domain — Domain models

This module helps with developing event-sourced domain models.

An event-sourced domain model has many event-sourced aggregates. The state of an event-sourced aggregate is determined by a sequence of domain events. The time needed to reconstruct an aggregate from its domain events can be reduced by using snapshots.

Aggregates in DDD

Aggregates are enduring objects which enjoy adventures of change. The book Domain-Driven Design by Eric Evans’ describes a design pattern called “aggregate” in the following way.

“An aggregate is a cluster of associated objects that we treat as a unit for the purpose of data changes. Each aggregate has a root and a boundary…


Cluster the entities and value objects into aggregates and define boundaries around each. Choose one entity to be the root of each aggregate, and control all access to the objects inside the boundary through the root. Allow external objects to hold references to the root only.”

An aggregate is a cluster of ‘entities’ and ‘value objects’. An entity is an object with a fixed unique identity and other attributes that may vary. A value object does not vary, and does not necessarily have a unique identity. This basic notion of a cluster of software objects is understandable as straightforward object-oriented programming.

An aggregate has a ‘root’. The ‘root’ of an aggregate is an entity. This entity is known as the ‘root entity’ or the ‘aggregate root’. Entities have IDs and the ID of the root entity is used to uniquely identify the cluster of objects in a domain model. Access to the cluster of objects is made through the root entity.

Changes to the cluster of objects are made using ‘command methods’ defined on the root entity, and the state of the cluster of objects is obtained by using either ‘query methods’ or properties of the root entity. The idea of distinguishing between command methods (methods that change state but do not return values) and query methods (methods that return values but do not change state) is known as ‘command-query separation’ or CQS. CQS was devised by Bertrand Meyer and described in his book Object Oriented Software Construction.

The ‘boundary’ of the aggregate is defined by the extent of the cluster of objects. The ‘consistency’ of the cluster of objects is maintaining by making sure all the changes that result from a single command are recorded atomically. There is only ever one cluster of objects for any given aggregate, so there is no branching, and the atomic changes have a serial order. These two notions of ‘consistency’ and ‘boundary’ are combined in the notion in Domain-Driven Design of ‘consistency boundary’. Whilst we can recognise the cluster of objects as basic object-orientated programming, and we can recognise the use of command and query methods as the more refined pattern called CQS, the ‘consistency boundary’ notion gives to the aggregates in Domain-Driven Design their distinctive character.

Event-sourced aggregates

It is in the Zen of Python that explicit is better than implicit. The changes to an aggregate’s cluster of objects will always follow from decisions made by the aggregate, but these decisions had not been directly expressed as objects. It will always be true that a decision itself does not change, but this fact had not been directly expressed.

“Explicit is better than implicit.”

To make things explicit, the decisions made in the command methods of an aggregate can be coded and recorded as a sequence of immutable ‘domain event’ objects, and this sequence can be used to evolve the aggregate’s cluster of entities and value objects. Event-sourced aggregates make these things explicit. For each event-sourced aggregate, there is a sequence of domain event objects, and the state of an event-sourced aggregate is determined by its sequence of domain event objects. The state of an aggregate can change, and its sequence of domain events can be augmented. But once created the individual domain event objects do not change. They are what they are. The notion of ‘change’ is the contrast between successive domain events in an aggregate’s sequence (contrasted from the standpoint of the cluster of objects within an aggregate’s consistency boundary, which is a standpoint that may change since there must be a function that applies the events to the cluster, and this function can be adjusted. Hence it isn’t strictly true to say that the state of an aggregate is determined by a sequence of events. The events merely contribute determination, and the state is in fact determined by a combination of the sequence of events and a function that constructs that state from those events, but I digress…)

The state of an aggregate, event-sourced or not, is changed by calling its command methods. In an event-sourced aggregate, the command methods create new domain event objects. The domain events are used to evolve the state of the aggregate. By evolving the state of the aggregate via creating and applying domain events, the domain events can be recorded and used in future to reconstruct the state of the aggregate.

One command may result in many new domain event objects, and a single client request may result in the execution of many commands. To maintain consistency in the domain model, all the domain events triggered by responding to a single client request must be recorded atomically in the order they were created, otherwise the recorded state of the aggregate may become inconsistent with respect to that which was desired or expected.

Aggregate base class

This library’s Aggregate class is a base class for event-sourced aggregates. It can be imported from the library’s eventsourcing.domain module.

from eventsourcing.domain import Aggregate

The Aggregate base class can be used to develop event-sourced aggregates. See for example the World aggregate in the basic example below. The Aggregate base class has three methods which can be used by subclasses:

  • the class method _create() is used to create aggregate objects;
  • the object method trigger_event() is used to trigger subsequent events; and
  • the object method collect_events() is used to collect aggregate events that have been triggered.

These methods are explained below.

Creating new aggregates

Firstly, the Aggregate class has a “private” class method _create() which can be used to create a new aggregate. It works by creating the first of a new sequence of domain event objects, and uses this domain event object to construct and initialise an instance of the aggregate class. Usually, this “private” method will be called by a “public” class method defined on a subclass of the Aggregate base class. For example, see the class method create() of the World aggregate class in the basic example below.

The _create() method has a required positional argument event_class which is used by the caller to pass a domain event class that will represent the fact that an aggregate was “created”. A domain event object of this type will be constructed by this method, and this domain event object will be used to construct and initialise an aggregate object. This method will then return that aggregate object. The _create() method also has a required id argument which should be a Python UUID object that will be used to uniquely identify the aggregate in the domain model.

from uuid import uuid4

aggregate_id = uuid4()

aggregate = Aggregate._create(Aggregate.Created, id=aggregate_id)

The library’s Aggregate base class is defined with a nested class Created which can be used to represent the fact that an aggregate was “created”. The Created class is defined as a frozen Python data class with four attributes: the ID of an aggregate, a version number, a timestamp, and the topic of an aggregate class — see the Domain events section below for more information. Except for the ID which is passed as the id argument to the _create() method, the values of these other attributes are worked out by the _create() method. The Created class can be used directly, but is normally subclassed to define a particular “created” event class for a particular aggregate class, with a suitable name and with suitable extra attributes that represent the particular beginning of a particular type of aggregate. A “created” event class should be named using a past participle that describes the beginning of something, such as “Started”, “Opened”, or indeed “Created”.

The _create() method also accepts arbitrary keyword-only arguments, which if given will also be used to construct the event object in addition to those mentioned above. The “created” event object will be constructed with these additional arguments, and so the extra method arguments must be matched by the attributes of the “created” event class. (The concrete aggregate class’s initializer method __init__() should also be coded to accept these extra arguments.)

