Source code for eventsourcing.system

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
from threading import Event, Lock, Thread
from typing import (

from eventsourcing.application import Application, NotificationLog, Section
from eventsourcing.domain import Aggregate, AggregateEvent
from eventsourcing.persistence import (
from eventsourcing.utils import get_topic, resolve_topic

[docs]class ProcessEvent: """ Keeps together a :class:`~eventsourcing.persistence.Tracking` object, which represents the position of a domain event notification in the notification log of a particular application, and the new domain events that result from processing that notification. """
[docs] def __init__(self, tracking: Optional[Tracking] = None): """ Initalises the process event with the given tracking object. """ self.tracking = tracking List[AggregateEvent] = []
[docs] def save(self, *aggregates: Aggregate) -> None: """ Collects pending domain events from the given aggregate. """ for aggregate in aggregates: += aggregate.collect_events()
[docs]class Follower(Application): """ Extends the :class:`~eventsourcing.application.Application` class by using a process recorder as its application recorder, by keeping track of the applications it is following, and pulling and processing new domain event notifications through its :func:`policy` method. """
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.readers: Dict[ str, Tuple[ NotificationLogReader, Mapper[AggregateEvent], ], ] = {} self.recorder: ProcessRecorder
[docs] def construct_recorder(self) -> ProcessRecorder: """ Constructs and returns a :class:`~eventsourcing.persistence.ProcessRecorder` for the application to use as its application recorder. """ return self.factory.process_recorder()
[docs] def follow(self, name: str, log: NotificationLog) -> None: """ Constructs a notification log reader and a mapper for the named application, and adds them to its collection of readers. """ assert isinstance(self.recorder, ProcessRecorder) reader = NotificationLogReader(log) mapper = self.construct_mapper(name) self.readers[name] = (reader, mapper)
[docs] def pull_and_process(self, name: str) -> None: """ Pulls and processes unseen domain event notifications from the notification log reader of the names application. Converts received event notifications to domain event objects, and then calls the :func:`policy` with a new :class:`ProcessEvent` object which contains a :class:`~eventsourcing.persistence.Tracking` object that keeps track of the name of the application and the position in its notification log from which the domain event notification was pulled. The policy will save aggregates to the process event object, using its :func:`` method, which collects pending domain events using the aggregates' :func:`~eventsourcing.domain.Aggregate.collect_events` method, and the process event object will then be recorded by calling the :func:`record` method. """ reader, mapper = self.readers[name] start = self.recorder.max_tracking_id(name) + 1 for notification in domain_event = mapper.to_domain_event(notification) process_event = ProcessEvent( Tracking( application_name=name,, ) ) self.policy( domain_event, process_event, ) self.record(process_event)
[docs] @abstractmethod def policy( self, domain_event: AggregateEvent, process_event: ProcessEvent, ) -> None: """ Abstract domain event processing policy method. Must be implemented by event processing applications. When processing the given domain event, event processing applications must use the :func:`` method of the given process event object (instead of the application's :func:`` method) to collect pending events from changed aggregates, so that the new domain events will be recorded atomically with tracking information about the position of the given domain event's notification. """
[docs] def record(self, process_event: ProcessEvent) -> None: """ Records given process event in the application's process recorder. """ **process_event.__dict__, ) self.notify(
[docs]class Promptable(ABC): """ Abstract base class for "promptable" objects. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def receive_prompt(self, leader_name: str) -> None: """ Receives the name of leader that has new domain event notifications. """
[docs]class Leader(Application): """ Extends the :class:`~eventsourcing.application.Application` class by also being responsible for keeping track of followers, and prompting followers when there are new domain event notifications to be pulled and processed. """
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.followers: List[Promptable] = []
[docs] def lead(self, follower: Promptable) -> None: """ Adds given follower to a list of followers. """ self.followers.append(follower)
[docs] def notify(self, new_events: List[AggregateEvent]) -> None: """ Extends the application :func:`~eventsourcing.application.Application.notify` method by calling :func:`prompt_followers` whenever new events have just been saved. """ super().notify(new_events) if len(new_events): self.prompt_followers()
[docs] def prompt_followers(self) -> None: """ Prompts followers by calling their :func:`~Promptable.receive_prompt` methods with the name of the application. """ name = self.__class__.__name__ for follower in self.followers: follower.receive_prompt(name)
[docs]class ProcessApplication(Leader, Follower, ABC): """ Base class for event processing applications that are both "leaders" and followers". """
[docs]class System: """ Defines a system of applications. """
