] def __init__(self, uri: Optional[str] = None, pool_size: Optional[int] = None): if uri is not None: self.uri = uri else: self.uri = os.getenv("DB_URI", DEFAULT_SQLALCHEMY_DB_URI) if pool_size is not None: self.pool_size = pool_size else: self.pool_size = int( os.getenv("DB_POOL_SIZE", DEFAULT_SQLALCHEMY_DB_POOL_SIZE) )
[docs]class SQLAlchemyDatastore(AbstractDatastore[SQLAlchemySettings]):
[docs] def __init__( self, settings: SQLAlchemySettings, base: DeclarativeMeta = Base, tables: Optional[Sequence] = None, connection_strategy: str = "plain", session: Optional[Union[Session, scoped_session]] = None, ): super(SQLAlchemyDatastore, self).__init__(settings=settings) self._was_session_created_here = False self._session = session if session: self._engine: Optional[Engine] = session.get_bind() else: self._engine = None self._base = base self._tables = tables self._connection_strategy = connection_strategy
@property def session(self) -> Union[Session, scoped_session]: if self._session is None: if self._engine is None: self.setup_connection() session_factory = sessionmaker(bind=self._engine) self._session = scoped_session(session_factory) self._was_session_created_here = True return self._session
[docs] def setup_connection(self) -> None: assert isinstance(self.settings, SQLAlchemySettings), self.settings if self._engine is None: if self.is_sqlite(): kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {"connect_args": {"check_same_thread": False}} elif self.settings.pool_size == 1: kwargs = {"poolclass": StaticPool} else: kwargs = {"pool_size": self.settings.pool_size} self._engine = create_engine( self.settings.uri, strategy=self._connection_strategy, # echo=True, **kwargs ) assert self._engine
# Experiment with shared cache in sqlite :memory: database. The snag is # that when the database is locked by one thread and another attempts to # access, then the other thread immediately raises an exception because # the database is locked. There are no concurrent transactions, so access # would need to be controlled with a lock. # # def setup_connection(self): # assert isinstance(self.settings, SQLAlchemySettings), self.settings # if self._engine is None: # args = [] # kwargs = {} # if self.is_sqlite(): # kwargs['connect_args'] = { # 'check_same_thread': False, # } # # if self.settings.uri == SQLITE_IN_MEMORY: # # Do some things to pass in cache=shared, so in-memory database # # has a shared (rather than private) cache, which makes it work # # with multiple threads. # PY2 = sys.version_info.major == 2 # if PY2: # params = {} # else: # params = {'uri': True} # kwargs['creator'] = lambda: sqlite3.connect('file::memory:?cache=shared', **params) # args.append('sqlite://') # else: # args.append(self.settings.uri) # # elif self.settings.pool_size == 1: # kwargs['poolclass'] = StaticPool # args.append(self.settings.uri) # else: # kwargs['pool_size'] = self.settings.pool_size # args.append(self.settings.uri) # # self._engine = create_engine( # strategy=self._connection_strategy, # *args, # **kwargs # ) # assert self._engine def is_sqlite(self) -> bool: return self.settings.uri is not None and self.settings.uri.startswith("sqlite")
[docs] def setup_tables(self) -> None: if self._tables is not None: for table in self._tables: self.setup_table(table)
[docs] def setup_table(self, table: Any) -> None: if self._engine is None: raise Exception("Engine not set when required: {}".format(self)) try: table.__table__.create(self._engine, checkfirst=True) except InternalError as e: if "Table '{}' already exists".format(table.__tablename__) in str(e): # This is a race condition from checkfirst=True. Can happen # if two threads call this method at the same time. pass else: raise
[docs] def drop_tables(self) -> None: if self._tables is not None: for table in self._tables: self.drop_table(table)
[docs] def drop_table(self, table: Any) -> None: table.__table__.drop(self._engine, checkfirst=True)
[docs] def truncate_tables(self) -> None: self.drop_tables()
[docs] def close_connection(self) -> None: if self._was_session_created_here: if self._session: self._session.close() self._session = None if self._engine: # Call dispose(), unless sqlite (to avoid error 'stored_events' # table does not exist in projections.rst doc). if not self.is_sqlite(): self._engine.dispose() self._engine = None