Having been created, an aggregate object will have an aggregate ID. The ID is presented by its id property. The ID will be identical to the value passed with the id argument to the _create() method.

assert == aggregate_id

A new aggregate instance has a version number. The version number is presented by its version property, and is a Python int. The initial version of a newly created aggregate is always 1.

assert aggregate.version == 1

A new aggregate instance has a created_on property which gives the date and time when an aggregate object was created, and is determined by the timestamp attribute of the first event in the aggregate’s sequence, which is the “created” event. It is a Python datetime object.

from datetime import datetime

assert isinstance(aggregate.created_on, datetime)

A new aggregate instance also has a modified_on property which gives the date and time when an aggregate object was last modified, and is determined by the timestamp attribute of the last event in the aggregate’s sequence. It is also a Python datetime object.

from datetime import datetime

assert isinstance(aggregate.modified_on, datetime)

Initially, since there is only one event in the aggregate’s sequence, the created_on and modified_on values are identical, and equal to the timestamp of the “created” event.

assert aggregate.created_on == aggregate.modified_on

Triggering subsequent events

Secondly, the Aggregate class has a method trigger_event() which can be called to create subsequent aggregate event objects and apply them to the aggregate. This method is usually called by the command methods of an aggregate to express the decisions that it makes. For example, see the make_it_so() method of the World class in the basic example below.

The trigger_event() method has a positional argument event_class, which is used to pass the type of aggregate event to be triggered.

from eventsourcing.domain import AggregateEvent


The Aggregate class has a nested Event class. It is defined as a frozen Python data class with three attributes: the ID of an aggregate, a version number, and a timestamp. It can be used as a base class to define aggregate event classes. The Created event class discussed above is a subclass of Event. For another example, see the SomethingHappened class in the basic example below. Aggregate event classes are usually named using past participles to describe what was decided by the command method, such as “Done”, “Updated”, “Closed”, etc. See the Domain events section below for more information about aggregate event classes. They can be defined on aggregate classes as nested classes.

The trigger_event() method also accepts arbitrary keyword-only arguments, which will be used to construct the aggregate event object. As with the _create() method described above, the event object will be constructed with these arguments, and so any extra arguments must be matched by the expected values of the event class. For example what: str on the SomethingHappened event class in the basic example below matches the what=what keyword argument passed in the call to the trigger_event() method in the make_it_so() command.

The version will be incremented by 1 for each event that is triggered.

assert aggregate.version == 2

After triggering a second event, the modified time will be greater than the created time.

assert aggregate.modified_on > aggregate.created_on

Collecting pending events

Thirdly, the Aggregate class has a “public” object method collect_events() which can be called to collect the aggregate events that have been created but since either the last call to this method or since the aggregate object was constructed. This method is called without any arguments.

from eventsourcing.domain import AggregateCreated

pending_events = aggregate.collect_events()

assert len(pending_events) == 2

assert isinstance(pending_events[0], AggregateCreated)
assert pending_events[0].originator_id ==
assert pending_events[0].originator_version == 1
assert pending_events[0].timestamp == aggregate.created_on

assert isinstance(pending_events[1], AggregateEvent)
assert pending_events[1].originator_id ==
assert pending_events[1].originator_version == 2
assert pending_events[1].timestamp == aggregate.modified_on

Basic example

In the example below, the World aggregate is a subclass of the library’s base Aggregate class. The __init__() method extends the super class method and initialises a history attribute with an empty Python list object.

The create() method is a class method that creates and returns a new World aggregate object. It calls the base class _create() method. It uses its Created event class as the value of the event_class argument. It uses a version 4 UUID object as the value of the id argument. (See the Namespaced IDs section below for a discussion about using version 5 UUIDs.)

The make_it_so() method is a command method that triggers a World.SomethingHappened domain event. It calls the base class trigger_event() method. The event is triggered with the method argument what.

from eventsourcing.domain import Aggregate

class World(Aggregate):
    def __init__(self):
        self.history = []

    def create(cls):
        return cls._create(cls.Created, id=uuid4())

    class Created(AggregateCreated):

    def make_it_so(self, what):
        self.trigger_event(self.SomethingHappened, what=what)

    class SomethingHappened(AggregateEvent):
        what: str

        def apply(self, world):

The nested Created class is defined as a subclass of the base aggregate Created class. Although in this simple example this World.Created event class carries no more attributes than the base class event that it inherits, it’s always worth defining all event classes on the concrete aggregate class itself in case these classes need to be modified so that old instances can be upcast to new versions (see Versioning). The name of an event class should express your project’s ubiquitous language, take the grammatical form of a past participle (either regular or irregular), and describe the type of decision represented by the event class.

The nested SomethingHappened class is a frozen data class that extends the base aggregate event class Aggregate.Event (also a frozen data class) with a field what which is defined as a Python str. An apply() method is defined which appends the what value to the aggregate’s history. This method is called when the event is triggered (see Domain events).

By defining the event class under the command method which triggers it, and then defining an apply() method as part of the event class definition, the story of calling a command method, triggering an event, and evolving the state of the aggregate is expressed neatly in three parts.

Having defined the World aggregate class, we can create a new World aggregate object by calling the World.create() class method.

world = World.create()

assert isinstance(world, World)

The aggregate’s attributes created_on and modified_on show when the aggregate was created and when it was modified. Since there has only been one domain event, these are initially equal. The values of these attributes are timezone-aware Python datetime objects. These values follow from the timestamp values of the domain event objects, and represent when the aggregate’s first and last domain events were created. The timestamps have no consequences for the operation of the library, and are included to give a general indication to humans of when the domain events occurred.

from datetime import datetime

assert world.created_on == world.modified_on
assert isinstance(world.created_on, datetime)

We can call the aggregate object methods. The World aggregate has a command method make_it_so() which triggers the SomethingHappened event. The apply() method of the SomethingHappened class appends the what of the event to the history of the world. So when we call the make_it_so() command, the argument what will be appended to the history.

# Commands methods trigger events.

# State of aggregate object has changed.
assert world.history[0] == "dinosaurs"
assert world.history[1] == "trucks"
assert world.history[2] == "internet"

Now that more than one domain event has been created, the aggregate’s modified_on value is greater than its created_on value.

assert world.modified_on > world.created_on

The resulting domain events are now held internally in the aggregate in a list of pending events, in the pending_events attribute. The pending events can be collected by calling the aggregate’s collect_events() method. These events are pending to be saved, and indeed the library’s application object has a save() method which works by calling this method. So far, we have created four domain events and we have not yet collected them, and so there will be four pending events: one Created event, and three SomethingHappened events.

# Has four pending events.
assert len(world.pending_events) == 4

# Collect pending events.
pending_events = world.collect_events()
assert len(pending_events) == 4
assert len(world.pending_events) == 0

assert isinstance(pending_events[0], World.Created)
assert isinstance(pending_events[1], World.SomethingHappened)
assert isinstance(pending_events[2], World.SomethingHappened)
assert isinstance(pending_events[3], World.SomethingHappened)
assert pending_events[1].what == "dinosaurs"
assert pending_events[2].what == "trucks"
assert pending_events[3].what == "internet"

assert pending_events[0].timestamp == world.created_on
assert pending_events[3].timestamp == world.modified_on

Domain events

Domain events are created but do not change. They are uniquely identifiable in a domain model by a aggregate ID which identifies the sequence to which they belong and and a version number which determines their position in that sequence.