[docs] def __init__( self, pipes: Iterable[Iterable[Type[Application]]], ): nodes: Dict[str, Type[Application]] = {} edges: Set[Tuple[str, str]] = set() # Build nodes and edges. for pipe in pipes: follower_cls = None for cls in pipe: nodes[cls.__name__] = cls if follower_cls is None: follower_cls = cls else: leader_cls = follower_cls follower_cls = cls edges.add( ( leader_cls.__name__, follower_cls.__name__, ) ) self.edges = list(edges) self.nodes: Dict[str, str] = {} for name in nodes: topic = get_topic(nodes[name]) self.nodes[name] = topic # Identify leaders and followers. self.follows: Dict[str, List[str]] = defaultdict(list) self.leads: Dict[str, List[str]] = defaultdict(list) for edge in edges: self.leads[edge[0]].append(edge[1]) self.follows[edge[1]].append(edge[0]) # Check followers are followers. for name in self.follows: if not issubclass(nodes[name], Follower): raise TypeError("Not a follower class: %s" % nodes[name]) # Check each process is a process application class. for name in self.processors: if not issubclass(nodes[name], ProcessApplication): raise TypeError("Not a process application class: %s" % nodes[name])
@property def leaders(self) -> Iterable[str]: return self.leads.keys() @property def leaders_only(self) -> Iterable[str]: for name in self.leads.keys(): if name not in self.follows: yield name @property def followers(self) -> Iterable[str]: return self.follows.keys() @property def processors(self) -> Iterable[str]: return set(self.leaders).intersection(self.followers) def get_app_cls(self, name: str) -> Type[Application]: cls = resolve_topic(self.nodes[name]) assert issubclass(cls, Application) return cls def leader_cls(self, name: str) -> Type[Leader]: cls = self.get_app_cls(name) if issubclass(cls, Leader): return cls else: cls = type( cls.__name__, (Leader, cls), {}, ) assert issubclass(cls, Leader) return cls def follower_cls(self, name: str) -> Type[Follower]: cls = self.get_app_cls(name) assert issubclass(cls, Follower) return cls
A = TypeVar("A")
[docs]class Runner(ABC): """ Abstract base class for system runners. """
[docs] def __init__(self, system: System): self.system = system self.is_started = False
[docs] @abstractmethod def start(self) -> None: """ Starts the runner. """ if self.is_started: raise RunnerAlreadyStarted() self.is_started = True
[docs] @abstractmethod def stop(self) -> None: """ Stops the runner. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get(self, cls: Type[A]) -> A: """ Returns an application instance for given application class. """
[docs]class RunnerAlreadyStarted(Exception): """ Raised when runner is already started. """
[docs]class SingleThreadedRunner(Runner, Promptable): """ Runs a :class:`System` in a single thread. A single threaded runner is a runner, and so implements the :func:`start`, :func:`stop`, and :func:`get` methods. A single threaded runner is also a :class:`Promptable` object, and implements the :func:`receive_prompt` method by collecting prompted names. """
[docs] def __init__(self, system: System): """ Initialises runner with the given :class:`System`. """ super().__init__(system) self.apps: Dict[str, Application] = {} self.prompts_received: List[str] = [] self.is_prompting = False
[docs] def start(self) -> None: """ Starts the runner. The applications are constructed, and setup to lead and follow each other, according to the system definition. The followers are setup to follow the applications they follow (have a notification log reader with the notification log of the leader), and their leaders are setup to lead the runner itself (send prompts). """ super().start() # Construct followers. for name in self.system.followers: self.apps[name] = self.system.follower_cls(name)() # Construct leaders. for name in self.system.leaders_only: self.apps[name] = self.system.leader_cls(name)() # Lead and follow. for edge in self.system.edges: leader = self.apps[edge[0]] follower = self.apps[edge[1]] assert isinstance(leader, Leader) assert isinstance(follower, Follower) leader.lead(self) follower.follow(leader.__class__.__name__, leader.log)
[docs] def receive_prompt(self, leader_name: str) -> None: """ Receives prompt by appending name of leader to list of prompted names. Unless this method has previously been called but not yet returned, it will then proceed to forward the prompts received to its application by calling the application's :func:`~Follower.pull_and_process` method for each prompted name. """ if leader_name not in self.prompts_received: self.prompts_received.append(leader_name) if not self.is_prompting: self.is_prompting = True while self.prompts_received: prompt = self.prompts_received.pop(0) for name in self.system.leads[prompt]: follower = self.apps[name] assert isinstance(follower, Follower) follower.pull_and_process(prompt) self.is_prompting = False
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: self.apps.clear()
[docs] def get(self, cls: Type[A]) -> A: app = self.apps[cls.__name__] assert isinstance(app, cls) return app
[docs]class MultiThreadedRunner(Runner): """ Runs a :class:`System` with a :class:`MultiThreadedRunnerThread` for each follower in the system definition. It is a runner, and so implements the :func:`start`, :func:`stop`, and :func:`get` methods. """
[docs] def __init__(self, system: System): """ Initialises runner with the given :class:`System`. """ super().__init__(system) self.apps: Dict[str, Application] = {} self.threads: Dict[str, MultiThreadedRunnerThread] = {} self.is_stopping = Event()
