persistence — Infrastructure

This module provides a cohesive mechanism for storing domain events.

The entire mechanism is encapsulated by the library’s event store object class. An event store stores and retrieves domain events. The event store uses a mapper to convert domain events to stored events, and it uses a recorder to insert stored events in a datastore.

A mapper converts domain event objects of various types to stored event objects when domain events are stored in the event store. It also converts stored events objects back to domain event objects when domain events are retrieved from the event store. A mapper uses an extensible transcoder that can be set up with additional transcoding objects that serialise and deserialise particular types of object, such as Python’s UUID, datetime and Decimal objects. A mapper may use a compressor to compress and decompress the state of stored event objects, and may use a cipher to encode and decode the state of stored event objects. If both a compressor and a cipher are being used by a mapper, the state of any stored event objects will be compressed and then encoded when storing domain events, and will be decoded and then decompressed when retrieving domain events.

A recorder inserts stored event objects in a datastore when domain events are stored in an event store, and selects stored events from a datastore when domain events are retrieved from an event store. Depending on the type of the recorder it may be possible to select the stored events as event notifications, and it may be possible atomically to record tracking records along with the stored events,


A transcoder is used by a mapper to serialise and deserialise the state of domain model event objects.

The library’s JSONTranscoder class can be constructed without any arguments.

from eventsourcing.persistence import JSONTranscoder

transcoder = JSONTranscoder()

The transcoder object has methods encode() and decode() which are used to perform the serialisation and deserialisation. The serialised state is a Python bytes object.

data = transcoder.encode({"a": 1})
copy = transcoder.decode(data)
assert copy == {"a": 1}

The library’s JSONTranscoder uses the Python json module. And so, by default, only the basic object types supported by that module can be encoded and decoded. The transcoder can be extended by registering transcodings for the other types of object used in your domain model’s event objects. A transcoding will convert other types of object to a representation of the non-basic type of object that uses the basic types that are supported. The transcoder method register() is used to register individual transcodings with the transcoder.


In order to encode and decode non-basic types of object that are not supported by the transcoder by default, custom transcodings need to be defined in code and registered with the transcoder using the transcoder object’s register() method. A transcoding will encode an instance of a non-basic type of object that cannot by default be encoded by the transcoder into a basic type of object that can be encoded by the transcoder, and will decode that representation into the original type of object. This makes it possible to transcode custom value objects, including custom types that contain custom types. The transcoder works recursively through the object and so included custom types do not need to be encoded by the transcoder, but will be converted subsequently.

The library includes a limited collection of custom transcoding objects. For example, the library’s UUIDAsHex class transcodes a Python UUID objects as a hexadecimal string.

from uuid import uuid4

from eventsourcing.persistence import UUIDAsHex

transcoding = UUIDAsHex()

id1 = uuid4()
data = transcoding.encode(id1)
copy = transcoding.decode(data)
assert copy == id1

The library’s DatetimeAsISO class transcodes Python datetime objects as ISO strings.

from datetime import datetime

from eventsourcing.persistence import (

transcoding = DatetimeAsISO()

datetime1 = datetime(2021, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59)
data = transcoding.encode(datetime1)
copy = transcoding.decode(data)
assert copy == datetime1

The library’s DecimalAsStr class transcodes Python Decimal objects as decimal strings.

from decimal import Decimal

from eventsourcing.persistence import (

transcoding = DecimalAsStr()

decimal1 = Decimal("1.2345")
data = transcoding.encode(decimal1)
copy = transcoding.decode(data)
assert copy == decimal1

Transcodings are registered with the transcoder using the transcoder object’s register() method.


data = transcoder.encode(id1)
copy = transcoder.decode(data)
assert copy == id1

data = transcoder.encode(datetime1)
copy = transcoder.decode(data)
assert copy == datetime1

data = transcoder.encode(decimal1)
copy = transcoder.decode(data)
assert copy == decimal1

Attempting to serialize an unsupported type will result in a Python TypeError.

from datetime import date

date1 = date(2021, 12, 31)
    data = transcoder.encode(date1)
except TypeError as e:
    assert e.args[0] == (
        "Object of type <class ''> is not serializable. "
        "Please define and register a custom transcoding for this type."
    raise AssertionError("TypeError not raised")

Attempting to deserialize an unsupported type will also result in a Python TypeError.

except TypeError as e:
    assert e.args[0] == (
        "Data serialized with name 'decimal_str' is not deserializable. "
        "Please register a custom transcoding for this type."
    raise AssertionError("TypeError not raised")

The library’s abstract base class Transcoding can be subclassed to define custom transcodings for other object types. To define a custom transcoding, simply subclass this base class, assign to the class attribute type the class transcoded type, and assign a string to the class attribute name. Then define an encode() method that converts an instance of that type to a representation that uses a basic type, and a decode() method that will convert that representation back to an instance of that type.

from eventsourcing.persistence import Transcoding
from typing import Union

class DateAsISO(Transcoding):
    type = date
    name = "date_iso"

    def encode(self, obj: date) -> str:
        return obj.isoformat()

    def decode(self, data: str) -> date:
        return date.fromisoformat(data)


data = transcoder.encode(date1)
copy = transcoder.decode(data)
assert copy == date1