The library’s DomainEvent class is a base class for domain events. It is defined as a frozen data class with an originator_id attribute which is a Python UUID that holds an aggregate ID and identifies the sequence to which a domain event object belongs, an originator_version attribute which is a Python int that holds the version of an aggregate and determines the position of a domain event object in its sequence, and a timestamp attribute which is a Python datetime that represents when the event was created.

The timestamps have no consequences for the operation of the library. The aggregate events objects are ordered in their sequence by their version numbers, and not by their timestamps. The timestamps exist only to give a general indication to humans of when things occurred.

The library’s DomainEvent class is used (inherited) by the aggregate Event class. The library’s Snapshot class also inherits from the DomainEvent class — see Snapshots for more information about snapshots. The aggregate Event class is defined as a subclass of the domain event base class DomainEvent. Aggregate event objects represent original decisions by a domain model that advance the state of an application.

The aggregate Event class has a method mutate() which adjusts the state of an aggregate. It has an optional argument aggregate which is used to pass the aggregate object to which the domain event object pertains into the method when it is called. It returns an optional aggregate object, and the return value can be passed in when calling this method on another event object. An initial “created” event can construct an aggregate object, a subsequent event can receive and return an aggregate, and a final “discarded” event can receive an aggregate and return None. The mutate() methods of a sequence of aggregate events can be used to reconstruct a copy of the original aggregate object. And indeed the application repository object has a get() method which works by calling these methods.

copy = None
for domain_event in pending_events:
    copy = domain_event.mutate(copy)

assert isinstance(copy, World)
assert ==
assert copy.version == world.version
assert copy.created_on == world.created_on
assert copy.modified_on == world.modified_on
assert copy.history == world.history

The aggregate Event class has a method apply(). Like the mutate() method, it also has an argument aggregate which is used to pass the aggregate object to which the domain event object pertains into the method when it is called. The mutate() method calls the event’s apply() method before it returns. The base class apply() method body is empty, and so this method can be simply overridden (implemented without a call to the superclass method). It is also not expected to return a value (any value that it does return will be ignored). Hence this method can be simply and conveniently implemented in aggregate event classes to apply the event attribute values to the aggregate.

The mutate() and apply() methods of aggregate events effectively implement the “aggregate projection”, which means the function by which the events are processed to reconstruct the state of the aggregate. An alternative to use apply() methods on the event classes is to define apply methods on the aggregate class. A base Event class can be defined on the aggregate class which simply calls an apply() method on the aggregate class. This aggregate apply() method can be decorated with the @singledispatchmethod decorator, and then event-specific methods can be defined and registered that will apply the events to the aggregate. See the Cargo aggregate of the Cargo Shipping example for details. A further alternative is to use the declarative syntax.

The aggregate Created class represents the creation of an aggregate object instance. It is defined as a frozen data class that extends the base class Event with its attribute originator_topic which is Python str. The value of this attribute will be a topic that describes the path to the aggregate instance’s class. It has a mutate() method which constructs an aggregate object after resolving the originator_topic value to an aggregate class. It does not call apply() since the aggregate class __init__() method receives the “created” event attribute values and can fully initialise the aggregate object.

Domain event objects are usually created by aggregate methods, as part of a sequence that determines the state of an aggregate. The attribute values of new event objects are decided by these methods before the event is created. For example, the aggregate’s _create() method uses the given value of its id argument as the new event’s originator_id. It sets the originator_version to the value of 1. It derives the originator_topic value from the aggregate class. And it calls Python’s to create the timestamp value.

Similarly, the aggregate trigger_event() method uses the id attribute of the aggregate as the originator_id of the new domain event. It uses the current aggregate version to create the next version number (by adding 1) and uses this value as the originator_version of the new domain event. It calls to create the timestamp value of the new domain event.

The timestamp values are “timezone aware” datetime objects. The default timezone is UTC, as defined by Python’s datetime.timezone.utc. It is recommended to store date-times as UTC values, and convert to a local timezone in the interface layer according to the particular timezone of a particular user. However, if necessary, this default can be changed either by assigning a datetime.tzinfo object to the TZINFO attribute of the eventsourcing.domain module. The eventsourcing.domain.TZINFO value can also be configured using environment variables, by setting the environment variable TZINFO_TOPIC to a string that describes the topic of a Python datetime.tzinfo object (for example 'datetime:timezone.utc').


Snapshots speed up aggregate access time, by avoiding the need to retrieve and apply all the domain events when reconstructing an aggregate object instance. The library’s Snapshot class can be used to create and restore snapshots of aggregate object instances. See Snapshotting in the application module documentation for more information about taking snapshots in an event-sourced application.

The Snapshot class is defined as a subclass of the domain event base class DomainEvent. It is defined as a frozen data class and extends the base class with attributes topic and state, which hold the topic of an aggregate object class and the current state of an aggregate object.

from eventsourcing.domain import Snapshot

The class method take() can be used to create a snapshot of an aggregate object.

snapshot = Snapshot.take(world)

assert isinstance(snapshot, Snapshot)
assert snapshot.originator_id ==
assert snapshot.originator_version == world.version
assert snapshot.topic == "__main__:World", snapshot.topic
assert snapshot.state["history"] == world.history
assert snapshot.state["_created_on"] == world.created_on
assert snapshot.state["modified_on"] == world.modified_on
assert len(snapshot.state) == 3

A snapshot’s mutate() method can be used to reconstruct its aggregate object instance.

copy = snapshot.mutate(None)

assert isinstance(copy, World)
assert ==
assert copy.version == world.version
assert copy.created_on == world.created_on
assert copy.modified_on == world.modified_on
assert copy.history == world.history

The signature of the mutate() method is the same as the domain event object method of the same name, so that when reconstructing an aggregate, a list that starts with a snapshot and continues with the subsequent domain event objects can be treated in the same way as a list of all the domain event objects of an aggregate. This similarity is needed by the application repository, since some specialist event stores (e.g. AxonDB) return a snapshot as the first domain event.


Versioning allows aggregate and domain event classes to be modified after an application has been deployed.

On both aggregate and domain event classes, the class attribute class_version can be used to indicate the version of the class. This attribute is inferred to have a default value of 1. If the data model is changed, by adding or removing or renaming or changing the meaning of values of attributes, subsequent versions should be given a successively higher number than the previously deployed version. Static methods of the form upcast_vX_vY() will be called to update the state of a stored event or snapshot from a lower version X to the next higher version Y. Such upcast methods will be called to upcast the state from the version of the class with which it was created to the version of the class which will be reconstructed. For example, upcasting the stored state of an object created at version 2 of a class that will be used to reconstruct an object at version 4 of the class will involve calling upcast methods upcast_v2_v3(), and upcast_v3_v4(). If you aren’t using snapshots, you don’t need to define upcast methods or version numbers on the aggregate class.

