Source code for eventsourcing.sqlite

import sqlite3
from contextlib import contextmanager
from sqlite3 import Connection, Cursor
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Any, Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence, Type, Union
from uuid import UUID

from eventsourcing.persistence import (
    Connection as BaseConnection,
    Cursor as BaseCursor,
from eventsourcing.utils import Environment, strtobool


[docs]class SQLiteCursor(BaseCursor):
[docs] def __init__(self, sqlite_cursor: Cursor): self.sqlite_cursor = sqlite_cursor
def __enter__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Cursor: return self.sqlite_cursor def __exit__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self.sqlite_cursor.close()
[docs] def execute(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self.sqlite_cursor.execute(*args, **kwargs)
def executemany(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self.sqlite_cursor.executemany(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def fetchall(self) -> Any: return self.sqlite_cursor.fetchall()
[docs] def fetchone(self) -> Any: return self.sqlite_cursor.fetchone()
@property def lastrowid(self) -> Any: return self.sqlite_cursor.lastrowid
[docs]class SQLiteConnection(BaseConnection[SQLiteCursor]):
[docs] def __init__(self, sqlite_conn: Connection, max_age: Optional[float]): super().__init__(max_age=max_age) self._sqlite_conn = sqlite_conn
@contextmanager def transaction(self, commit: bool) -> Iterator[SQLiteCursor]: # Context managed transaction. with SQLiteTransaction(self, commit) as curs: # Context managed cursor. with curs: yield curs
[docs] def cursor(self) -> SQLiteCursor: return SQLiteCursor(self._sqlite_conn.cursor())
[docs] def rollback(self) -> None: self._sqlite_conn.rollback()
[docs] def commit(self) -> None: self._sqlite_conn.commit()
def _close(self) -> None: self._sqlite_conn.close() super()._close()
class SQLiteTransaction: def __init__(self, connection: SQLiteConnection, commit: bool = False): self.connection = connection self.commit = commit def __enter__(self) -> SQLiteCursor: # We must issue a "BEGIN" explicitly # when running in auto-commit mode. cursor = self.connection.cursor() cursor.execute("BEGIN") return cursor def __exit__( self, exc_type: Type[BaseException], exc_val: BaseException, exc_tb: TracebackType, ) -> None: try: if exc_val: # Roll back all changes # if an exception occurs. self.connection.rollback() raise exc_val elif not self.commit: self.connection.rollback() else: self.connection.commit() except sqlite3.InterfaceError as e: raise InterfaceError(e) from e except sqlite3.DataError as e: raise DataError(e) from e except sqlite3.OperationalError as e: raise OperationalError(e) from e except sqlite3.IntegrityError as e: raise IntegrityError(e) from e except sqlite3.InternalError as e: raise InternalError(e) from e except sqlite3.ProgrammingError as e: raise ProgrammingError(e) from e except sqlite3.NotSupportedError as e: raise NotSupportedError(e) from e except sqlite3.DatabaseError as e: raise DatabaseError(e) from e except sqlite3.Error as e: raise PersistenceError(e) from e
[docs]class SQLiteConnectionPool(ConnectionPool[SQLiteConnection]):
[docs] def __init__( self, db_name: str, lock_timeout: Optional[int] = None, pool_size: int = 5, max_overflow: int = 10, pool_timeout: float = 5.0, max_age: Optional[float] = None, pre_ping: bool = False, ): self.db_name = db_name self.lock_timeout = lock_timeout self.is_sqlite_memory_mode = self.detect_memory_mode(db_name) self.is_journal_mode_wal = False self.journal_mode_was_changed_to_wal = False super().__init__( pool_size=pool_size, max_overflow=max_overflow, pool_timeout=pool_timeout, max_age=max_age, pre_ping=pre_ping, mutually_exclusive_read_write=self.is_sqlite_memory_mode, )
@staticmethod def detect_memory_mode(db_name: str) -> bool: return bool(db_name) and (":memory:" in db_name or "mode=memory" in db_name) def _create_connection(self) -> SQLiteConnection: # Make a connection to an SQLite database. try: c = sqlite3.connect( database=self.db_name, uri=True, check_same_thread=False, isolation_level=None, # Auto-commit mode. cached_statements=True, timeout=self.lock_timeout or SQLITE3_DEFAULT_LOCK_TIMEOUT, ) except (sqlite3.Error, TypeError) as e: raise InterfaceError(e) # Use WAL (write-ahead log) mode if file-based database. if not self.is_sqlite_memory_mode: if not self.is_journal_mode_wal: cursor = c.cursor() cursor.execute("PRAGMA journal_mode;") mode = cursor.fetchone()[0] if mode.lower() == "wal": self.is_journal_mode_wal = True else: cursor.execute("PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;") self.is_journal_mode_wal = True self.journal_mode_was_changed_to_wal = True # Set the row factory. c.row_factory = sqlite3.Row # Return the connection. return SQLiteConnection(sqlite_conn=c, max_age=self.max_age)
