Source code for eventsourcing.application.notificationlog

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence, Union

from eventsourcing.domain.model.array import BigArray
from eventsourcing.infrastructure.base import (


[docs]class Section(object): """ Section of a notification log. Contains items, and has an ID. May also have either IDs of previous and next sections of the notification log. """
[docs] def __init__( self, section_id: str, items: List, previous_id: Optional[str] = None, next_id: Optional[str] = None, ): self.section_id = section_id self.items = items self.previous_id = previous_id self.next_id = next_id
[docs]class AbstractNotificationLog(ABC): """ Presents a sequence of sections from a sequence of notifications. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def __getitem__(self, section_id: str) -> Section: """ Get section of notification log. :param section_id: ID of a section of the notification log. """
@property @abstractmethod def section_size(self) -> int: """ Size of section of notification log. """
[docs]class LocalNotificationLog(AbstractNotificationLog): """ Presents a sequence of sections from a sequence of notifications. """
[docs] def __init__(self, section_size: Optional[int] = None): self._section_size: int = section_size or DEFAULT_SECTION_SIZE
# self.last_start = None @property def section_size(self) -> int: """ Size of section of notification log. """ return self._section_size
[docs] def __getitem__(self, section_id: str) -> Section: # Get section of notification log. if section_id == "current": # Get start of the last section. next_position = self.get_next_position() start: int = next_position // self.section_size * self.section_size else: try: section_id_part1, _ = section_id.split(",") except ValueError as e: raise ValueError("Couldn't split '{}': {}".format(section_id, e)) # Convert from 1-based to 0-based. start = int(section_id_part1) - 1 # Go back to nearest section start. start = start // self.section_size * self.section_size # Get stop index (section doesn't include this one). stop = start + self.section_size # Get the items. items = list(self.get_items(start, stop)) # Get previous and next section IDs. previous_id: Optional[str] = None next_id: Optional[str] = None if start: first_item_number = start + 1 - self.section_size last_item_number = first_item_number - 1 + self.section_size previous_id = self.format_section_id(first_item_number, last_item_number) if len(items) == self.section_size: first_item_number = start + 1 + self.section_size last_item_number = first_item_number - 1 + self.section_size next_id = self.format_section_id(first_item_number, last_item_number) # Return a section of the notification log. section_id = self.format_section_id(start + 1, start + self.section_size) return Section( section_id=section_id, items=items, previous_id=previous_id, next_id=next_id )
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_next_position(self) -> int: """Returns next unoccupied position in zero-based sequence. Since the notification IDs are one-based, the next position in the zero-based sequence equals the current max notification ID which is 1-based. If there are no records, the max notification ID will be None, and the next position is zero. :returns: Non-negative integer. :rtype: int """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_items(self, start: int, stop: int) -> Sequence[Any]: """ Returns items for section. """
@staticmethod def format_section_id(first_item_number: int, last_item_number: int) -> str: return "{},{}".format(first_item_number, last_item_number)
[docs]class RecordManagerNotificationLog(LocalNotificationLog): """ Local notification log that gets notifications from a record manager. """
[docs] def __init__( self, record_manager: AbstractRecordManager, section_size: Optional[int] = None ): super(RecordManagerNotificationLog, self).__init__(section_size=section_size) assert isinstance( record_manager, RecordManagerWithNotifications ), record_manager assert record_manager.contiguous_record_ids self.record_manager = record_manager
[docs] def get_items(self, start: int, stop: Optional[int]) -> Sequence[Any]: """ Returns notification in log. :param start: Inclusive start position in log. :param stop: Inclusive stop position in log. :return: """ return list(self.record_manager.get_notifications(start, stop))
[docs] def get_next_position(self) -> int: """Returns next unoccupied position in zero-based sequence. Since the notification IDs are one-based, the next position in the zero-based sequence equals the current max notification ID which is 1-based. If there are no records, the max notification ID will be None, and the next position is zero. :returns: Non-negative integer. :rtype: int """ return self.record_manager.get_max_notification_id()
[docs]class BigArrayNotificationLog(LocalNotificationLog): """ Notification log that uses the BigArray class. """
[docs] def __init__(self, big_array: BigArray, section_size: int): super(BigArrayNotificationLog, self).__init__(section_size) assert isinstance(big_array, BigArray) if big_array.repo.array_size % section_size: raise ValueError( "Section size {} doesn't divide array size {}".format( section_size, big_array.repo.array_size ) ) self.big_array = big_array
[docs] def get_items(self, start: int, stop: int) -> Sequence[Any]: next_position = self.get_next_position() stop = min(stop, next_position) return self.big_array[start:stop]
[docs] def get_next_position(self) -> int: """Returns next unoccupied position in zero-based sequence. :returns: Non-negative integer. :rtype: int """ return self.big_array.get_next_position()
[docs]class NotificationLogReader(ABC):
[docs] def __init__( self, notification_log: AbstractNotificationLog, use_direct_query_if_available: bool = False, ): self.notification_log = notification_log self.section_count = 0 self.use_direct_query_if_available = use_direct_query_if_available self.position = 0