In the example below, version 1 of the class MyAggregate is defined with an attribute a.

class MyAggregate(Aggregate):
    def __init__(self, a:str):
        self.a = a

    def create(cls, a:str):
        return cls._create(cls.Created, id=uuid4(), a=a)

    class Created(Aggregate.Created):
        a: str

After an application that uses the above aggregate class has been deployed, its Created events will have been created and stored with the a attribute defined. If subsequently the attribute b is added to the definition of the Created event, in order for the existing stored events to be constructed in a way that satisfies the new version of the class, the stored events will need to be upcast to have a value for b. In the example below, the static method upcast_v1_v2() defined on the Created event sets a default value for b in the given state. The class attribute class_version is set to 2. The same treatment is given to the aggregate class as the domain event class, so that snapshots can be upcast.

class MyAggregate(Aggregate):
    def __init__(self, a:str, b:int):
        self.a = a
        self.b = b

    def create(cls, a:str, b: int = 0):
        return cls._create(cls.Created, id=uuid4(), a=a, b=b)

    class Created(Aggregate.Created):
        a: str
        b: int

        class_version = 2

        def upcast_v1_v2(state):
            state["b"] = 0

    class_version = 2

    def upcast_v1_v2(state):
        state["b"] = 0

After an application that uses the above version 2 aggregate class has been deployed, its Created events will have be created and stored with both the a and b attributes. If subsequently the attribute c is added to the definition of the Created event, in order for the existing stored events from version 1 to be constructed in a way that satisfies the new version of the class, they will need to be upcast to include a value for b and c. The existing stored events from version 2 will need to be upcast to include a value for c. The additional static method upcast_v2_v3() defined on the Created event sets a default value for c in the given state. The class attribute class_version is set to 3. The same treatment is given to the aggregate class as the domain event class, so that any snapshots will be upcast.

class MyAggregate(Aggregate):
    def __init__(self, a:str, b:int, c:float):
        self.a = a
        self.b = b
        self.c = c

    def create(cls, a:str, b: int = 0, c: float = 0.0):
        return cls._create(cls.Created, id=uuid4(), a=a, b=b, c=c)

    class Created(Aggregate.Created):
        a: str
        b: int
        c: float

        class_version = 3

        def upcast_v1_v2(state):
            state["b"] = 0

        def upcast_v2_v3(state):
            state["c"] = 0.0

    class_version = 3

    def upcast_v1_v2(state):
        state["b"] = 0

    def upcast_v2_v3(state):
        state["c"] = 0.0

If subsequently a new event is added that manipulates a new attribute that is expected to be initialised when the aggregate is created, in order that snapshots from earlier version will be upcast, the aggregate class attribute class_version will need to be set to 4 and a static method upcast_v3_v4() defined on the aggregate class which upcasts the state of a previously created snapshot. In the example below, the new attribute d is initialised in the __init__() method, and a domain event which updates d is defined. Since the Created event class has not changed, it remains at version 3.

class MyAggregate(Aggregate):
    def __init__(self, a:str, b:int, c:float):
        self.a = a
        self.b = b
        self.c = c
        self.d = False

    def create(cls, a:str, b: int = 0, c: float = 0.0):
        return cls._create(cls.Created, id=uuid4(), a=a, b=b, c=c)

    class Created(Aggregate.Created):
        a: str
        b: int
        c: float

        class_version = 3

        def upcast_v1_v2(state):
            state["b"] = 0

        def upcast_v2_v3(state):
            state["c"] = 0.0

    def set_d(self, d: bool):
        self.trigger_event(self.DUpdated, d=d)

    class DUpdated(AggregateEvent):
        d: bool

        def apply(self, aggregate: "Aggregate") -> None:
            aggregate.d = self.d

    class_version = 4

    def upcast_v1_v2(state):
        state["b"] = 0

    def upcast_v2_v3(state):
        state["c"] = 0.0

    def upcast_v3_v4(state):
        state["d"] = False

If the value objects used by your events also change, you may also need to define new transcodings with new names. Simply register the new transcodings after the old, and use a modified name value for the transcoding. In this way, the existing encoded values will be decoded by the old transcoding, and the new instances of the value object class will be encoded with the new version of the transcoding.

In order to support forward compatibility as well as backward compatibility, so that consumers designed for old versions will not be broken by modifications, it is advisable to restrict changes to existing types to be additions only, so that existing attributes are unchanged. If existing aspects need to be changed, for example by renaming or removing an attribute of an event, then it is advisable to define a new type. This approach depends on consumers overlooking or ignoring new attribute and new types, but they may effectively be broken anyway by such changes if they no longer see any data.

Including model changes in the domain events may help to inform consumers of changes to the model schema, and may allow the domain model itself to be validated, so that classes are marked with new versions if the attributes have changed. This may be addressed by a future version of this library. Considering model code changes as a sequence of immutable events brings the state of the domain model code itself into the same form of event-oriented consideration as the consideration of the state an application as a sequence of events.

Namespaced IDs

Aggregates can be created with version 5 UUIDs so that their IDs can be generated from a given name in a namespace. They can be used for example to create IDs for aggregates with fixed names that you want to identify by name. For example, you can use this technique to identify a system configuration object. This technique can also be used to identify index aggregates that hold the IDs of aggregates with mutable names, or used to index other mutable attributes of an event sourced aggregate. It isn’t possible to change the ID of an existing aggregate, because the domain events will need to be stored together in a single sequence. And so, using an index aggregate that has an ID that can be recreated from a particular value of a mutable attribute of another aggregate to hold the ID of that aggregate with makes it possible to identify that aggregate from that particular value. Such index aggregates can be updated when the mutable attribute changes, or not.

For example, if you have a collection of page aggregates with names that might change, and you want to be able to identify the pages by name, then you can create index aggregates with version 5 UUIDs that are generated from the names, and put the IDs of the page aggregates in the index aggregates. The aggregate classes Page and Index in the example code below show how this can be done.