Please note, due to the way the Python json module works, it isn’t currently possible to transcode subclasses of the basic Python types that are supported by default, such as dict, list, tuple, str, int, float, and bool. This behaviour also means an encoded tuple will be decoded as a list. This behaviour is coded in Python as C code, and can’t be suspended without avoiding the use of this C code and thereby incurring a performance penalty in the transcoding of domain event objects.

data = transcoder.encode((1, 2, 3))
copy = transcoder.decode(data)
assert isinstance(copy, list)
assert copy == [1, 2, 3]

Custom or non-basic types that contain other custom or non-basic types can be supported in the transcoder by registering a transcoding for each non-basic type. The transcoding for the type which contains non-basic types must return an object that represents that type by involving the included non-basic objects, and this representation will be subsequently transcoded by the transcoder using the applicable transcoding for the included non-basic types. In the example below, SimpleCustomValue has a UUID and a date as its id and data attributes. The transcoding for SimpleCustomValue returns a Python dict that includes the non-basic UUID and date objects. The class ComplexCustomValue simply has a ComplexCustomValue object as its value attribute, and its transcoding simply returns that object.

from uuid import UUID

class SimpleCustomValue:
    def __init__(self, id: UUID, date: date): = id = date

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (
            isinstance(other, SimpleCustomValue) and
   == and ==

class ComplexCustomValue:
    def __init__(self, value: SimpleCustomValue):
        self.value = value

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (
            isinstance(other, ComplexCustomValue) and
            self.value == other.value

class SimpleCustomValueAsDict(Transcoding):
    type = SimpleCustomValue
    name = "simple_custom_value"

    def encode(self, obj: SimpleCustomValue) -> dict:
        return {"id":, "date":}

    def decode(self, data: dict) -> SimpleCustomValue:
        assert isinstance(data, dict)
        return SimpleCustomValue(**data)

class ComplexCustomValueAsDict(Transcoding):
    type = ComplexCustomValue
    name = "complex_custom_value"

    def encode(self, obj: ComplexCustomValue) -> SimpleCustomValue:
        return obj.value

    def decode(self, data: SimpleCustomValue) -> ComplexCustomValue:
        assert isinstance(data, SimpleCustomValue)
        return ComplexCustomValue(data)

The custom value object transcodings can be registered with the transcoder.


We can now transcode an instance of ComplexCustomValueAsDict.

obj1 = ComplexCustomValue(
        date=date(2000, 2, 20)

data = transcoder.encode(obj1)
copy = transcoder.decode(data)
assert copy == obj1

As you can see from the bytes representation below, the transcoder puts the return value of each transcoding’s encode() method in a Python dict that has two values _data_ and _type_. The _data_ value is the return value of the transcoding’s encode() method, and the _type_ value is the name of the transcoding. For this reason, it is necessary to avoid defining model objects to have a Python dict that has only two attributes _data_ and _type_, and avoid defining transcodings that return such a thing.

expected_data = (
    b'{"_type_": "complex_custom_value", "_data_": {"_type_": '
    b'"simple_custom_value", "_data_": {"id": {"_type_": '
    b'"uuid_hex", "_data_": "b2723fe2c01a40d2875ea3aac6a09ff5"},'
    b' "date": {"_type_": "date_iso", "_data_": "2000-02-20"}'
assert data == expected_data

Stored event objects

A stored event object is a common object type that can be used to represent domain event objects of different types. By using a common object for the representation of different types of domain events objects, the domain event objects can be stored and retrieved in a standard way.

The library’s StoredEvent class is a Python frozen dataclass that can be used to hold information about a domain event object between it being serialised and being recorded in a datastore, and between it be retrieved from a datastore from an aggregate sequence and being deserialised as a domain event object.

from uuid import uuid4

from eventsourcing.persistence import StoredEvent

stored_event = StoredEvent(


A mapper maps between domain event objects and stored event objects. It brings together a transcoder, and optionally a cipher and a compressor. It is used by an event store.

The library’s Mapper class must be constructed with a transcoder object.

from eventsourcing.persistence import Mapper

mapper = Mapper(transcoder=transcoder)

The from_domain_event() method of the mapper object converts DomainEvent objects to StoredEvent objects.

from eventsourcing.domain import DomainEvent, TZINFO

domain_event1 = DomainEvent(
    originator_id = id1,
    originator_version = 1,
    timestamp =,

stored_event1 = mapper.from_domain_event(domain_event1)
assert isinstance(stored_event1, StoredEvent)

The to_domain_event() method of the mapper object converts StoredEvent objects to DomainEvent objects.

assert mapper.to_domain_event(stored_event1) == domain_event1


Using a cryptographic cipher with your mapper will make the state of your application encrypted “at rest” and “on the wire”.

