Tutorial - Part 2 - Aggregates

In Part 1 we learned how to write event-sourced aggregates and applications in Python.

Now let’s look at how event-sourced aggregates work in more detail.

Aggregates in more detail

Let’s define the simplest possible event-sourced aggregate, by simply subclassing Aggregate.

from eventsourcing.domain import Aggregate

class Dog(Aggregate):

In the usual way with Python classes, we can create a new class instance by calling the class object.

dog = Dog()

assert isinstance(dog, Dog)

Normally when an instance is constructed by calling the class, Python directly instantiates and initialises the instance. However, when a subclass of Aggregate is called, firstly an event object is constructed. This event object represents the fact that the aggregate was “created”. This event object is used to construct and initialise the aggregate instance. The aggregate instance is returned to the caller of the class.

The new event object is held by the aggregate in an internal list of “pending events”. We can collect pending events from aggregates by calling the aggregate’s collect_events() method, which is defined on the Aggregate base class. Calling collect_events() drains the internal list of pending events.

events = dog.collect_events()

assert len(events) == 1

The “created” event object can be recorded and used to reconstruct the aggregate. To reconstruct the aggregate, we can simply call the event’s mutate() method.

copy = events[0].mutate(None)

assert copy == dog

Using events to determine the state of an aggregate is the essence of event sourcing. Calling the event’s mutate() method is exactly how the aggregate object was constructed when the aggregate class was called.

Next, let’s talk about aggregate events in more detail.

“Created” events

Generally speaking, we need to think of suitably appropriate names for the particular aggregate events we define in our domain models. But the general occurrence of creating new aggregates requires a general name. The term “created” is used here for this purpose. This term is also adopted as the default name for initial events that represent the construction and initialisation of an aggregate.

When the Dog aggregate class above was interpreted by Python, a “created” event class was automatically defined as a nested class on the aggregate class object. The name of the “created” event class was given the default name 'Created'. And so the event we collected from the aggregate is an instance of Dog.Created.

assert isinstance(Dog.Created, type)
assert isinstance(events[0], Dog.Created)

A “created” event class will always be defined for an aggregate class. And a “created” event object will be triggered when the __init__() method of an aggregate is called, which will happen whenever the aggregate class is called. The attributes of the “created” event class will be defined according to the __init__() method signature, and the attribute values of the “created” event object will be set according to the values of the arguments when the __init__() method is called, which are usually the values of the arguments when the aggregate class is called. The body of the __init__() method will be used to initialise the aggregate object.

By default, the “created” event class will have the name 'Created'. But we can explicitly specify a name for the “created” event by decorating the __init__() method with the @event decorator.

Let’s redefine the Dog aggregate class to have an __init__() method that is decorated with the @event decorator. Let’s specify the name of the “created” event to be 'Registered'. Let’s also define the __init__() method signature to have a name argument, and a method body that initialises a name attribute with the given value of the argument. The changes are highlighted below.

  from eventsourcing.domain import event

  class Dog(Aggregate):
      def __init__(self, name):
          self.name = name

By specifying the name of the “created” event to be 'Registered', an event class with this name is defined on the aggregate class.

assert isinstance(Dog.Registered, type)

All “created” events inherit from the Aggregate.Created class, which defines a mutate() method that knows how to construct aggregate instances.

assert issubclass(Dog.Registered, Aggregate.Created)

As above, we call the Dog class to create a new aggregate instance. This time, we need to provide a value for the name argument.

dog = Dog('Fido')

As we might expect, the given name was used to initialise the name attribute of the aggregate.

assert dog.name == 'Fido'

We can call collect_events() to get the “created” event from the aggregate object. We can see the event object is an instance of the class Dog.Registered.

events = dog.collect_events()

assert len(events) == 1
assert isinstance(events[0], Dog.Registered)

The attributes of an event class specified by using the @event decorator are derived from the signature of the decorated method. Since the the Dog aggregate’s __init__() method has a name argument, so the “created” event object has a name attribute.

assert events[0].name == 'Fido'

The “created” event object can be used to construct another object with the same state as the original aggregate object. That is, it can be used to reconstruct the initial current state of the aggregate.

copy = events[0].mutate(None)
assert copy == dog

Note what’s happening there. We start with None and end up with an instance of Dog that has the same state as the original dog object. Note also that dog and copy are different objects with the same type and state, not two references to the same Python object.

assert copy.name == 'Fido'
assert id(copy) != id(dog)

We have specified an aggregate event class by decorating an aggregate method with the @event decorator. The event specified by the decorator was triggered when the decorated method was called.

Subsequent events

We can take this further by defining a second method that will be used to change the aggregate object after it has been created.

Let’s firstly adjust the __init__() to initialise a tricks attribute with an empty list. Let’s also define an add_trick() method that appends to this list. Let’s also decorate add_trick() with the @event decorator, specifying the name of the event to be 'TrickAdded'. The changes are highlighted below.

class Dog(Aggregate):
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name
        self.tricks = []

    def add_trick(self, trick):

Because the add_trick() method is decorated with the @event decorator, an event class Dog.TrickAdded is defined on the aggregate class.

assert isinstance(Dog.TrickAdded, type)

The event will be triggered when the method is called. The body of the method will be used by the event to mutate the state of the aggregate object.