If we imagine we can save these page and index aggregates and retrieve them by ID, we can imagine retrieving a page aggregate using its name by firstly recreating an index ID from the page name, retrieving the index aggregate using that ID, getting the page ID from the index aggregate, and then using that ID to retrieve the page aggregate. When the name is changed, a new index aggregate can be saved along with the page, so that later the page aggregate can be retrieved using the new name. See the discussion about saving multiple aggregates to see an example of how this can work.

from uuid import NAMESPACE_URL, uuid5, UUID
from typing import Optional

from eventsourcing.domain import Aggregate

class Page(Aggregate):
    def __init__(self, name: str, body: str): = name
        self.body = body

    def create(cls, name: str, body: str = ""):
        return cls._create(

    class Created(AggregateCreated):
        name: str
        body: str

    def update_name(self, name: str):
        self.trigger_event(self.NameUpdated, name=name)

    class NameUpdated(AggregateEvent):
        name: str

        def apply(self, page: "Page"):

class Index(Aggregate):
    def __init__(self, name: str, ref: UUID): = name
        self.ref = ref

    def create(cls, name: str, ref: UUID):
        return cls._create(

    def create_id(name: str):
        return uuid5(NAMESPACE_URL, f"/pages/{name}")

    class Created(AggregateCreated):
        name: str
        ref: UUID

    def update_ref(self, ref):
        self.trigger_event(self.RefUpdated, ref=ref)

    class RefUpdated(AggregateEvent):
        ref: Optional[UUID]

        def apply(self, index: "Index"):
            index.ref = self.ref

We can use the classes above to create a “page” aggregate with a name that we will then change. We can at the same time create an index object for the page.

page = Page.create(name="Erth")
index1 = Index.create(,

Let’s imagine these two aggregate are saved together, and having been saved can be retrieved by ID. See the discussion about saving multiple aggregates to see how this works in an application object.

We can use the page name to recreate the index ID, and use the index ID to retrieve the index aggregate. We can then obtain the page ID from the index aggregate, and then use the page ID to get the page aggregate.

index_id = Index.create_id("Erth")
assert index_id ==
assert index1.ref ==

Now let’s imagine we want to correct the name of the page. We can update the name of the page, and create another index aggregate for the new name, so that later we can retrieve the page using its new name.

index2 = Index.create(,

We can drop the reference from the old index, so that it can be used to refer to a different page.

We can now use the new name to get the ID of the second index aggregate, and imagine using the second index aggregate to get the ID of the page.

index_id = Index.create_id("Earth")
assert index_id ==
assert index2.ref ==

Saving and retrieving aggregates by ID is demonstrated in the discussion about saving multiple aggregates in the applications documentation.

Declarative syntax

You may have noticed a certain amount of repetition in the definitions of the aggregates above. In several places, the same argument was defined in a command method, on an event class, and in an apply method. The library offers a more concise way to express aggregates by using a declarative syntax.

Create new aggregate by calling the aggregate class directly

A new event sourced aggregate can be created by calling the aggregate class directly. You don’t actually need to define a class method to do this, although you may wish to express your project’s ubiquitous language by doing so.

Calling the aggregate class directly will firstly create a created event (an instance of the aggregate’s created event class) and use that event object to construct an instance of the aggregate class.

class MyAggregate(Aggregate):
    class Created(Aggregate.Created):

# Call the class directly.
agg = MyAggregate()

# There is one pending event.
pending_events = agg.collect_events()
assert len(pending_events) == 1
assert isinstance(pending_events[0], MyAggregate.Created)

# The pending event can be used to reconstruct the aggregate.
copy = pending_events[0].mutate(None)
assert ==
assert copy.created_on == agg.created_on

Using the init method to define the created event class

If a created event class is not defined on an aggregate class, one will be automatically defined. The attributes of this event class will be derived by inspecting the signature of the __init__() method. The example below has an init method that has a name argument. Because this example doesn’t have a created event class defined explicitly on the aggregate class, a created event class will be defined automatically to match the signature of the init method. That is, a created event class will be defined that has an attribute name.

class MyAggregate(Aggregate):
    def __init__(self, name): = name

# Call the class with a 'name' argument.
agg = MyAggregate(name="foo")
assert == "foo"

# There is one pending event.
pending_events = agg.collect_events()
assert len(pending_events) == 1

# The pending event is a created event.
assert isinstance(pending_events[0], MyAggregate.Created)

# The created event has a 'name' attribute.
pending_events[0].name == "foo"

# The created event can be used to reconstruct the aggregate.
copy = pending_events[0].mutate(None)
assert ==

Dataclass-style init methods

Python’s dataclass annotations can be used to define an aggregate’s __init__() method. A created event class can be automatically defined from this method.

from dataclasses import dataclass

class MyAggregate(Aggregate):
    name: str

# Create a new aggregate.
agg = MyAggregate(name="foo")

# The aggregate has a 'name' attribute
assert == "foo"

# The created event has a 'name' attribute.
pending_events = agg.collect_events()
pending_events[0].name == "foo"

Optional arguments can be defined by providing default values on the dataclass attribute definitions.

from dataclasses import dataclass

class MyAggregate(Aggregate):
    name: str = "bar"

# Call the class without a name.
agg = MyAggregate()
assert == "bar"

# Call the class with a name.
agg = MyAggregate("foo")
assert == "foo"

Anything that works on a dataclass should work here too. For example, you can define non-init argument attributes by using the field feature of the dataclasses module.

from dataclasses import field
from typing import List

class MyAggregate(Aggregate):
    history: List[str] = field(default_factory=list, init=False)

# Create a new aggregate.
agg = MyAggregate()

# The aggregate has a list.
assert agg.history == []

Please note, when using the dataclass-style for defining __init__() methods, using the @dataclass decorator will inform your IDE of the method signature. The annotations will in any case be used to create an __init__() method when the class does not already have an __init__(). Using the dataclass decorator merely enables code completion and syntax checking, but the code will run just the same with or without the @dataclass decorator being applied to aggregate classes that are defined using this style.

Declaring the created event class name

To give the created event class a particular name, use the class argument ‘created_event_name’.

class MyAggregate(Aggregate, created_event_name="Started"):
    name: str

# Create a new aggregate.
agg = MyAggregate("foo")

# The created event class is called "Started".
pending_events = agg.collect_events()
assert isinstance(pending_events[0], MyAggregate.Started)

This is equivalent to declaring the created event class explicitly on the aggregate class using a particular name.

class MyAggregate(Aggregate):
    class Started(Aggregate.Created):

# Create a new aggregate.
agg = MyAggregate()

# The created event class is called "Started".
pending_events = agg.collect_events()
assert isinstance(pending_events[0], MyAggregate.Started)

If more than one created event class is defined on the aggregate class, perhaps because the name of the created event class was changed and there are stored events that were created using the old created event class that still need to be supported, the created_event_name class argument can be used to identify which created event class is the one to use when creating new aggregate instances. This can be combined with upcasting old events, discussed above.

class MyAggregate(Aggregate, created_event_name="Started"):
    class Created(Aggregate.Created):

    class Started(Aggregate.Created):

# Create a new aggregate.
agg = MyAggregate()

# The created event class is called "Started".
pending_events = agg.collect_events()
assert isinstance(pending_events[0], MyAggregate.Started)

If the created_event_name argument is used but the value does not match the name of one the created event classes that are explicitly defined on the aggregate class, then an event class will be automatically defined, and it will be used when creating new aggregate instances.

class MyAggregate(Aggregate, created_event_name="Opened"):
    class Created(Aggregate.Created):

    class Started(Aggregate.Created):

# Create a new aggregate.
agg = MyAggregate()

# The created event class is called "Opened".
pending_events = agg.collect_events()
assert isinstance(pending_events[0], MyAggregate.Opened)

Defining the aggregate ID

By default, the aggregate ID will be a version 4 UUID, automatically generated when a new aggregate is created. However, the aggregate ID can also be defined as a function of the arguments used to create the aggregate. You can do this by defining a create_id() method.

class MyAggregate(Aggregate):
    name: str

    def create_id(name: str):
        return uuid5(NAMESPACE_URL, f"/my_aggregates/{name}")

# Create a new aggregate.
agg = MyAggregate(name="foo")
assert == "foo"

# The aggregate ID is a version 5 UUID.
assert == MyAggregate.create_id("foo")

If a create_id() method is defined on the aggregate class, the base class method create_id() will be overridden. The arguments used in this method must be a subset of the arguments used to create the aggregate. The base class method simply returns a version 4 UUID, which is the default behaviour for generating aggregate IDs.

