Source code for eventsourcing.persistence

import json
import uuid
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import deque
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime
from decimal import Decimal
from threading import Condition, Event, Lock, Semaphore, Timer
from time import time
from types import ModuleType
from typing import (
from uuid import UUID
from warnings import warn

from eventsourcing.domain import DomainEventProtocol, EventSourcingError
from eventsourcing.utils import (

[docs]class Transcoding(ABC): """ Abstract base class for custom transcodings. """ type: type name: str
[docs] @abstractmethod def encode(self, obj: Any) -> Any: """Encodes given object."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def decode(self, data: Any) -> Any: """Decodes encoded object."""
[docs]class Transcoder(ABC): """ Abstract base class for transcoders. """
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: self.types: Dict[type, Transcoding] = {} self.names: Dict[str, Transcoding] = {}
[docs] def register(self, transcoding: Transcoding) -> None: """ Registers given transcoding with the transcoder. """ self.types[transcoding.type] = transcoding self.names[] = transcoding
[docs] @abstractmethod def encode(self, obj: Any) -> bytes: """Encodes obj as bytes."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def decode(self, data: bytes) -> Any: """Decodes obj from bytes."""
[docs]class JSONTranscoder(Transcoder): """ Extensible transcoder that uses the Python :mod:`json` module. """
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.encoder = json.JSONEncoder( default=self._encode_obj, separators=(",", ":"), ensure_ascii=False, ) self.decoder = json.JSONDecoder(object_hook=self._decode_obj)
[docs] def encode(self, obj: Any) -> bytes: """ Encodes given object as a bytes array. """ return self.encoder.encode(obj).encode("utf8")
[docs] def decode(self, data: bytes) -> Any: """ Decodes bytes array as previously encoded object. """ return self.decoder.decode(data.decode("utf8"))
def _encode_obj(self, o: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]: try: transcoding = self.types[type(o)] except KeyError: raise TypeError( f"Object of type {type(o)} is not " "serializable. Please define and register " "a custom transcoding for this type." ) from None else: return { "_type_":, "_data_": transcoding.encode(o), } def _decode_obj(self, d: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any: if len(d) == 2: try: _type_ = d["_type_"] except KeyError: return d else: try: _data_ = d["_data_"] except KeyError: return d else: try: transcoding = self.names[cast(str, _type_)] except KeyError: raise TypeError( f"Data serialized with name '{cast(str, _type_)}' is not " "deserializable. Please register a " "custom transcoding for this type." ) else: return transcoding.decode(_data_) else: return d
[docs]class UUIDAsHex(Transcoding): """ Transcoding that represents :class:`UUID` objects as hex values. """ type = UUID name = "uuid_hex"
[docs] def encode(self, obj: UUID) -> str: return obj.hex
[docs] def decode(self, data: str) -> UUID: assert isinstance(data, str) return UUID(data)
[docs]class DecimalAsStr(Transcoding): """ Transcoding that represents :class:`Decimal` objects as strings. """ type = Decimal name = "decimal_str"
[docs] def encode(self, obj: Decimal) -> str: return str(obj)
[docs] def decode(self, data: str) -> Decimal: return Decimal(data)
[docs]class DatetimeAsISO(Transcoding): """ Transcoding that represents :class:`datetime` objects as ISO strings. """ type = datetime name = "datetime_iso"
[docs] def encode(self, obj: datetime) -> str: return obj.isoformat()
[docs] def decode(self, data: str) -> datetime: assert isinstance(data, str) return datetime.fromisoformat(data)
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class StoredEvent: """ Frozen dataclass that represents :class:`~eventsourcing.domain.DomainEvent` objects, such as aggregate :class:`~eventsourcing.domain.Aggregate.Event` objects and :class:`~eventsourcing.domain.Snapshot` objects. Constructor parameters: :param UUID originator_id: ID of the originating aggregate :param int originator_version: version of the originating aggregate :param str topic: topic of the domain event object class :param bytes state: serialised state of the domain event object """ originator_id: uuid.UUID originator_version: int topic: str state: bytes
[docs]class Compressor(ABC): """ Base class for compressors. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def compress(self, data: bytes) -> bytes: """ Compress bytes. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def decompress(self, data: bytes) -> bytes: """ Decompress bytes. """
