Source code for eventsourcing.domain.model.snapshot

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractproperty

import six

from import EventWithOriginatorVersion, EventWithTimestamp, EventWithOriginatorID

[docs]class AbstractSnapshop(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta)): @abstractproperty def topic(self): """ Path to the class of the snapshotted entity. """ @abstractproperty def state(self): """ State of the snapshotted entity. """ @abstractproperty def originator_id(self): """ ID of the snapshotted entity. """ @abstractproperty def originator_version(self): """ Version of the last event applied to the entity.
[docs]class Snapshot(EventWithTimestamp, EventWithOriginatorVersion, EventWithOriginatorID, AbstractSnapshop): def __init__(self, originator_id, originator_version, topic, state): super(Snapshot, self).__init__( originator_id=originator_id, originator_version=originator_version, topic=topic, state=state, ) @property def topic(self): """ Path to the class of the snapshotted entity. """ return self.__dict__['topic'] @property def state(self): """ State of the snapshotted entity. """
return self.__dict__['state']