Let’s create an instance of this Dog aggregate.

dog = Dog('Fido')

As we might expect, the name of the aggregate object is 'Fido', and the tricks attribute is an empty list.

assert dog.name == 'Fido'
assert dog.tricks == []

Now let’s call add_trick() with 'roll over' as the argument.

dog.add_trick('roll over')

As we might expect, the tricks attribute is now a list with one item, 'roll over'.

assert dog.tricks == ['roll over']

Creating and updating the aggregate caused two events to occur. We can collect these two events by calling collect_events().

events = dog.collect_events()

assert len(events) == 2

When the Dog class is called a Dog.Registered event object was created. Similarly, when the add_trick() method was called, a Dog.TrickAdded event object was created.

assert isinstance(events[0], Dog.Registered)
assert isinstance(events[1], Dog.TrickAdded)

The signatures of the decorated methods are used to define the event classes. And the values of the method arguments are used to instantiate the event objects.

And so, just like the “registered” event has a name attribute, the “trick added” event has a trick attribute. The values of these attributes are the values that were given when the methods were called.

assert events[0].name == 'Fido'
assert events[1].trick == 'roll over'

Calling the methods triggers the events, and the events update the aggregate instance by executing the decorated method body. The resulting state of the aggregate is the same as if the method were not decorated. The important difference is that a sequence of events is generated. This sequence of events can be used in future to reconstruct the current state of the aggregate, as shown below.

copy = None
for e in events:
    copy = e.mutate(copy)

assert copy == dog

To put this in the context of aggregates being used within an application: calling the aggregate’s collect_events() method is what happens when an application’s save() method is called, and calling the mutate() methods of saved events’ is how an application repository reconstructs aggregates from saved events when its get() is called.

You can try all of this for yourself by copying the code snippets above.

Explicit style

Sometimes you may wish to define aggregate event classes explicitly.

One reason for defining explicit event classes is to code for model changes. The version of the event class can be defined along with upcast methods that adjust stored events created at previous versions.

The example below shows the Dog aggregate class defined using explicit event classes.

class Dog(Aggregate):
    class Registered(Aggregate.Created):
        name: str

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name
        self.tricks = []

    class TrickAdded(Aggregate.Event):
        trick: str

    def add_trick(self, trick):

The Dog.Registered class inherits Aggregate.Created event class. The Dog.TrickAdded class inherits base Aggregate.Event class. The @event decorator is used to specify the event class that will be triggered when the decorated method is called.

# Check the command and query methods.
dog = Dog('Fido')
assert dog.name == 'Fido'
assert dog.tricks == []
dog.add_trick('roll over')
assert dog.tricks == ['roll over']

# Check reconstruction of aggregate state.
copy = None
for e in dog.collect_events():
    copy = e.mutate(copy)
assert copy == dog

Sometimes you will need the command method to do some work before the event is triggered.

If an aggregate command method needs to do some work on its arguments before triggering an event, the @event decorator can be used on a “private” method that is called by the “public” command method after the work has been done.

The example below shows a Dog aggregate class with an undecorated “public” command method add_trick() that call a decorated “private” method _add_trick().

class Dog(Aggregate):
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name
        self.tricks = []

    def add_trick(self, trick):
        # Do some work.
        assert isinstance(trick, str)
        # Trigger event.

    class TrickAdded(Aggregate.Event):
        trick: str

    def _add_trick(self, trick):

Because the trick_added() method is not decorated with the @event decorator, it does not trigger an event when it is called. Instead, the event is triggered when the _trick_added() method is called.

# Check the command and query methods.
dog = Dog('Fido')
assert dog.name == 'Fido'
assert dog.tricks == []
dog.add_trick('roll over')
assert dog.tricks == ['roll over']

# Check the 'assert isinstance' statement.
except AssertionError:
    assert dog.tricks == ['roll over']
    raise AssertionError("Shouldn't get here")

# Check reconstruction of aggregate state.
copy = None
for e in dog.collect_events():
    copy = e.mutate(copy)
assert copy == dog


Define a Todos aggregate, that has a given name and a list of items. Define a method add_item() that adds a new item to the list. Specify the name of the “created” event to be 'Started' and the name of the subsequent event to be 'ItemAdded'. Copy the test below and make it pass.

def test():

    # Start a list of todos, and add some items.
    todos1 = Todos(name='Shopping list')

    # Check the state of the aggregate.
    assert todos1.name == 'Shopping list'
    assert todos1.items == [

    # Check the aggregate events.
    events = todos1.collect_events()
    assert len(events) == 4
    assert isinstance(events[0], Todos.Started)
    assert events[0].name == 'Shopping list'
    assert isinstance(events[1], Todos.ItemAdded)
    assert events[1].item == 'bread'
    assert isinstance(events[2], Todos.ItemAdded)
    assert events[2].item == 'milk'
    assert isinstance(events[3], Todos.ItemAdded)
    assert events[3].item == 'eggs'

    # Reconstruct aggregate from events.
    copy = None
    for e in events:
        copy = e.mutate(copy)
    assert copy == todos1

    # Create and test another aggregate.
    todos2 = Todos(name='Household repairs')
    assert todos1 != todos2
    events = todos2.collect_events()
    assert len(events) == 1
    assert isinstance(events[0], Todos.Started)
    assert events[0].name == 'Household repairs'
    assert events[0].mutate(None) == todos2

Next steps

  • For more information about event-sourced aggregates, please read the the domain module documentation.

  • For more information about event-sourced applications, please read Part 3 of this tutorial.