[docs]class Cipher(ABC): """ Base class for ciphers. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def __init__(self, environment: Environment): """ Initialises cipher with given environment. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def encrypt(self, plaintext: bytes) -> bytes: """ Return ciphertext for given plaintext. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def decrypt(self, ciphertext: bytes) -> bytes: """ Return plaintext for given ciphertext. """
[docs]class Mapper: """ Converts between domain event objects and :class:`StoredEvent` objects. Uses a :class:`Transcoder`, and optionally a cryptographic cipher and compressor. """
[docs] def __init__( self, transcoder: Transcoder, compressor: Optional[Compressor] = None, cipher: Optional[Cipher] = None, ): self.transcoder = transcoder self.compressor = compressor self.cipher = cipher
[docs] def to_stored_event(self, domain_event: DomainEventProtocol) -> StoredEvent: """ Converts the given domain event to a :class:`StoredEvent` object. """ topic = get_topic(domain_event.__class__) event_state = domain_event.__dict__.copy() originator_id = event_state.pop("originator_id") originator_version = event_state.pop("originator_version") class_version = getattr(type(domain_event), "class_version", 1) if class_version > 1: event_state["class_version"] = class_version stored_state = self.transcoder.encode(event_state) if self.compressor: stored_state = self.compressor.compress(stored_state) if self.cipher: stored_state = self.cipher.encrypt(stored_state) return StoredEvent( originator_id=originator_id, originator_version=originator_version, topic=topic, state=stored_state, )
def from_domain_event(self, domain_event: DomainEventProtocol) -> StoredEvent: warn( "'from_domain_event()' is deprecated, use 'to_stored_event()' instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.to_stored_event(domain_event)
[docs] def to_domain_event(self, stored_event: StoredEvent) -> DomainEventProtocol: """ Converts the given :class:`StoredEvent` to a domain event object. """ stored_state = stored_event.state if self.cipher: stored_state = self.cipher.decrypt(stored_state) if self.compressor: stored_state = self.compressor.decompress(stored_state) event_state: Dict[str, Any] = self.transcoder.decode(stored_state) event_state["originator_id"] = stored_event.originator_id event_state["originator_version"] = stored_event.originator_version cls = resolve_topic(stored_event.topic) class_version = getattr(cls, "class_version", 1) from_version = event_state.pop("class_version", 1) while from_version < class_version: getattr(cls, f"upcast_v{from_version}_v{from_version + 1}")(event_state) from_version += 1 domain_event = object.__new__(cls) domain_event.__dict__.update(event_state) return domain_event
[docs]class RecordConflictError(EventSourcingError): """ Legacy exception, replaced with IntegrityError. """
[docs]class PersistenceError(EventSourcingError): """ The base class of the other exceptions in this module. Exception class names follow """
[docs]class InterfaceError(PersistenceError): """ Exception raised for errors that are related to the database interface rather than the database itself. """
[docs]class DatabaseError(PersistenceError): """ Exception raised for errors that are related to the database. """
[docs]class DataError(DatabaseError): """ Exception raised for errors that are due to problems with the processed data like division by zero, numeric value out of range, etc. """
[docs]class OperationalError(DatabaseError): """ Exception raised for errors that are related to the database’s operation and not necessarily under the control of the programmer, e.g. an unexpected disconnect occurs, the data source name is not found, a transaction could not be processed, a memory allocation error occurred during processing, etc. """
[docs]class IntegrityError(DatabaseError, RecordConflictError): """ Exception raised when the relational integrity of the database is affected, e.g. a foreign key check fails. """
[docs]class InternalError(DatabaseError): """ Exception raised when the database encounters an internal error, e.g. the cursor is not valid anymore, the transaction is out of sync, etc. """
[docs]class ProgrammingError(DatabaseError): """ Exception raised for database programming errors, e.g. table not found or already exists, syntax error in the SQL statement, wrong number of parameters specified, etc. """