Without encryption, the state of the domain event will be visible in the recorded stored events in your database. For example, the timestamp of the domain event in the example above (domain_event1) is visible in the stored event (stored_event1).

assert domain_event1.timestamp.isoformat() in str(stored_event1.state)

The library’s AESCipher class can be used to cryptographically encode and decode the state of stored events. It must be constructed with a cipher key. The class method create_key() can be used to generate a cipher key. The AES cipher key must be either 16, 24, or 32 bytes long. Please note, the same cipher key must be used to decrypt stored events as that which was used to encrypt stored events.

from eventsourcing.cipher import AESCipher

key = AESCipher.create_key(num_bytes=32) # 16, 24, or 32
cipher = AESCipher(cipher_key=key)

mapper = Mapper(

stored_event1 = mapper.from_domain_event(domain_event1)
assert isinstance(stored_event1, StoredEvent)
assert mapper.to_domain_event(stored_event1) == domain_event1

With encryption, the state of the domain event will not be visible in the stored event. This feature can be used to implement “application-level encryption” in an event-sourced application.

assert domain_event1.timestamp.isoformat() not in str(stored_event1.state)

The library’s AESCipher class uses the AES cipher from the PyCryptodome library in GCM mode. AES is a very fast and secure symmetric block cipher, and is the de facto standard for symmetric encryption. Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) is a mode of operation for symmetric block ciphers that is designed to provide both data authenticity and confidentiality, and is widely adopted for its performance.

The mapper expects an instance of the abstract base class Cipher, and AESCipher implements this abstract base class, so if you want to use another cipher strategy simply implement the base class.


A compressor can be used to reduce the size of stored events.

The library’s ZlibCompressor class can be used to compress and decompress the state of stored events. The size of the state of a compressed and encrypted stored event will be less than or equal to the size of the state of a stored event that is encrypted but not compressed.

from eventsourcing.compressor import ZlibCompressor

compressor = ZlibCompressor()

mapper = Mapper(

stored_event2 = mapper.from_domain_event(domain_event1)
assert mapper.to_domain_event(stored_event2) == domain_event1

assert len(stored_event2.state) <= len(stored_event1.state)

The library’s ZlibCompressor class uses Python’s zlib module.

The mapper expects an instance of the abstract base class Compressor, and ZlibCompressor implements this abstract base class, so if you want to use another compression strategy simply implement the base class.

Notification objects

Event notifications are used to propagate the state of an event sourced application in a reliable way. The stored events can be positioned in a “total order” by giving each a new domain event a notification ID that is higher that any previously recorded event. By recording the domain events atomically with their notification IDs, there will never be a domain event that is not available to be passed as a message across a network, and there will never be a message passed across a network that doesn’t correspond to a recorded event. This solves the “dual writing” problem that occurs when separately a domain model is updated and then a message is put on a message queue.

The library’s Notification class is a Python frozen dataclass that can be used to hold information about a domain event object when being transmitted as an item in a section of a notification log. It will be returned when selecting event notifications from a recorder, and presented in an application by a notification log.

from uuid import uuid4

from eventsourcing.persistence import Notification

stored_event = Notification(

Tracking objects

A tracking object can be used to encapsulate the position of an event notification in an upstream application’s notification log. A tracking object can be passed into a process recorder along with new stored event objects, and recorded atomically with those objects. By ensuring the uniqueness of recorded tracking objects, we can ensure that a domain event notification is never processed twice. By recording the position of the last event notification that has been processed, we can ensure to resume processing event notifications at the correct position. This constructs “exactly once” semantics when processing event notifications, by solving the “dual writing” problem that occurs when separately an event notification is consumed from a message queue with updates made to materialized view, and then an acknowledgement is sent back to the message queue.

The library’s Tracking class is a Python frozen dataclass that can be used to hold the notification ID of a notification that has been processed.

from uuid import uuid4

from eventsourcing.persistence import Tracking

tracking = Tracking(


A recorder adapts a database management system for the purpose of recording stored events. It is used by an event store.

The library’s Recorder class is an abstract base for concrete recorder classes that will insert stored event objects in a particular datastore.

There are three flavours of recorder: “aggregate recorders” are the simplest and simply store domain events in aggregate sequences; “application recorders” extend aggregate recorders by storing domain events with a total order; “process recorders” extend application recorders by supporting the recording of domain events atomically with “tracking” objects that record the position in a total ordering of domain events that is being processed. The “aggregate recorder” can be used for storing snapshots.

The library includes in its sqlite module recorder classes for SQLite that use the Python sqlite3 module, and in its postgres module recorders for PostgreSQL that use the third party psycopg2 module.

Recorder classes are conveniently constructed by using an infrastructure factory. For illustrative purposes, the direct use of the library’s SQLite recorders is shown below. The other persistence modules follow a similar naming scheme and pattern of use.

from eventsourcing.sqlite import SQLiteAggregateRecorder
from eventsourcing.sqlite import SQLiteApplicationRecorder
from eventsourcing.sqlite import SQLiteProcessRecorder
from eventsourcing.sqlite import SQLiteDatastore

datastore = SQLiteDatastore(db_name=":memory:")
aggregate_recorder = SQLiteAggregateRecorder(datastore, "snapshots")

application_recorder = SQLiteApplicationRecorder(datastore)

datastore = SQLiteDatastore(db_name=":memory:")
process_recorder = SQLiteProcessRecorder(datastore)

The library also includes in the popo module recorders that use “plain old Python objects”, which simply keep stored events in a data structure in memory, and provides the fastest alternative for rapid development of event sourced applications (~4x faster than using SQLite, and ~20x faster than using PostgreSQL).