def __getitem__(self, item: Union[int, slice]) -> Iterable: if isinstance(item, slice): assert item.start >= 0, item.start return self.iter_notifications(stop_index=item.stop) else: assert isinstance(item, int), type(item) assert item >= 0, item return self.list_notifications(advance_by=1)[0] def __iter__(self) -> Iterable: return self.iter_notifications() def __next__(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: try: return self.list_notifications(advance_by=1)[0] except IndexError: raise StopIteration
[docs] def seek(self, position: int) -> None: """ Sets position of reader in notification log sequence. This represents the position of the last notification read by the reader. The next notification returned by the reader will be the next position. :param int position: Position is notification log sequence. :raises ValueError: if the position is less than zero """ if position < 0: raise ValueError("Position less than zero: {}".format(position)) self.position = position
def read(self, advance_by: Optional[int] = None) -> Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]: return self.iter_notifications(advance_by=advance_by) def list_notifications( self, advance_by: Optional[int] = None ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: return list(self.iter_notifications(advance_by=advance_by)) def iter_notifications( self, stop_index: Optional[int] = None, advance_by: Optional[int] = None ) -> Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]: self.section_count = 0 # Validate the position. if self.position < 0: raise ValueError("Position less than zero: {}".format(self.position)) if self.use_direct_query_if_available and isinstance( self.notification_log, RecordManagerNotificationLog ): # Directly query for notifications. The args 'start' and 'stop' # are the start and stop positions for a slice in a zero-based # index. The stop position will not be included in the results # obtained from notification_log.get_items(start, stop), much # like a Python slice used to get items from a Python list. start = self.position if advance_by is not None: stop: Optional[int] = start + advance_by elif stop_index: stop = stop_index else: stop = None for item in self.notification_log.get_items(start=start, stop=stop): yield item self.position += 1 else: # Otherwise, use sections (Vaughn Vernon's linked section design). section = self.notification_log[self.initial_section_id] # We need to create a section ID, which uses notification # numbers, and they start from 1. The position int points to next unread # position in notification log, using a zero-based integer sequence to # index an array of notifications. The number of the notification is # always one greater than the index of its position. start_item_num = self.position + 1 # Follow previous links. while section.previous_id: # Break if we can go forward from here. if int(section.section_id.split(",")[0]) <= start_item_num: break # Get the previous document. section_id = section.previous_id section = self.notification_log[section_id] # Yield items in first section, optionally after last item number. self.section_count += 1 items = section.items if start_item_num is not None: section_start_num = int(section.section_id.split(",")[0]) from_index = start_item_num - section_start_num items = items[from_index:] if advance_by is None: advance_by = -1 # Yield all items in all subsequent sections. while True: items_iter = iter(items) while True: if stop_index is not None and self.position >= stop_index: return if advance_by == 0: return try: item = next(items_iter) except StopIteration: break self.position += 1 advance_by -= 1 yield item if section.next_id: # Follow link to get next section. section = self.notification_log[section.next_id] items = section.items self.section_count += 1 else: break @property def initial_section_id(self) -> str: """ Returns initial section ID used to start getting linked sections from the notification log. Slight departure from Vaughn Vernon's design by not using 'current' as initial section ID, but a section ID that just includes the "next" position, which the notification log can use to return the section containing this position. This avoids lengthy back- tracking when reader has a lot of notifications to catch-up on. This property has been extracted in order to allow a subclass to adjust this default behaviour. It would be possible to calculate the actual section ID from the current reader position. Using section ID of an actual section may hit a cache and avoid troubling the server, but the reader would need to know the section size of the notification log it is reading. If we don't know section size, perhaps it is a remote notification log, we can use 'current' to hit a cache. In future, it might be possible to ask the notification log to disclose it's section size, or compute an actual section ID for a given position. :return: A notification log section ID. :rtype: str """ # Calculate the section start and end. # - notification ID sequence start,end are 1-based # - 'position' is 1-based, but 1 behind the next position # - we want to get the next position # - the modulo calculation works with 0-based index # - 'position' is equal to zero-based index of next item # - section IDs use 1-based start and end values. section_size = self.notification_log.section_size start = self.position // section_size * section_size end = start + section_size return "%d,%d" % (start + 1, end)
[docs] def read_list(self, advance_by: Optional[int] = None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Deprecated in 8.0.0. Please use list_notifications() instead. """ return self.list_notifications(advance_by=advance_by)
[docs] def read_items( self, stop_index: Optional[int] = None, advance_by: Optional[int] = None ) -> Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Deprecated in 8.0.0. Please use iter_notifications() instead. """ return self.iter_notifications(stop_index=stop_index, advance_by=advance_by)