[docs]class NotSupportedError(DatabaseError): """ Exception raised in case a method or database API was used which is not supported by the database, e.g. calling the rollback() method on a connection that does not support transaction or has transactions turned off. """
[docs]class AggregateRecorder(ABC): """ Abstract base class for recorders that record and retrieve stored events for domain model aggregates. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def insert_events( self, stored_events: List[StoredEvent], **kwargs: Any ) -> Optional[Sequence[int]]: """ Writes stored events into database. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def select_events( self, originator_id: UUID, gt: Optional[int] = None, lte: Optional[int] = None, desc: bool = False, limit: Optional[int] = None, ) -> List[StoredEvent]: """ Reads stored events from database. """
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class Notification(StoredEvent): """ Frozen dataclass that represents domain event notifications. """ id: int
[docs]class ApplicationRecorder(AggregateRecorder): """ Abstract base class for recorders that record and retrieve stored events for domain model aggregates. Extends the behaviour of aggregate recorders by recording aggregate events in a total order that allows the stored events also to be retrieved as event notifications. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def select_notifications( self, start: int, limit: int, stop: Optional[int] = None, topics: Sequence[str] = (), ) -> List[Notification]: """ Returns a list of event notifications from 'start', limited by 'limit' and optionally by 'stop'. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def max_notification_id(self) -> int: """ Returns the maximum notification ID. """
[docs]class ProcessRecorder(ApplicationRecorder): """ Abstract base class for recorders that record and retrieve stored events for domain model aggregates. Extends the behaviour of applications recorders by recording aggregate events with tracking information that records the position of a processed event notification in a notification log. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def max_tracking_id(self, application_name: str) -> int: """ Returns the last recorded notification ID from given application. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def has_tracking_id(self, application_name: str, notification_id: int) -> bool: """ Returns the last recorded notification ID from given application. """
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class Recording: domain_event: DomainEventProtocol notification: Notification
[docs]class EventStore: """ Stores and retrieves domain events. """
[docs] def __init__( self, mapper: Mapper, recorder: AggregateRecorder, ): self.mapper = mapper self.recorder = recorder
[docs] def put( self, domain_events: Sequence[DomainEventProtocol], **kwargs: Any ) -> List[Recording]: """ Stores domain events in aggregate sequence. """ stored_events = list(map(self.mapper.to_stored_event, domain_events)) recordings = [] notification_ids = self.recorder.insert_events(stored_events, **kwargs) if notification_ids: assert len(notification_ids) == len(stored_events) for d, s, n_id in zip(domain_events, stored_events, notification_ids): recordings.append( Recording( d, Notification( originator_id=s.originator_id, originator_version=s.originator_version, topic=s.topic, state=s.state, id=n_id, ), ) ) return recordings
[docs] def get( self, originator_id: UUID, gt: Optional[int] = None, lte: Optional[int] = None, desc: bool = False, limit: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Iterator[DomainEventProtocol]: """ Retrieves domain events from aggregate sequence. """ return map( self.mapper.to_domain_event, self.recorder.select_events( originator_id=originator_id, gt=gt, lte=lte, desc=desc, limit=limit, ), )
TInfrastructureFactory = TypeVar( "TInfrastructureFactory", bound="InfrastructureFactory" )
[docs] @classmethod def construct( cls: Type[TInfrastructureFactory], env: Environment ) -> TInfrastructureFactory: """ Constructs concrete infrastructure factory for given named application. Reads and resolves persistence topic from environment variable 'PERSISTENCE_MODULE'. """ factory_cls: Type[InfrastructureFactory] topic = ( env.get( cls.PERSISTENCE_MODULE, "", ) or env.get( "INFRASTRUCTURE_FACTORY", # Legacy. "", ) or env.get( "FACTORY_TOPIC", # Legacy. "", ) or "eventsourcing.popo" ) try: obj: Union[Type[InfrastructureFactory], ModuleType] = resolve_topic(topic) except TopicError as e: raise EnvironmentError( "Failed to resolve persistence module topic: " f"'{topic}' from environment " f"variable '{cls.PERSISTENCE_MODULE}'" ) from e if isinstance(obj, ModuleType): # Find the factory in the module. factory_classes: List[Type[InfrastructureFactory]] = [] for member in obj.__dict__.values(): if ( member is not InfrastructureFactory and isinstance(member, type) and issubclass(member, InfrastructureFactory) ): factory_classes.append(member) if len(factory_classes) == 1: factory_cls = factory_classes[0] else: raise AssertionError( f"Found {len(factory_classes)} infrastructure factory classes in" f" '{topic}', expected 1." ) elif isinstance(obj, type) and issubclass(obj, InfrastructureFactory): factory_cls = obj else: raise AssertionError( f"Not an infrastructure factory class or module: {topic}" ) return cast(TInfrastructureFactory, factory_cls(env=env))