Recorders compatible with this version of the library for popular ORMs such as SQLAlchemy and Django, specialist event stores such as EventStoreDB and AxonDB, and NoSQL databases such as DynamoDB and MongoDB are forthcoming.

Event store

An event store provides a common interface for storing and retrieving domain event objects. It combines a mapper and a recorder, so that domain event objects can be converted to stored event objects and then stored event objects can be recorded in a datastore.

The library’s EventStore class must be constructed with a mapper and a recorder.

The EventStore has an object method put() which can be used to store a list of new domain event objects. If any of these domain event objects conflict with any already existing domain event object (because they have the same aggregate ID and version number), an exception will be raised and none of the new events will be stored.

The EventStore has an object method get() which can be used to get a list of domain event objects. Only the originator_id argument is required, which is the ID of the aggregate for which existing events are wanted. The arguments gt, lte, limit, and desc condition the selection of events to be greater than a particular version number, less then or equal to a particular version number, limited in number, or selected in a descending fashion. The selection is by default ascending, unlimited, and otherwise unrestricted such that all the previously stored domain event objects for a particular aggregate will be returned in the order in which they were created.

from eventsourcing.persistence import EventStore

event_store = EventStore(


domain_events = list(event_store.get(id1))
assert domain_events == [domain_event1]

Infrastructure factory

An infrastructure factory helps with the construction of the persistence infrastructure objects mentioned above. By reading and responding to particular environment variables, the persistence infrastructure of an event-sourced application can be easily configured in different ways at different times.

The library’s InfrastructureFactory class is a base class for concrete infrastructure factories that help with the construction of persistence objects that use a particular database in a particular way.

The class method construct() will, by default, construct the library’s “plain old Python objects” infrastructure Factory, which uses recorders that simply keep stored events in a data structure in memory (see eventsourcing.popo).

from eventsourcing.persistence import InfrastructureFactory

factory = InfrastructureFactory.construct()

recorder = factory.application_recorder()
mapper = factory.mapper(transcoder=transcoder)
event_store = factory.event_store(

stored_events = list(event_store.get(id1))
assert stored_events == [domain_event1]

The optional environment variables COMPRESSOR_TOPIC, CIPHER_KEY, and CIPHER_TOPIC may be used to enable compression and encryption of stored events when using POPO infrastructure.


The module eventsourcing.sqlite supports storing events in SQLite.

The library’s SQLite Factory uses various environment variables to control the construction and configuration of its persistence infrastructure.

The environment variable SQLITE_DBNAME is required to set the name of a database, normally a file path, but the special name :memory: can be used to create an in-memory database.

The optional environment variable SQLITE_LOCK_TIMEOUT may be used to adjust the SQLite timeout value. A file-based SQLite database will have its journal mode set to use write-ahead logging (WAL), which allows reading to proceed concurrently reading and writing. Writing is serialised with a lock. Setting this value to a positive number of seconds will cause attempts to lock the SQLite database for writing to timeout after that duration. By default this value is 5 (seconds).

The optional environment variables COMPRESSOR_TOPIC, CIPHER_KEY, and CIPHER_TOPIC may be used to enable compression and encryption of stored events.

The optional environment variable CREATE_TABLE may be control whether database tables are created. If the tables already exist, the CREATE_TABLE may be set to a “false” value ("n", "no", "f", "false", "off", or "0"). This value is by default “true” which is normally okay because the tables are created only if they do not exist.

import os

os.environ["INFRASTRUCTURE_FACTORY"] = "eventsourcing.sqlite:Factory"
os.environ["SQLITE_DBNAME"] = ":memory:"
os.environ["SQLITE_LOCK_TIMEOUT"] = "10"

factory = InfrastructureFactory.construct()

recorder = factory.application_recorder()
mapper = factory.mapper(transcoder=transcoder)
event_store = factory.event_store(

stored_events = list(event_store.get(id1))
assert stored_events == [domain_event1]


The module eventsourcing.postgres supports storing events in PostgresSQL.

The library’s PostgreSQL Factory uses various environment variables to control the construction and configuration of its persistence infrastructure.

The environment variables POSTGRES_DBNAME, POSTGRES_HOST, POSTGRES_PORT, POSTGRES_USER, and POSTGRES_PASSWORD are required to set the name of a database, the database server’s host name and port number, and the database user name and password.

The optional environment variable POSTGRES_CONN_MAX_AGE is used to control the length of time in seconds before a connection is closed. By default this value is not set, and connections will be reused indefinitely (or until an operational database error is encountered). If this value is set to a positive integer, the connection will be closed after this number of seconds from the time it was created, but only when the connection is idle. If this value if set to zero, each connection will only be used for one transaction. Setting this value to an empty string has the same effect as not setting this value. Setting this value to any other value will cause an environment error exception to be raised. If your database terminates idle connections after some time, you should set POSTGRES_CONN_MAX_AGE to a lower value, so that attempts are not made to use connections that have been terminated by the database server.