Alternatively, an ‘id’ attribute can be declared on the aggregate class, and an ID supplied directly when creating new aggregates.

def create_id(name: str):
    return uuid5(NAMESPACE_URL, f"/my_aggregates/{name}")

class MyAggregate(Aggregate):
    id: UUID

# Create an ID.
agg_id = create_id(name="foo")

# Create an aggregate with the ID.
agg = MyAggregate(id=agg_id)
assert == agg_id

When defining an explicit __init__() method, the id argument can be set on the object as self._id. Assigning to won’t work because id is defined as a read-only property on the base aggregate class.

class MyAggregate(Aggregate):
    def __init__(self, id: UUID):
        self._id = id

# Create an aggregate with the ID.
agg = MyAggregate(id=agg_id)
assert == agg_id

The @event decorator

A more concise way of expressing the concerns around defining, triggering and applying subsequent aggregate events can be achieved by using the library function event() to decorate aggregate command methods.

When decorating a method with the @event decorator, the method signature will be used to automatically define an aggregate event class. And when the method is called, the event will firstly be triggered with the values given when calling the method, so that an event is created and used to mutate the state of the aggregate. The body of the decorated method will be used as the apply() method of the event both after the event has been triggered and when the aggregate is reconstructed from stored events. The name of the event class can be passed to the decorator.

from eventsourcing.domain import event

class MyAggregate(Aggregate):
    name: str

    def update_name(self, name): = name

# Create an aggregate.
agg = MyAggregate(name="foo")
assert == "foo"

# Update the name.
assert == "bar"

# There are two pending events.
pending_events = agg.collect_events()
assert len(pending_events) == 2
assert pending_events[0].name == "foo"

# The second pending event is a 'NameUpdated' event.
assert isinstance(pending_events[1], MyAggregate.NameUpdated)

# The second pending event has a 'name' attribute.
assert pending_events[1].name == "bar"

Inferring the event class name from the method name

The @event decorator can be used without providing the name of an event. If the decorator is used without any arguments, the name of the event will be derived from the method name. The method name is assumed to be lower case and underscore-separated. The name of the event class is constructed by firstly splitting the name of the method by its underscore characters, then by capitalising the resulting parts, and then by concatenating the capitalised parts to give an “upper camel case” class name. For example, a method name name_updated would give an event class name NameUpdated.

from eventsourcing.domain import event

class MyAggregate(Aggregate):
    name: str

    def name_updated(self, name): = name

# Create an aggregate.
agg = MyAggregate(name="foo")
assert == "foo"

# Update the name.
assert == "bar"

# There are two pending events.
pending_events = agg.collect_events()
assert len(pending_events) == 2
assert pending_events[0].name == "foo"

# The second pending event is a 'NameUpdated' event.
assert isinstance(pending_events[1], MyAggregate.NameUpdated)

# The second pending event has a 'name' attribute.
assert pending_events[1].name == "bar"

However, this creates a slight tension in the naming conventions because methods should normally be named using the imperative form and event names should normally be past participles. However, this can be useful when naming methods that will be only called by aggregate command methods under certain conditions.

For example, if an attempt is made to update the value of an attribute, but the given value happens to be identical to the existing value, then it might be desirable to skip on having an event triggered.

class MyAggregate(Aggregate):
    name: str

    def update_name(self, name):
        if name !=

    def name_updated(self, name): = name

# Create an aggregate.
agg = MyAggregate(name="foo")
assert == "foo"

# Update the name lots of times.

# There are two pending events (not eight).
pending_events = agg.collect_events()
assert len(pending_events) == 2, len(pending_events)

The World aggregate class revisited

Using the declarative syntax described above, the World aggregate in the basic example above can be expressed more concisely in the following way.

In the example below, the World aggregate’s created event is automatically defined by inspecting the aggregate’s __init__() method. The created event is named Created. The World.SomethingHappened event is automatically defined by inspecting the decorated make_it_so() method. The event class name “SomethingHappened” is given to the event decorator. The body of the decorated make_it_so() method will be used as the apply() method of the World.SomethingHappened event, both when the event is triggered and when the aggregate is reconstructed from stored events.

from eventsourcing.domain import event

class World(Aggregate):
    def __init__(self):
        self.history = []

    def make_it_so(self, what):

The World aggregate class can be called directly. Calling the class directly will call the Aggregate _create() method with the automatically defined World.Created event. Calling the make_it_so() method will trigger a World.SomethingHappened event, and this event will be used to mutate the state of the aggregate, such that the make_it_so() method argument what will eventually be appended to the aggregate’s history attribute.

world = World()

assert world.history[0] == "dinosaurs"
assert world.history[1] == "trucks"
assert world.history[2] == "internet"
assert len(world.collect_events()) == 4

The Page and Index aggregates revisited

The Page and Index aggregates defined in the above discussion about namespaced IDs can be expressed more concisely in the following way.

from dataclasses import dataclass

class Page(Aggregate):
    name: str
    body: str = ""

    def update_name(self, name: str): = name

class Index(Aggregate):
    name: str
    ref: Optional[UUID]

    def create_id(name: str):
        return uuid5(NAMESPACE_URL, f"/pages/{name}")

    def update_ref(self, ref: Optional[UUID]):
        self.ref = ref

# Create new page and index aggregates.
page = Page(name="Erth")
index1 = Index(,

# The page name can be used to recreate
# the index ID. The index ID can be used
# to retrieve the index aggregate, which
# gives the page ID, and then the page ID
# can be used to retrive the page aggregate.
index_id = Index.create_id(name="Erth")
assert index_id ==
assert index1.ref ==
assert ==

# Later, the page name can be updated,
# and a new index created for the page.
index2 = Index(,

# The new page name can be used to recreate
# the new index ID. The new index ID can be
# used to retrieve the new index aggregate,
# which gives the page ID, and then the page
# ID can be used to retrieve the renamed page.
index_id = Index.create_id(name="Earth")
assert index_id ==
assert index2.ref ==
assert ==

Non-trivial command methods

Tn the examples above, the work of the command methods is “trivial”, in that the command method arguments are always used directly as the aggregate event attribute values. But often a command method needs to do some work before triggering an event. The event attributes may not be the same as the command method arguments. The logic of the command may be such that under some conditions an event should not be triggered.