[docs] def start(self) -> None: """ Starts the runner. A multi-threaded runner thread is started for each 'follower' application in the system, and constructs an instance of each non-follower leader application in the system. The followers are then setup to follow the applications they follow (have a notification log reader with the notification log of the leader), and their leaders are setup to lead the follower's thead (send prompts). """ super().start() # Construct followers. for name in self.system.followers: app_class = self.system.follower_cls(name) thread = MultiThreadedRunnerThread( app_class=app_class, is_stopping=self.is_stopping, ) self.threads[name] = thread thread.start() if (not thread.is_running.wait(timeout=5)) or thread.has_stopped.is_set(): self.stop() raise Exception(f"Thread for '{app_class.__name__}' failed to start") self.apps[name] = # Construct non-follower leaders. for name in self.system.leaders_only: app = self.system.leader_cls(name)() self.apps[name] = app # Lead and follow. for edge in self.system.edges: leader = self.apps[edge[0]] follower = self.apps[edge[1]] assert isinstance(leader, Leader) assert isinstance(follower, Follower) follower.follow(leader.__class__.__name__, leader.log) thread = self.threads[edge[1]] leader.lead(thread)
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: self.is_stopping.set() for thread in self.threads.values(): thread.is_prompted.set() thread.join()
@property def has_stopped(self) -> bool: return all([t.has_stopped.is_set() for t in self.threads.values()])
[docs] def get(self, cls: Type[A]) -> A: app = self.apps[cls.__name__] assert isinstance(app, cls) return app
[docs]class MultiThreadedRunnerThread(Promptable, Thread): """ Runs one process application for a :class:`~eventsourcing.system.MultiThreadedRunner`. A multi-threaded runner thread is a :class:`~eventsourcing.system.Promptable` object, and implements the :func:`receive_prompt` method by collecting prompted names and setting its threading event 'is_prompted'. A multi-threaded runner thread is a Python :class:`threading.Thread` object, and implements the thread's :func:`run` method by waiting until the 'is_prompted' event has been set and then calling its process application's :func:`~eventsourcing.system.Follower.pull_and_process` method once for each prompted name. It is expected that the process application will have been set up by the runner with a notification log reader from which event notifications will be pulled. """
[docs] def __init__( self, app_class: Type[Follower], is_stopping: Event, ): super().__init__() self.app_class = app_class self.is_stopping = is_stopping self.has_stopped = Event() self.has_errored = Event() self.is_prompted = Event() self.prompted_names: List[str] = [] self.prompted_names_lock = Lock() self.setDaemon(True) self.is_running = Event()
[docs] def run(self) -> None: """ Begins by constructing an application instance from given application class and then loops forever until stopped. The loop blocks on waiting for the 'is_prompted' event to be set, then forwards the prompts already received to its application by calling the application's :func:`~Follower.pull_and_process` method for each prompted name. """ try: Follower = self.app_class() except Exception: self.has_errored.set() self.has_stopped.set() raise finally: self.is_running.set() # pragma: no cover # -----------------------^ weird branch coverage thing with Python 3.9 try: while True: self.is_prompted.wait() if self.is_stopping.is_set(): self.has_stopped.set() break with self.prompted_names_lock: prompted_names = self.prompted_names self.prompted_names = [] self.is_prompted.clear() for name in prompted_names: except Exception: self.has_errored.set() self.has_stopped.set() self.is_stopping.is_set() raise
[docs] def receive_prompt(self, leader_name: str) -> None: """ Receives prompt by appending name of leader to list of prompted names. """ with self.prompted_names_lock: if leader_name not in self.prompted_names: self.prompted_names.append(leader_name) self.is_prompted.set()
[docs]class NotificationLogReader: """ Reads domain event notifications from a notification log. """ DEFAULT_SECTION_SIZE = 10
[docs] def __init__( self, notification_log: NotificationLog, section_size: int = DEFAULT_SECTION_SIZE, ): """ Initialises a reader with the given notification log, and optionally a section size integer which determines the requested number of domain event notifications in each section retrieved from the notification log. """ self.notification_log = notification_log self.section_size = section_size
[docs] def read(self, *, start: int) -> Iterator[Notification]: """ Returns a generator that yields event notifications from the reader's notification log, starting from given start position (a notification ID). This method traverses the linked list of sections presented by a notification log, and yields the individual event notifications that are contained in each section. When all the event notifications from a section have been yielded, the reader will retrieve the next section, and continue yielding event notification until all subsequent event notifications in the notification log from the start position have been yielded. """ section_id = "{},{}".format(start, start + self.section_size - 1) while True: section: Section = self.notification_log[section_id] for item in section.items: # Todo: Reintroduce if supporting # sections with regular alignment? # if < start: # continue yield item if section.next_id is None: break else: section_id = section.next_id
[docs] def select(self, *, start: int) -> Iterator[Notification]: """ Returns a generator that yields event notifications from the reader's notification log, starting from given start position (a notification ID). This method selects a limited list of notifications from a notification log and yields event notifications individually. When all the event notifications in the list are yielded, the reader will retrieve another list, and continue yielding event notification until all subsequent event notifications in the notification log from the start position have been yielded. """ while True: notifications =, self.section_size) for notification in notifications: yield notification if len(notifications) < self.section_size: break else: start = notifications[-1].id + 1