The optional environment variable POSTGRES_PRE_PING may be used to enable pessimistic disconnection handling. Setting this to a “true” value ("y", "yes", "t", "true", "on", or "1") means database connections will be checked that they are usable before executing statements, and database connections remade if the connection is not usable. This value is by default “false”, meaning connections will not be checked before they are reused. Enabling this option will incur a small impact on performance.

The optional environment variable POSTGRES_LOCK_TIMEOUT may be used to enable a timeout on acquiring an ‘EXCLUSIVE’ mode table lock when inserting stored events. To avoid interleaving of inserts when writing events, an ‘EXCLUSIVE’ mode table lock is acquired when inserting events. This effectively serialises writing events. It prevents concurrent transactions interleaving inserts, which would potentially cause notification log readers that are tailing the application notification log to miss event notifications. Reading from the table can proceed concurrently with other readers and writers, since selecting acquires an ‘ACCESS SHARE’ lock which does not block and is not blocked by the ‘EXCLUSIVE’ lock. This issue of interleaving inserts by concurrent writers is not exhibited by SQLite, which supports concurrent readers when its journal mode is set to use write ahead logging. By default, this timeout has the value of 0 seconds, which means attempts to acquire the lock will not timeout. Setting this value to a positive number of seconds will cause attempt to obtain this lock to timeout after that duration has passed. The lock will be released when the transaction ends.

The optional environment variable POSTGRES_IDLE_IN_TRANSACTION_SESSION_TIMEOUT may be used to timeout sessions that are idle in a transaction. If a transaction cannot be ended for some reason, perhaps because the database server cannot be reached, the transaction may remain in an idle state and any locks will continue to be held. By timing out the session, transactions will be ended, locks will be released, and the connection slot will be freed. By default, this timeout has the value of 0 seconds, which means sessions in an idle transaction will not timeout. Setting this value to a positive number of seconds will cause sessions in an idle transaction to timeout after that duration has passed.

The optional environment variables COMPRESSOR_TOPIC, CIPHER_KEY, and CIPHER_TOPIC may be used to enable compression and encryption of stored events.

The optional environment variable CREATE_TABLE may be control whether database tables are created. If the tables already exist, the CREATE_TABLE may be set to a “false” value ("n", "no", "f", "false", "off", or "0"). This value is by default “true” which is normally okay because the tables are created only if they do not exist.

import os

os.environ["INFRASTRUCTURE_FACTORY"] = "eventsourcing.postgres:Factory"
os.environ["POSTGRES_DBNAME"] = "eventsourcing"
os.environ["POSTGRES_HOST"] = ""
os.environ["POSTGRES_PORT"] = "5432"
os.environ["POSTGRES_USER"] = "eventsourcing"
os.environ["POSTGRES_PASSWORD"] = "eventsourcing"
os.environ["POSTGRES_CONN_MAX_AGE"] = "10"
os.environ["POSTGRES_PRE_PING"] = "y"
os.environ["POSTGRES_LOCK_TIMEOUT"] = "5"
factory = InfrastructureFactory.construct()

recorder = factory.application_recorder()
mapper = factory.mapper(transcoder=transcoder)
event_store = factory.event_store(

stored_events = list(event_store.get(id1))
assert stored_events == [domain_event1]


class eventsourcing.persistence.Transcoding[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Abstract base class for custom transcodings.


Object type of transcoded object.


Name of transcoding.

encode(obj: Any) → Any[source]

Encodes given object.

decode(data: Any) → Any[source]

Decodes encoded object.

class eventsourcing.persistence.Transcoder[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Abstract base class for transcoders.

__init__() → None[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

register(transcoding: eventsourcing.persistence.Transcoding) → None[source]

Registers given transcoding with the transcoder.

encode(obj: Any) → bytes[source]

Encodes obj as bytes.

decode(data: bytes) → Any[source]

Decodes obj from bytes.

class eventsourcing.persistence.JSONTranscoder[source]

Bases: eventsourcing.persistence.Transcoder

Extensible transcoder that uses the Python json module.

__init__() → None[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

encode(obj: Any) → bytes[source]

Encodes given object as a bytes array.

decode(data: bytes) → Any[source]

Decodes bytes array as previously encoded object.

class eventsourcing.persistence.UUIDAsHex[source]

Bases: eventsourcing.persistence.Transcoding

Transcoding that represents UUID objects as hex values.


alias of uuid.UUID

encode(obj: uuid.UUID) → str[source]

Encodes given object.

decode(data: str) → uuid.UUID[source]

Decodes encoded object.

class eventsourcing.persistence.DecimalAsStr[source]

Bases: eventsourcing.persistence.Transcoding

Transcoding that represents Decimal objects as strings.


alias of decimal.Decimal

encode(obj: decimal.Decimal) → str[source]

Encodes given object.

decode(data: str) → decimal.Decimal[source]

Decodes encoded object.

class eventsourcing.persistence.DatetimeAsISO[source]

Bases: eventsourcing.persistence.Transcoding

Transcoding that represents datetime objects as ISO strings.


alias of datetime.datetime

encode(obj: datetime.datetime) → str[source]

Encodes given object.

decode(data: str) → datetime.datetime[source]

Decodes encoded object.

class eventsourcing.persistence.StoredEvent(originator_id: uuid.UUID, originator_version: int, topic: str, state: bytes)[source]

Bases: object

Frozen dataclass that represents DomainEvent objects, such as aggregate Event objects and Snapshot objects.