As a final example, consider the following Order class. It is an ordinary Python object class. Its __init__() method takes a name argument. The method confirm() sets the attribute confirmed_at. The method pickup() checks that the order has been confirmed before calling the _pickup() method which sets the attribute pickedup_at. If the order has not been confirmed, an exception will be raised. That is, whilst the confirm() command method is trivial in that its arguments are always used as the event attributes, the pickup() method is non-trivial in that it will only trigger an event if the order has been confirmed. That means we can’t decorate the pickup() method with the @event decorator without triggering an unwanted event.

class Order:
    def __init__(self, name): = name
        self.confirmed_at = None
        self.pickedup_at = None

    def confirm(self, at):
        self.confirmed_at = at

    def pickup(self, at):
        if self.confirmed_at:
            raise RuntimeError("Order is not confirmed")

    def _pickup(self, at):
        self.pickedup_at = at

This ordinary Python class can used in the usual way. We can construct a new instance of the class, and call its command methods.

# Start a new order, confirm, and pick up.
order = Order("my order")

except RuntimeError:
    raise AssertionError("shouldn't get here")


This ordinary Python class can be easily converted into an event sourced aggregate by applying the library’s @event decorator to the confirm() and _pickup() methods.

Because the command methods are decorated in this way, when the confirm() method is called, an Order.Confirmed event will be triggered. When the _pickup() method is called, an Order.PickedUp event will be triggered. Those event classes are defined automatically from the method signatures. The decorating of the _pickup() method and not of the pickup() method is a good example of a command method that needs to do some work before an event is triggered. The body of the pickup() method is only executed when the command method is called, whereas the body of the _pickup() method is executed each time the event is applied to evolve the state of the aggregate.

class Order(Aggregate):
    def __init__(self, name): = name
        self.confirmed_at = None
        self.pickedup_at = None

    def confirm(self, at):
        self.confirmed_at = at

    def pickup(self, at):
        if self.confirmed_at:
            raise RuntimeError("Order is not confirmed")

    def _pickup(self, at):
        self.pickedup_at = at

We can use the event sourced Order aggregate in the same way as the undecorated ordinary Python Order class. The event sourced version has the advantage that using it will trigger a sequence of aggregate events that can be persisted in a database and used in future to determine the state of the order.

order = Order("my order")

# Check the state of the order.
assert == "my order"
assert isinstance(order.confirmed_at, datetime)
assert isinstance(order.pickedup_at, datetime)
assert order.pickedup_at > order.confirmed_at

# Check the triggered events determine the state of the order.
pending_events = order.collect_events()
copy = None
for e in pending_events:
    copy = e.mutate(copy)
assert ==
assert copy.created_on == order.created_on
assert copy.modified_on == order.modified_on
assert copy.confirmed_at == order.confirmed_at
assert copy.pickedup_at == order.pickedup_at

Raising exceptions in the body of decorated methods

It is actually possible to decorate the pickup() command method with the @event decorator, but if a decorated command method has conditional logic that would mean the state of the aggregate should not be evolved, you must take care to raise an exception rather than returning early, and raise an exception before changing the state of the aggregate at all. By raising an exception in the body of a decorated method, the triggered event will not in fact be appended to the aggregate’s list of pending events, and it will be as if it never happened. However, the conditional expression will be perhaps needlessly evaluated each time the aggregate is reconstructed from stored events. Of course this conditional logic may be useful and considered as validation of the projection of earlier events, for example checking the the Confirmed event is working properly.

If you wish to use this style, just make sure to raise an exception rather than returning early, and make sure not to change the state of the aggregate if an exception may be raised later. Returning early will mean the event will be appended to the list of pending events. Changing the state before raising an exception will the state will be different when the aggregate is reconstructed from stored events. So if your method does change state and then raise an exception, make sure to obtain a fresh version of the aggregate before continuing to trigger events.

class Order(Aggregate):
    def __init__(self, name): = name
        self.confirmed_at = None
        self.pickedup_at = None

    def confirm(self, at):
        self.confirmed_at = at

    def pickup(self, at):
        if self.confirmed_at:
            self.pickedup_at = at
            raise RuntimeError("Order is not confirmed")

    # Creating the aggregate causes one pending event.
    order = Order("name")
    assert len(order.pending_events) == 1

    # Call pickup() too early raises an exception.
    except RuntimeError:
        raise Exception("Shouldn't get here")

    # There is still only one pending event.
    assert len(order.pending_events) == 1

Recording command arguments and reprocessing them each time the aggregate is reconstructed is perhaps best described as “command sourcing”.

In many cases, a command will do some work and trigger an aggregate event that has attributes that are different from the command, and in those cases it is necessary to have two different methods with different signatures: a command method that is not decorated and a decorated method that triggers and applies an aggregate event. This second method may arguably be well named by using a past participle rather than the imperative form.

The @aggregate decorator

Just for fun, the library’s aggregate() function can be used to declare event sourced aggregate classes. This is equivalent to inheriting from the library’s Aggregate class. The created event name can be defined using the created_event_name argument of the decorator. However, it is recommended to inherit from the Aggregate class rather than using the @aggregate decorator so that full the Aggregate class definition will be visible to your IDE.

from eventsourcing.domain import aggregate

class Order:
    def __init__(self, name): = name

order = Order("my order")
pending_events = order.collect_events()
assert isinstance(pending_events[0], Order.Started)


A “topic” in this library is a string formed from joining with a colon character (':') the path to a Python module (e.g. 'eventsourcing.domain') with the qualified name of an object in that module (e.g. 'Aggregate.Created'). For example 'eventsourcing.domain:Aggregate.Created' describes the path to the library’s Created class. The library’s utils module contains the functions resolve_topic() and get_topic() which are used in the library to resolve a given topic to a Python object, and to construct a topic for a given Python object.


class eventsourcing.domain.MetaDomainEvent(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: abc.ABCMeta

static __new__(mcs, name: str, bases: tuple, cls_dict: dict) → eventsourcing.domain.MetaDomainEvent[source]

Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.

__init__(*args, **kwargs) → None[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

class eventsourcing.domain.DomainEvent(originator_id: uuid.UUID, originator_version: int, timestamp: datetime.datetime)[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Base class for domain events, such as aggregate AggregateEvent and aggregate Snapshot.

Constructor arguments:

  • originator_id (UUID) – ID of originating aggregate.
  • originator_version (int) – version of originating aggregate.
  • timestamp (datetime) – date-time of the event
class eventsourcing.domain.AggregateEvent(originator_id: uuid.UUID, originator_version: int, timestamp: datetime.datetime)[source]

Bases: eventsourcing.domain.DomainEvent, typing.Generic

Base class for aggregate events. Subclasses will model decisions made by the domain model aggregates.