[docs] def __init__(self, env: Environment): """ Initialises infrastructure factory object with given application name. """ self.env = env
[docs] def transcoder( self, ) -> Transcoder: """ Constructs a transcoder. """ return JSONTranscoder()
[docs] def mapper( self, transcoder: Transcoder, mapper_class: Type[Mapper] = Mapper ) -> Mapper: """ Constructs a mapper. """ return mapper_class( transcoder=transcoder, cipher=self.cipher(), compressor=self.compressor(), )
[docs] def cipher(self) -> Optional[Cipher]: """ Reads environment variables 'CIPHER_TOPIC' and 'CIPHER_KEY' to decide whether or not to construct a cipher. """ cipher_topic = self.env.get(self.CIPHER_TOPIC) cipher: Optional[Cipher] = None default_cipher_topic = "eventsourcing.cipher:AESCipher" if self.env.get("CIPHER_KEY") and not cipher_topic: cipher_topic = default_cipher_topic if cipher_topic: cipher_cls: Type[Cipher] = resolve_topic(cipher_topic) cipher = cipher_cls(self.env) return cipher
[docs] def compressor(self) -> Optional[Compressor]: """ Reads environment variable 'COMPRESSOR_TOPIC' to decide whether or not to construct a compressor. """ compressor: Optional[Compressor] = None compressor_topic = self.env.get(self.COMPRESSOR_TOPIC) if compressor_topic: compressor_cls: Union[Type[Compressor], Compressor] = resolve_topic( compressor_topic ) if isinstance(compressor_cls, type): compressor = compressor_cls() else: compressor = compressor_cls return compressor
[docs] @staticmethod def event_store(**kwargs: Any) -> EventStore: """ Constructs an event store. """ return EventStore(**kwargs)
[docs] @abstractmethod def aggregate_recorder(self, purpose: str = "events") -> AggregateRecorder: """ Constructs an aggregate recorder. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def application_recorder(self) -> ApplicationRecorder: """ Constructs an application recorder. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def process_recorder(self) -> ProcessRecorder: """ Constructs a process recorder. """
[docs] def is_snapshotting_enabled(self) -> bool: """ Decides whether or not snapshotting is enabled by reading environment variable 'IS_SNAPSHOTTING_ENABLED'. Snapshotting is not enabled by default. """ return strtobool(self.env.get(self.IS_SNAPSHOTTING_ENABLED, "no"))
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """ Closes any database connections, or anything else that needs closing. """
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class Tracking: """ Frozen dataclass representing the position of a domain event :class:`Notification` in an application's notification log. """ application_name: str notification_id: int
[docs]class Cursor(ABC):
[docs] @abstractmethod def execute(self, statement: Union[str, bytes], params: Any = None) -> None: """Executes given statement."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def fetchall(self) -> Any: """Fetches all results."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def fetchone(self) -> Any: """Fetches one result."""
TCursor = TypeVar("TCursor", bound=Cursor)
[docs]class Connection(ABC, Generic[TCursor]):
[docs] def __init__(self, max_age: Optional[float] = None) -> None: self._closed = False self._closing = Event() self._close_lock = Lock() self.in_use = Lock() self.in_use.acquire() if max_age is not None: self._max_age_timer: Optional[Timer] = Timer( interval=max_age, function=self._close_when_not_in_use, ) self._max_age_timer.daemon = True self._max_age_timer.start() else: self._max_age_timer = None self.is_writer: Optional[bool] = None
@property def closed(self) -> bool: return self._closed @property def closing(self) -> bool: return self._closing.is_set()
[docs] @abstractmethod def commit(self) -> None: """Commits transaction."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def rollback(self) -> None: """Rolls back transaction."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def cursor(self) -> TCursor: """Creates new cursor."""