Constructor parameters:

  • originator_id (UUID) – ID of the originating aggregate
  • originator_version (int) – version of the originating aggregate
  • topic (str) – topic of the domain event object class
  • state (bytes) – serialised state of the domain event object
class eventsourcing.persistence.Compressor[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Base class for compressors.

compress(data: bytes) → bytes[source]

Compress bytes.

decompress(data: bytes) → bytes[source]

Decompress bytes.

class eventsourcing.persistence.Cipher(cipher_key: str)[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Base class for ciphers.

__init__(cipher_key: str)[source]

Initialises cipher with given key.

encrypt(plaintext: bytes) → bytes[source]

Return ciphertext for given plaintext.

decrypt(ciphertext: bytes) → bytes[source]

Return plaintext for given ciphertext.

class eventsourcing.persistence.Mapper(transcoder: eventsourcing.persistence.Transcoder, compressor: Optional[eventsourcing.persistence.Compressor] = None, cipher: Optional[eventsourcing.persistence.Cipher] = None)[source]

Bases: typing.Generic

Converts between domain event objects and StoredEvent objects.

Uses a Transcoder, and optionally a cryptographic cipher and compressor.

__init__(transcoder: eventsourcing.persistence.Transcoder, compressor: Optional[eventsourcing.persistence.Compressor] = None, cipher: Optional[eventsourcing.persistence.Cipher] = None)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

from_domain_event(domain_event: TDomainEvent) → eventsourcing.persistence.StoredEvent[source]

Converts the given domain event to a StoredEvent object.

to_domain_event(stored: eventsourcing.persistence.StoredEvent) → TDomainEvent[source]

Converts the given StoredEvent to a domain event object.

exception eventsourcing.persistence.RecordConflictError[source]

Bases: Exception

Legacy exception, replaced with IntegrityError.

exception eventsourcing.persistence.PersistenceError[source]

Bases: Exception

The base class of the other exceptions in this module.

Exception class names follow

exception eventsourcing.persistence.InterfaceError[source]

Bases: eventsourcing.persistence.PersistenceError

Exception raised for errors that are related to the database interface rather than the database itself.

exception eventsourcing.persistence.DatabaseError[source]

Bases: eventsourcing.persistence.PersistenceError

Exception raised for errors that are related to the database.

exception eventsourcing.persistence.DataError[source]

Bases: eventsourcing.persistence.DatabaseError

Exception raised for errors that are due to problems with the processed data like division by zero, numeric value out of range, etc.

exception eventsourcing.persistence.OperationalError[source]

Bases: eventsourcing.persistence.DatabaseError

Exception raised for errors that are related to the database’s operation and not necessarily under the control of the programmer, e.g. an unexpected disconnect occurs, the data source name is not found, a transaction could not be processed, a memory allocation error occurred during processing, etc.

exception eventsourcing.persistence.IntegrityError[source]

Bases: eventsourcing.persistence.DatabaseError, eventsourcing.persistence.RecordConflictError

Exception raised when the relational integrity of the database is affected, e.g. a foreign key check fails.

exception eventsourcing.persistence.InternalError[source]

Bases: eventsourcing.persistence.DatabaseError

Exception raised when the database encounters an internal error, e.g. the cursor is not valid anymore, the transaction is out of sync, etc.

exception eventsourcing.persistence.ProgrammingError[source]

Bases: eventsourcing.persistence.DatabaseError

Exception raised for programming errors, e.g. table not found or already exists, syntax error in the SQL statement, wrong number of parameters specified, etc.

exception eventsourcing.persistence.NotSupportedError[source]

Bases: eventsourcing.persistence.DatabaseError

Exception raised in case a method or database API was used which is not supported by the database, e.g. calling the rollback() method on a connection that does not support transaction or has transactions turned off.

class eventsourcing.persistence.Recorder[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Abstract base class for stored event recorders.

class eventsourcing.persistence.AggregateRecorder[source]

Bases: eventsourcing.persistence.Recorder

Abstract base class for recorders that record and retrieve stored events for domain model aggregates.

insert_events(stored_events: List[eventsourcing.persistence.StoredEvent], **kwargs) → None[source]

Writes stored events into database.

select_events(originator_id: uuid.UUID, gt: Optional[int] = None, lte: Optional[int] = None, desc: bool = False, limit: Optional[int] = None) → List[eventsourcing.persistence.StoredEvent][source]

Reads stored events from database.

class eventsourcing.persistence.Notification(originator_id: uuid.UUID, originator_version: int, topic: str, state: bytes, id: int)[source]

Bases: eventsourcing.persistence.StoredEvent

Frozen dataclass that represents domain event notifications.

class eventsourcing.persistence.ApplicationRecorder[source]

Bases: eventsourcing.persistence.AggregateRecorder

Abstract base class for recorders that record and retrieve stored events for domain model aggregates.