Constructor arguments:

  • originator_id (UUID) – ID of originating aggregate.
  • originator_version (int) – version of originating aggregate.
  • timestamp (datetime) – date-time of the event
mutate(obj: Optional[TAggregate]) → Optional[TAggregate][source]

Changes the state of the aggregate according to domain event attributes.

apply(aggregate: TAggregate) → None[source]

Applies the domain event to the aggregate.

class eventsourcing.domain.AggregateCreated(originator_id: uuid.UUID, originator_version: int, timestamp: datetime.datetime, originator_topic: str)[source]

Bases: eventsourcing.domain.AggregateEvent

Domain event for when aggregate is created.

Constructor arguments:

  • originator_id (UUID) – ID of originating aggregate.
  • originator_version (int) – version of originating aggregate.
  • timestamp (datetime) – date-time of the event
  • originator_topic (str) – topic for the aggregate class
mutate(obj: Optional[TAggregate]) → TAggregate[source]

Constructs aggregate instance defined by domain event object attributes.

eventsourcing.domain.event(arg: Union[function, str, Type[eventsourcing.domain.AggregateEvent]]) → eventsourcing.domain.EventDecorator[source]

Can be used to decorate an aggregate method so that when the method is called an event is triggered. The body of the method will be used to apply the event to the aggregate, both when the event is triggered and when the aggregate is reconstructed from stored events.

class MyAggregate(Aggregate):
    def set_name(self, name: str): = name

…is equivalent to…

class MyAggregate(Aggregate):
    def set_name(self, name: str):
        self.trigger_event(self.NameChanged, name=name)

    class NameChanged(Aggregate.Event):
        name: str

        def apply(self, aggregate):

In the example above, the event “NameChanged” is defined automatically by inspecting the signature of the set_name() method. If it is preferred to declare the event class explicitly, for example to define upcasting of old events, the event class itself can be mentioned in the event decorator rather than just providing the name of the event as a string.

class MyAggregate(Aggregate):

    class NameChanged(Aggregate.Event):
        name: str

    def set_name(self, name: str): =
eventsourcing.domain.triggers(arg: Union[function, str, Type[eventsourcing.domain.AggregateEvent]]) → eventsourcing.domain.EventDecorator

Can be used to decorate an aggregate method so that when the method is called an event is triggered. The body of the method will be used to apply the event to the aggregate, both when the event is triggered and when the aggregate is reconstructed from stored events.

class MyAggregate(Aggregate):
    def set_name(self, name: str): = name

…is equivalent to…

class MyAggregate(Aggregate):
    def set_name(self, name: str):
        self.trigger_event(self.NameChanged, name=name)

    class NameChanged(Aggregate.Event):
        name: str

        def apply(self, aggregate):

In the example above, the event “NameChanged” is defined automatically by inspecting the signature of the set_name() method. If it is preferred to declare the event class explicitly, for example to define upcasting of old events, the event class itself can be mentioned in the event decorator rather than just providing the name of the event as a string.

class MyAggregate(Aggregate):

    class NameChanged(Aggregate.Event):
        name: str

    def set_name(self, name: str): =
class eventsourcing.domain.BoundEvent(event_decorator: eventsourcing.domain.EventDecorator, aggregate: TAggregate)[source]

Bases: object

Wraps an EventDecorator instance when attribute is accessed on an aggregate so that the aggregate methods can be accessed.

__init__(event_decorator: eventsourcing.domain.EventDecorator, aggregate: TAggregate)[source]
  • event_decorator (EventDecorator) –
  • aggregate (Aggregate) –
__call__(*args, **kwargs) → None[source]

Call self as a function.

class eventsourcing.domain.DecoratedEvent(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: eventsourcing.domain.AggregateEvent

apply(aggregate: TAggregate) → None[source]

Applies event to aggregate by calling method decorated by @event.

class eventsourcing.domain.MetaAggregate(*args, created_event_name: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: abc.ABCMeta

static __new__(mcs, *args, **kwargs) → eventsourcing.domain.MetaAggregate[source]

Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.

__init__(*args, created_event_name: Optional[str] = None) → None[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

__call__(*args, **kwargs) → TAggregate[source]

Call self as a function.

static create_id(**kwargs) → uuid.UUID[source]

Returns a new aggregate ID.

_create(event_class: Type[TAggregateCreated], *, id: Optional[uuid.UUID] = None, **kwargs) → TAggregate[source]

Factory method to construct a new aggregate object instance.

class eventsourcing.domain.Aggregate[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Base class for aggregate roots.


alias of AggregateEvent

static __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) → Any[source]

Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.

__base_init__(id: uuid.UUID, version: int, timestamp: datetime.datetime) → None[source]

Initialises an aggregate object with an id, a version number, and a timestamp. The internal pending_events list is also initialised.


The ID of the aggregate.


The date and time when the aggregate was created.


A list of pending events.

trigger_event(event_class: Type[TAggregateEvent], **kwargs) → None[source]

Triggers domain event of given type, by creating an event object and using it to mutate the aggregate.

collect_events() → List[eventsourcing.domain.AggregateEvent][source]

Collects and returns a list of pending aggregate AggregateEvent objects.

class Created(*args, **kwds)

Bases: eventsourcing.domain.AggregateCreated

eventsourcing.domain.aggregate(cls: Optional[eventsourcing.domain.MetaAggregate] = None, *, created_event_name: Optional[str] = None) → Union[eventsourcing.domain.MetaAggregate, Callable][source]

Converts the class that was passed in to inherit from Aggregate.

class MyAggregate:

…is equivalent to…

class MyAggregate(Aggregate):
exception eventsourcing.domain.VersionError[source]

Bases: Exception

Raised when a domain event can’t be applied to an aggregate due to version mismatch indicating the domain event is not the next in the aggregate’s sequence of events.

class eventsourcing.domain.Snapshot(originator_id: uuid.UUID, originator_version: int, timestamp: datetime.datetime, topic: str, state: dict)[source]

Bases: eventsourcing.domain.DomainEvent

Snapshots represent the state of an aggregate at a particular version.

Constructor arguments:

  • originator_id (UUID) – ID of originating aggregate.
  • originator_version (int) – version of originating aggregate.
  • timestamp (datetime) – date-time of the event
  • topic (str) – string that includes a class and its module
  • state (dict) – version of originating aggregate.
classmethod take(aggregate: TAggregate) → eventsourcing.domain.Snapshot[source]

Creates a snapshot of the given Aggregate object.

mutate(_: None = None) → TAggregate[source]

Reconstructs the snapshotted Aggregate object.

eventsourcing.utils.get_topic(cls: type) → str[source]

Returns a string that locates the given class.

eventsourcing.utils.resolve_topic(topic: str) → Any[source]

Returns an object located by the given string.