class SQLiteDatastore: def __init__( self, db_name: str, lock_timeout: Optional[int] = None, pool_size: int = 5, max_overflow: int = 10, pool_timeout: float = 5.0, max_age: Optional[float] = None, pre_ping: bool = False, ): self.pool = SQLiteConnectionPool( db_name=db_name, lock_timeout=lock_timeout, pool_size=pool_size, max_overflow=max_overflow, pool_timeout=pool_timeout, max_age=max_age, pre_ping=pre_ping, ) @contextmanager def transaction(self, commit: bool) -> Iterator[SQLiteCursor]: with self.get_connection(commit=commit) as conn: with conn.transaction(commit) as curs: yield curs @contextmanager def get_connection(self, commit: bool) -> Iterator[SQLiteConnection]: # Using reader-writer interlocking is necessary for in-memory databases, # but also speeds up (and provides "fairness") to file-based databases. conn = self.pool.get_connection(is_writer=commit) try: yield conn finally: self.pool.put_connection(conn) def close(self) -> None: self.pool.close() def __del__(self) -> None: self.close()
[docs]class SQLiteAggregateRecorder(AggregateRecorder):
[docs] def __init__( self, datastore: SQLiteDatastore, events_table_name: str = "stored_events", ): assert isinstance(datastore, SQLiteDatastore) self.datastore = datastore self.events_table_name = events_table_name self.create_table_statements = self.construct_create_table_statements() self.insert_events_statement = ( f"INSERT INTO {self.events_table_name} VALUES (?,?,?,?)" ) self.select_events_statement = ( "SELECT * " f"FROM {self.events_table_name} " "WHERE originator_id=? " )
def construct_create_table_statements(self) -> List[str]: statement = ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " f"{self.events_table_name} (" "originator_id TEXT, " "originator_version INTEGER, " "topic TEXT, " "state BLOB, " "PRIMARY KEY " "(originator_id, originator_version)) " "WITHOUT ROWID" ) return [statement] def create_table(self) -> None: with self.datastore.transaction(commit=True) as c: for statement in self.create_table_statements: c.execute(statement) pass # for Coverage 5.5 bug with CPython 3.10.0rc1
[docs] def insert_events( self, stored_events: List[StoredEvent], **kwargs: Any ) -> Optional[Sequence[int]]: with self.datastore.transaction(commit=True) as c: return self._insert_events(c, stored_events, **kwargs)
def _insert_events( self, c: SQLiteCursor, stored_events: List[StoredEvent], **kwargs: Any, ) -> Optional[Sequence[int]]: params = [] for stored_event in stored_events: params.append( ( stored_event.originator_id.hex, stored_event.originator_version, stored_event.topic, stored_event.state, ) ) c.executemany(self.insert_events_statement, params) return None
[docs] def select_events( self, originator_id: UUID, gt: Optional[int] = None, lte: Optional[int] = None, desc: bool = False, limit: Optional[int] = None, ) -> List[StoredEvent]: statement = self.select_events_statement params: List[Any] = [originator_id.hex] if gt is not None: statement += "AND originator_version>? " params.append(gt) if lte is not None: statement += "AND originator_version<=? " params.append(lte) statement += "ORDER BY originator_version " if desc is False: statement += "ASC " else: statement += "DESC " if limit is not None: statement += "LIMIT ? " params.append(limit) stored_events = [] with self.datastore.transaction(commit=False) as c: c.execute(statement, params) for row in c.fetchall(): stored_events.append( StoredEvent( originator_id=UUID(row["originator_id"]), originator_version=row["originator_version"], topic=row["topic"], state=row["state"], ) ) pass # for Coverage 5.5 bug with CPython 3.10.0rc1 return stored_events
[docs]class SQLiteApplicationRecorder( SQLiteAggregateRecorder, ApplicationRecorder, ):
[docs] def __init__( self, datastore: SQLiteDatastore, events_table_name: str = "stored_events", ): super().__init__(datastore, events_table_name) self.select_max_notification_id_statement = ( f"SELECT MAX(rowid) FROM {self.events_table_name}" )
def construct_create_table_statements(self) -> List[str]: statement = ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " f"{self.events_table_name} (" "originator_id TEXT, " "originator_version INTEGER, " "topic TEXT, " "state BLOB, " "PRIMARY KEY " "(originator_id, originator_version))" ) return [statement] def _insert_events( self, c: SQLiteCursor, stored_events: List[StoredEvent], **kwargs: Any, ) -> Optional[Sequence[int]]: returning = [] for stored_event in stored_events: c.execute( self.insert_events_statement, ( stored_event.originator_id.hex, stored_event.originator_version, stored_event.topic, stored_event.state, ), ) returning.append(c.lastrowid) return returning
