
This version of the library is compatible with Python versions 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10. The library’s suite of tests is run against these versions and has 100% line and branch coverage.

This package depends only on modules from the Python Standard Library, except for the extra install options described below.

Pip install

You can use pip to install the library from the Python Package Index.

$ pip install eventsourcing

It is recommended to install the library into a Python virtual environment.

$ python3 -mvenv my_venv
$ source my_venv/bin/activate
(my_venv) $ pip install eventsourcing

When including the library in a list of project dependencies, in order to avoid installing future incompatible releases, it is recommended to specify the major and minor version numbers.

As an example, the expression eventsourcing<=9.2.99999 would install the latest version of the 9.2 series, allowing future bug fixes released with point version number increments. You can use this expression in a pip install command, in a requirements.txt file, or in a file.

$ pip install "eventsourcing<=9.2.99999"

If you are specifying the dependencies of your project in a pyproject.toml file, and for example using the Poetry build tool, you can specify the dependency on this library in the following way.

python = "^3.8"
eventsourcing = { version = "~9.2.0" }

Specifying the major and minor version number in this way will avoid any potentially destabilising additional features introduced with minor version number increments, and also avoid all backward incompatible changes introduced with major version number increments.

Upgrading to new minor versions is encouraged, but it is recommended to do this manually so that you are sure your project isn’t inadvertently broken by changes in the library. Migrating to new major versions is also encouraged, but by definition this may involve your making changes to your project to adjust for the backward incompatibilities introduced by the new major version. Of course it’s your project so, if you wish, feel free to pin the major and minor and point version, or indeed only the major version.

Install options

Running the install command with different options will install the extra dependencies associated with that option. If you installed without any options, you can easily install optional dependencies later by running the install command again with the options you want. You can also make your project depend directly on the extra dependencies.

For example, if you want the option to store cryptographically encrypted events, then install with the crypto option. This simply installs PyCryptodome so feel free to make your project directly depend on that package. After installing this package, you will need to configure your application environment to enable encryption.

$ pip install "eventsourcing[crypto]"

If you want to store events with PostgreSQL, then install with the postgres option. This simply installs Psycopg2 so feel free to make your project depend on that instead. Please note, the binary version psycopg2-binary is a convenient alternative for development and testing, but the main package is recommended by the Psycopg2 developers for production usage.

$ pip install "eventsourcing[postgres]"

Options can be combined, so that if you want to store encrypted events in PostgreSQL, then install with the crypto and postgres options.

$ pip install "eventsourcing[crypto,postgres]"

Project template

To start a new project with modern tooling, you can use the template for Python eventsourcing projects.

The project template uses Cookiecutter to generate project files. It uses the build tool Poetry to create a Python virtual environments for your project, to manage project dependencies, and to create distributions. It uses popular development dependencies such as pytest, coverage, Black, isort, and mypy to help you develop and maintain your code. It has a GitHub Actions workflow, and has an initial README and LICENCE files that you can adjust.

The project template also includes the “dog school” example. The tests should pass. You can adjust the tests, rename the classes, and change the methods. Or just delete the included example code for a fresh start.


If you want to install the code for the purpose of developing the library, then fork and clone the GitHub repository and install into a Python virtual environment from the root folder with the ‘dev’ option. This option will install a number of packages that help with development and documentation, such as the above extra dependencies along with Sphinx,, Black, mypy, Flake8, and isort.

$ pip install -U pip
$ pip install wheel
$ pip install -e ".[dev]"

Alternatively, the project’s Makefile can be used to the same effect with the following command.

$ make install

Once installed, you can check the unit tests pass and the code is 100% covered by the tests with the following command.

$ make test

Before the tests will pass, you will need setup PostgreSQL. The following commands will install PostgreSQL on MacOS and setup the database and database user. If you already have PostgreSQL installed, just create the database and user. If you prefer to run PostgreSQL in a Docker container, feel free to do that too.

$ brew install postgresql
$ brew services start postgresql
$ psql postgres
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE eventsourcing;
postgres=# CREATE USER eventsourcing WITH PASSWORD 'eventsourcing';

You can also check the syntax and static types are correct with the following command (which uses isort, Black, Flake8, and mypy).

$ make lint

The code can be automatically reformatted using the following command (which uses isort and Black). Flake8 and mypy errors will often need to be fixed by hand.

$ make fmt

You can build the docs, and make sure they build, with the following command (which uses Sphinx).

$ make docs

If you wish to submit changes to the library, before submitting a pull request please check all three things (lint, docs, and test) which you can do conveniently with the following command.

$ make prepush

If you wish to submit a pull request on GitHub, please target the main branch. Improvements of any size are always welcome.