Extends the behaviour of aggregate recorders by recording aggregate events in a total order that allows the stored events also to be retrieved as event notifications.

select_notifications(start: int, limit: int) → List[eventsourcing.persistence.Notification][source]

Returns a list of event notifications from ‘start’, limited by ‘limit’.

max_notification_id() → int[source]

Returns the maximum notification ID.

class eventsourcing.persistence.ProcessRecorder[source]

Bases: eventsourcing.persistence.ApplicationRecorder

Abstract base class for recorders that record and retrieve stored events for domain model aggregates.

Extends the behaviour of applications recorders by recording aggregate events with tracking information that records the position of a processed event notification in a notification log.

max_tracking_id(application_name: str) → int[source]

Returns the last recorded notification ID from given application.

class eventsourcing.persistence.EventStore(mapper: eventsourcing.persistence.Mapper[~TDomainEvent][TDomainEvent], recorder: eventsourcing.persistence.AggregateRecorder)[source]

Bases: typing.Generic

Stores and retrieves domain events.

__init__(mapper: eventsourcing.persistence.Mapper[~TDomainEvent][TDomainEvent], recorder: eventsourcing.persistence.AggregateRecorder)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

put(events: List[TDomainEvent], **kwargs) → None[source]

Stores domain events in aggregate sequence.

get(originator_id: uuid.UUID, gt: Optional[int] = None, lte: Optional[int] = None, desc: bool = False, limit: Optional[int] = None) → Iterator[TDomainEvent][source]

Retrieves domain events from aggregate sequence.

class eventsourcing.persistence.InfrastructureFactory(application_name: str, env: Mapping[KT, VT_co])[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Abstract base class for infrastructure factories.

classmethod construct(application_name: str = '', env: Optional[Mapping[KT, VT_co]] = None) → eventsourcing.persistence.InfrastructureFactory[source]

Constructs concrete infrastructure factory for given named application. Reads and resolves infrastructure factory class topic from environment variable ‘INFRASTRUCTURE_FACTORY’.

__init__(application_name: str, env: Mapping[KT, VT_co])[source]

Initialises infrastructure factory object with given application name.

getenv(key: str, default: Optional[str] = None, application_name: str = '') → Optional[str][source]

Returns value of environment variable defined by given key.

mapper(transcoder: eventsourcing.persistence.Transcoder, application_name: str = '') → eventsourcing.persistence.Mapper[source]

Constructs a mapper.

cipher(application_name: str) → Optional[eventsourcing.persistence.Cipher][source]

Reads environment variables ‘CIPHER_TOPIC’ and ‘CIPHER_KEY’ to decide whether or not to construct a cipher.

compressor(application_name: str) → Optional[eventsourcing.persistence.Compressor][source]

Reads environment variable ‘COMPRESSOR_TOPIC’ to decide whether or not to construct a compressor.

static event_store(**kwargs) → eventsourcing.persistence.EventStore[source]

Constructs an event store.

aggregate_recorder(purpose: str = 'events') → eventsourcing.persistence.AggregateRecorder[source]

Constructs an aggregate recorder.

application_recorder() → eventsourcing.persistence.ApplicationRecorder[source]

Constructs an application recorder.

process_recorder() → eventsourcing.persistence.ProcessRecorder[source]

Constructs a process recorder.

is_snapshotting_enabled() → bool[source]

Decides whether or not snapshotting is enabled by reading environment variable ‘IS_SNAPSHOTTING_ENABLED’. Snapshotting is not enabled by default.

class eventsourcing.persistence.Tracking(application_name: str, notification_id: int)[source]

Bases: object

Frozen dataclass representing the position of a domain event Notification in an application’s notification log.

class eventsourcing.popo.POPOAggregateRecorder[source]

Bases: eventsourcing.persistence.AggregateRecorder

__init__() → None[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

insert_events(stored_events: List[eventsourcing.persistence.StoredEvent], **kwargs) → None[source]

Writes stored events into database.

select_events(originator_id: uuid.UUID, gt: Optional[int] = None, lte: Optional[int] = None, desc: bool = False, limit: Optional[int] = None) → List[eventsourcing.persistence.StoredEvent][source]

Reads stored events from database.

class eventsourcing.popo.POPOApplicationRecorder[source]

Bases: eventsourcing.persistence.ApplicationRecorder, eventsourcing.popo.POPOAggregateRecorder

select_notifications(start: int, limit: int) → List[eventsourcing.persistence.Notification][source]

Returns a list of event notifications from ‘start’, limited by ‘limit’.

max_notification_id() → int[source]

Returns the maximum notification ID.

class eventsourcing.popo.POPOProcessRecorder[source]

Bases: eventsourcing.persistence.ProcessRecorder, eventsourcing.popo.POPOApplicationRecorder

__init__() → None[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

max_tracking_id(application_name: str) → int[source]

Returns the last recorded notification ID from given application.

class eventsourcing.popo.Factory(application_name: str, env: Mapping[KT, VT_co])[source]

Bases: eventsourcing.persistence.InfrastructureFactory

aggregate_recorder(purpose: str = 'events') → eventsourcing.persistence.AggregateRecorder[source]

Constructs an aggregate recorder.

application_recorder() → eventsourcing.persistence.ApplicationRecorder[source]