[docs] def select_notifications( self, start: int, limit: int, stop: Optional[int] = None, topics: Sequence[str] = (), ) -> List[Notification]: """ Returns a list of event notifications from 'start', limited by 'limit'. """ notifications = [] params: List[Union[int, str]] = [start] statement = f"SELECT rowid, * FROM {self.events_table_name} " "WHERE rowid>=? " if stop is not None: params.append(stop) statement += "AND rowid<=? " if topics: params += list(topics) statement += "AND topic IN (%s) " % ",".join("?" * len(topics)) params.append(limit) statement += "ORDER BY rowid LIMIT ?" with self.datastore.transaction(commit=False) as c: c.execute(statement, params) for row in c.fetchall(): notifications.append( Notification( id=row["rowid"], originator_id=UUID(row["originator_id"]), originator_version=row["originator_version"], topic=row["topic"], state=row["state"], ) ) pass # for Coverage 5.5 bug with CPython 3.10.0rc1 return notifications
[docs] def max_notification_id(self) -> int: """ Returns the maximum notification ID. """ with self.datastore.transaction(commit=False) as c: return self._max_notification_id(c)
def _max_notification_id(self, c: SQLiteCursor) -> int: c.execute(self.select_max_notification_id_statement) return c.fetchone()[0] or 0
[docs]class SQLiteProcessRecorder( SQLiteApplicationRecorder, ProcessRecorder, ):
[docs] def __init__( self, datastore: SQLiteDatastore, events_table_name: str = "stored_events", ): super().__init__(datastore, events_table_name) self.insert_tracking_statement = "INSERT INTO tracking VALUES (?,?)" self.select_max_tracking_id_statement = ( "SELECT MAX(notification_id) FROM tracking WHERE application_name=?" ) self.count_tracking_id_statement = ( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tracking WHERE " "application_name=? AND notification_id=?" )
def construct_create_table_statements(self) -> List[str]: statements = super().construct_create_table_statements() statements.append( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tracking (" "application_name TEXT, " "notification_id INTEGER, " "PRIMARY KEY " "(application_name, notification_id)) " "WITHOUT ROWID" ) return statements
[docs] def max_tracking_id(self, application_name: str) -> int: params = [application_name] with self.datastore.transaction(commit=False) as c: c.execute(self.select_max_tracking_id_statement, params) max_id = c.fetchone()[0] or 0 return max_id
[docs] def has_tracking_id(self, application_name: str, notification_id: int) -> bool: params = [application_name, notification_id] with self.datastore.transaction(commit=False) as c: c.execute(self.count_tracking_id_statement, params) return bool(c.fetchone()[0])
def _insert_events( self, c: SQLiteCursor, stored_events: List[StoredEvent], **kwargs: Any, ) -> Optional[Sequence[int]]: returning = super()._insert_events(c, stored_events, **kwargs) tracking: Optional[Tracking] = kwargs.get("tracking", None) if tracking is not None: c.execute( self.insert_tracking_statement, ( tracking.application_name, tracking.notification_id, ), ) return returning
[docs] def __init__(self, env: Environment): super().__init__(env) db_name = self.env.get(self.SQLITE_DBNAME) if not db_name: raise EnvironmentError( "SQLite database name not found " "in environment with keys: " f"{', '.join(self.env.create_keys(self.SQLITE_DBNAME))}" ) lock_timeout_str = ( self.env.get(self.SQLITE_LOCK_TIMEOUT) or "" ).strip() or None lock_timeout: Optional[int] = None if lock_timeout_str is not None: try: lock_timeout = int(lock_timeout_str) except ValueError: raise EnvironmentError( f"SQLite environment value for key " f"'{self.SQLITE_LOCK_TIMEOUT}' is invalid. " f"If set, an int or empty string is expected: " f"'{lock_timeout_str}'" ) self.datastore = SQLiteDatastore(db_name=db_name, lock_timeout=lock_timeout)
[docs] def aggregate_recorder(self, purpose: str = "events") -> AggregateRecorder: events_table_name = "stored_" + purpose recorder = SQLiteAggregateRecorder( datastore=self.datastore, events_table_name=events_table_name, ) if self.env_create_table(): recorder.create_table() return recorder
[docs] def application_recorder(self) -> ApplicationRecorder: recorder = SQLiteApplicationRecorder(datastore=self.datastore) if self.env_create_table(): recorder.create_table() return recorder
[docs] def process_recorder(self) -> ProcessRecorder: recorder = SQLiteProcessRecorder(datastore=self.datastore) if self.env_create_table(): recorder.create_table() return recorder
def env_create_table(self) -> bool: default = "yes" return bool(strtobool(self.env.get(self.CREATE_TABLE, default) or default))
[docs] def close(self) -> None: self.datastore.close()