def close(self) -> None: with self._close_lock: self._close() @abstractmethod def _close(self) -> None: self._closed = True if self._max_age_timer: self._max_age_timer.cancel() def _close_when_not_in_use(self) -> None: self._closing.set() with self.in_use: if not self._closed: self.close()
TConnection = TypeVar("TConnection", bound=Connection[Any])
[docs]class ConnectionPoolClosed(EventSourcingError): """ Raised when using a connection pool that is already closed. """
[docs]class ConnectionNotFromPool(EventSourcingError): """ Raised when putting a connection in the wrong pool. """
[docs]class ConnectionUnavailable(OperationalError, TimeoutError): """ Raised when a request to get a connection from a connection pool times out. """
[docs]class ConnectionPool(ABC, Generic[TConnection]):
[docs] def __init__( self, pool_size: int = 5, max_overflow: int = 10, pool_timeout: float = 30.0, max_age: Optional[float] = None, pre_ping: bool = False, mutually_exclusive_read_write: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Initialises a new connection pool. The 'pool_size' argument specifies the maximum number of connections that will be put into the pool when connections are returned. The default value is 5 The 'max_overflow' argument specifies the additional number of connections that can be issued by the pool, above the 'pool_size'. The default value is 10. The 'pool_timeout' argument specifies the maximum time in seconds to keep requests for connections waiting. Connections are kept waiting if the number of connections currently in use is not less than the sum of 'pool_size' and 'max_overflow'. The default value is 30.0 The 'max_age' argument specifies the time in seconds until a connection will automatically be closed. Connections are only closed in this way after are not in use. Connections that are in use will not be closed automatically. The default value in None, meaning connections will not be automatically closed in this way. The 'mutually_exclusive_read_write' argument specifies whether requests for connections for writing whilst connections for reading are in use. It also specifies whether requests for connections for reading will be kept waiting whilst a connection for writing is in use. The default value is false, meaning reading and writing will not be mutually exclusive in this way. """ self.pool_size = pool_size self.max_overflow = max_overflow self.pool_timeout = pool_timeout self.max_age = max_age self.pre_ping = pre_ping self._pool: Deque[TConnection] = deque() self._in_use: Dict[int, TConnection] = dict() self._get_semaphore = Semaphore() self._put_condition = Condition() self._no_readers = Condition() self._num_readers: int = 0 self._writer_lock = Lock() self._num_writers: int = 0 self._mutually_exclusive_read_write = mutually_exclusive_read_write self._closed = False
@property def num_in_use(self) -> int: """ Indicates the total number of connections currently in use. """ with self._put_condition: return self._num_in_use @property def _num_in_use(self) -> int: return len(self._in_use) @property def num_in_pool(self) -> int: """ Indicates the number of connections currently in the pool. """ with self._put_condition: return self._num_in_pool @property def _num_in_pool(self) -> int: return len(self._pool) @property def _is_pool_full(self) -> bool: return self._num_in_pool >= self.pool_size @property def _is_use_full(self) -> bool: return self._num_in_use >= self.pool_size + self.max_overflow
[docs] def get_connection( self, timeout: Optional[float] = None, is_writer: Optional[bool] = None ) -> TConnection: """ Issues connections, or raises ConnectionPoolExhausted error. Provides "fairness" on attempts to get connections, meaning that connections are issued in the same order as they are requested. The 'timeout' argument overrides the timeout specified by the constructor argument 'pool_timeout'. The default value is None, meaning the 'pool_timeout' argument will not be overridden. The optional 'is_writer' argument can be used to request a connection for writing (true), and request a connection for reading (false). If the value of this argument is None, which is the default, the writing and reading interlocking mechanism is not activated. Only one connection for writing will be issued, which means requests for connections for writing are kept waiting whilst another connection for writing is in use. If reading and writing are mutually exclusive, requsts for connections for writing are kept waiting whilst connections for reading are in use, and requests for connections for reading are kept waiting whilst a connection for writing is in use. """ # Make sure we aren't dealing with a closed pool. if self._closed: raise ConnectionPoolClosed # Decide the timeout for getting a connection. timeout = self.pool_timeout if timeout is None else timeout # Remember when we started trying to get a connection. started = time() # Join queue of threads waiting to get a connection ("fairness"). if self._get_semaphore.acquire(timeout=timeout): try: # If connection is for writing, get write lock and wait for no readers. if is_writer is True: if not self._writer_lock.acquire( timeout=self._time_remaining(timeout, started) ): raise ConnectionUnavailable( "Timed out waiting for return of writer" ) if self._mutually_exclusive_read_write: with self._no_readers: if self._num_readers > 0: # print("writer waiting") if not self._no_readers.wait( timeout=self._time_remaining(timeout, started) ): self._writer_lock.release() raise ConnectionUnavailable( "Timed out waiting for return of reader" ) self._num_writers += 1 # If connection is for reading, and writing excludes reading, # then wait for the writer lock, and increment number of readers. elif is_writer is False: if self._mutually_exclusive_read_write: if not self._writer_lock.acquire( timeout=self._time_remaining(timeout, started) ): raise ConnectionUnavailable( "Timed out waiting for return of writer" ) self._writer_lock.release() with self._no_readers: self._num_readers += 1 # Actually try to get a connection withing the time remaining. conn = self._get_connection( timeout=self._time_remaining(timeout, started) ) # Remember if this connection is for reading or writing. conn.is_writer = is_writer # Return the connection. return conn finally: self._get_semaphore.release() else: # Timed out waiting for semaphore. raise ConnectionUnavailable( "Timed out waiting for connection pool semaphore" )
def _get_connection(self, timeout: float = 0.0) -> TConnection: """ Gets or creates connections from pool within given time, otherwise raises a "pool exhausted" error. Waits for connections to be returned if the pool is fully used. And optionally ensures a connection is usable before returning a connection for use. Tracks use of connections, and number of readers. """ started = time() # Get lock on tracking usage of connections. with self._put_condition: # Try to get a connection from the pool. try: conn = self._pool.popleft() except IndexError: # Pool is empty, but are connections fully used? if self._is_use_full: # Fully used, so wait for a connection to be returned. if self._put_condition.wait( timeout=self._time_remaining(timeout, started) ): # Connection has been returned, so try again. return self._get_connection( timeout=self._time_remaining(timeout, started) ) else: # Timed out waiting for a connection to be returned. raise ConnectionUnavailable( "Timed out waiting for return of connection" ) from None else: # Not fully used, so create a new connection. conn = self._create_connection() # print("created another connection") # Connection should be pre-locked for use (avoids timer race). assert conn.in_use.locked() else: # Got unused connection from pool, so lock for use. conn.in_use.acquire() # Check the connection wasn't closed by the timer. if conn.closed: return self._get_connection( timeout=self._time_remaining(timeout, started) ) # Check the connection is actually usable. if self.pre_ping: try: conn.cursor().execute("SELECT 1") except Exception: # Probably connection is closed on server, # but just try to make sure it is closed. conn.close() # Try again to get a connection. return self._get_connection( timeout=self._time_remaining(timeout, started) ) # Track the connection is now being used. self._in_use[id(conn)] = conn # Return the connection. return conn
[docs] def put_connection(self, conn: TConnection) -> None: """ Returns connections to the pool, or closes connection if the pool is full. Unlocks write lock after writer has returned., and updates count of readers when readers are returned. Notifies waiters when connections have been returned, and when there are no longer any readers. """ # Start forgetting if this connection was for reading or writing. is_writer, conn.is_writer = conn.is_writer, None # Get a lock on tracking usage of connections. with self._put_condition: # Make sure we aren't dealing with a closed pool if self._closed: raise ConnectionPoolClosed("Pool is closed") # Make sure we are dealing with a connection from this pool. try: del self._in_use[id(conn)] except KeyError: raise ConnectionNotFromPool( "Connection not in use in this pool" ) from None if not conn.closed: # Put open connection in pool if not full. if not conn.closing and not self._is_pool_full: self._pool.append(conn) # Close open connection if the pool is full or timer has fired. else: # Otherwise, close the connection. conn.close() # Unlock the connection for subsequent use (and for closing by the timer). conn.in_use.release() # If the connection was for writing, unlock the writer lock. if is_writer is True: self._num_writers -= 1 self._writer_lock.release() # Or if it was for reading, decrement the number of readers. elif is_writer is False: with self._no_readers: self._num_readers -= 1 if self._num_readers == 0 and self._mutually_exclusive_read_write: self._no_readers.notify() # Notify a thread that is waiting for a connection to be returned. self._put_condition.notify()
@abstractmethod def _create_connection(self) -> TConnection: """ Create a new connection. Subclasses should implement this method by creating a database connection of the type being pooled. """
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """ Close the connection pool. """ with self._put_condition: if self._closed: return for conn in self._in_use.values(): conn.close() while True: try: conn = self._pool.popleft() except IndexError: break else: conn.close() self._closed = True
@staticmethod def _time_remaining(timeout: float, started: float) -> float: return max(0.0, timeout + started - time()) def __del__(self) -> None: self.close()