Constructs an application recorder.

process_recorder() → eventsourcing.persistence.ProcessRecorder[source]

Constructs a process recorder.

class eventsourcing.sqlite.SQLiteAggregateRecorder(datastore: eventsourcing.sqlite.SQLiteDatastore, events_table_name: str = 'stored_events')[source]

Bases: eventsourcing.persistence.AggregateRecorder

__init__(datastore: eventsourcing.sqlite.SQLiteDatastore, events_table_name: str = 'stored_events')[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

insert_events(stored_events: List[eventsourcing.persistence.StoredEvent], **kwargs) → None[source]

Writes stored events into database.

select_events(originator_id: uuid.UUID, gt: Optional[int] = None, lte: Optional[int] = None, desc: bool = False, limit: Optional[int] = None) → List[eventsourcing.persistence.StoredEvent][source]

Reads stored events from database.

class eventsourcing.sqlite.SQLiteApplicationRecorder(datastore: eventsourcing.sqlite.SQLiteDatastore, events_table_name: str = 'stored_events')[source]

Bases: eventsourcing.sqlite.SQLiteAggregateRecorder, eventsourcing.persistence.ApplicationRecorder

__init__(datastore: eventsourcing.sqlite.SQLiteDatastore, events_table_name: str = 'stored_events')[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

select_notifications(start: int, limit: int) → List[eventsourcing.persistence.Notification][source]

Returns a list of event notifications from ‘start’, limited by ‘limit’.

max_notification_id() → int[source]

Returns the maximum notification ID.

class eventsourcing.sqlite.SQLiteProcessRecorder(datastore: eventsourcing.sqlite.SQLiteDatastore, events_table_name: str = 'stored_events')[source]

Bases: eventsourcing.sqlite.SQLiteApplicationRecorder, eventsourcing.persistence.ProcessRecorder

__init__(datastore: eventsourcing.sqlite.SQLiteDatastore, events_table_name: str = 'stored_events')[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

max_tracking_id(application_name: str) → int[source]

Returns the last recorded notification ID from given application.

class eventsourcing.sqlite.Factory(application_name: str, env: Mapping[KT, VT_co])[source]

Bases: eventsourcing.persistence.InfrastructureFactory

__init__(application_name: str, env: Mapping[KT, VT_co])[source]

Initialises infrastructure factory object with given application name.

aggregate_recorder(purpose: str = 'events') → eventsourcing.persistence.AggregateRecorder[source]

Constructs an aggregate recorder.

application_recorder() → eventsourcing.persistence.ApplicationRecorder[source]

Constructs an application recorder.

process_recorder() → eventsourcing.persistence.ProcessRecorder[source]

Constructs a process recorder.

class eventsourcing.postgres.PostgresAggregateRecorder(datastore: eventsourcing.postgres.PostgresDatastore, events_table_name: str)[source]

Bases: eventsourcing.persistence.AggregateRecorder

__init__(datastore: eventsourcing.postgres.PostgresDatastore, events_table_name: str)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

insert_events(stored_events: List[eventsourcing.persistence.StoredEvent], **kwargs) → None[source]

Writes stored events into database.

select_events(originator_id: uuid.UUID, gt: Optional[int] = None, lte: Optional[int] = None, desc: bool = False, limit: Optional[int] = None) → List[eventsourcing.persistence.StoredEvent][source]

Reads stored events from database.

class eventsourcing.postgres.PostgresApplicationRecorder(datastore: eventsourcing.postgres.PostgresDatastore, events_table_name: str = 'stored_events')[source]

Bases: eventsourcing.postgres.PostgresAggregateRecorder, eventsourcing.persistence.ApplicationRecorder

__init__(datastore: eventsourcing.postgres.PostgresDatastore, events_table_name: str = 'stored_events')[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

select_notifications(start: int, limit: int) → List[eventsourcing.persistence.Notification][source]

Returns a list of event notifications from ‘start’, limited by ‘limit’.

max_notification_id() → int[source]

Returns the maximum notification ID.

class eventsourcing.postgres.PostgresProcessRecorder(datastore: eventsourcing.postgres.PostgresDatastore, events_table_name: str, tracking_table_name: str)[source]

Bases: eventsourcing.postgres.PostgresApplicationRecorder, eventsourcing.persistence.ProcessRecorder

__init__(datastore: eventsourcing.postgres.PostgresDatastore, events_table_name: str, tracking_table_name: str)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

max_tracking_id(application_name: str) → int[source]

Returns the last recorded notification ID from given application.

class eventsourcing.postgres.Factory(application_name: str, env: Mapping[KT, VT_co])[source]

Bases: eventsourcing.persistence.InfrastructureFactory

__init__(application_name: str, env: Mapping[KT, VT_co])[source]

Initialises infrastructure factory object with given application name.

aggregate_recorder(purpose: str = 'events') → eventsourcing.persistence.AggregateRecorder[source]

Constructs an aggregate recorder.

application_recorder() → eventsourcing.persistence.ApplicationRecorder[source]

Constructs an application recorder.

process_recorder() → eventsourcing.persistence.ProcessRecorder[source]

Constructs a process recorder.