Source code for eventsourcing.utils.random

from base64 import b64encode, b64decode

import os

[docs]def encoded_random_bytes(num_bytes: int) -> str: """ Generates random bytes, encoded as Base64 unicode string. :param num_bytes: Number of random bytes to generate. :return: Random bytes of specified length, encoded as Base64 unicode string. """ return encode_bytes(random_bytes(num_bytes))
encode_random_bytes = encoded_random_bytes # Backward compatibility with <= 7.2.9999.
[docs]def random_bytes(num_bytes: int) -> bytes: """ Generates random bytes. :param num_bytes: Number of random bytes to generate. :return: Random bytes of specified length. :type: bytes """ return os.urandom(num_bytes)
[docs]def encode_bytes(value: bytes) -> str: """ Encodes value as Base64 unicode string. :param value: Bytes to be encoded. """ return b64encode(value).decode("utf-8")
[docs]def decode_bytes(value: str) -> bytes: """ Decodes bytes from Base64 encoded unicode string. :param str value: Base64 string. :returns: Bytes that were encoded with Base64. :rtype: bytes """ return b64decode(value.encode("utf-8"))