Source code for eventsourcing.infrastructure.eventsourcedrepository

from eventsourcing.domain.model.entity import AbstractEntityRepository
from eventsourcing.exceptions import RepositoryKeyError
from eventsourcing.infrastructure.eventplayer import EventPlayer
from eventsourcing.infrastructure.snapshotting import entity_from_snapshot

[docs]class EventSourcedRepository(EventPlayer, AbstractEntityRepository):
[docs] def __contains__(self, entity_id): """ Returns a boolean value according to whether entity with given ID exists. """
return self.get_entity(entity_id) is not None
[docs] def __getitem__(self, entity_id): """ Returns entity with given ID. """ # # Get entity from the cache. # if self._use_cache: # try: # return self._cache[entity_id] # except KeyError: # pass # Reconstitute the entity. entity = self.get_entity(entity_id) # Never created or already discarded? if entity is None: raise RepositoryKeyError(entity_id) # # Put entity in the cache. # if self._use_cache: # self._cache[entity_id] = entity # Return entity.
return entity
[docs] def get_entity(self, entity_id, at=None): """ Returns entity with given ID, optionally until position. """ # Get a snapshot (None if none exist). if self._snapshot_strategy is not None: snapshot = self._snapshot_strategy.get_snapshot(entity_id, lte=at) else: snapshot = None # Decide the initial state of the entity, and the # version of the last item applied to the entity. if snapshot is None: initial_state = None gt = None else: initial_state = entity_from_snapshot(snapshot) gt = snapshot.originator_version # Replay domain events.
return self.replay_entity(entity_id, gt=gt, lte=at, initial_state=initial_state)
[docs] def replay_entity(self, entity_id, gt=None, gte=None, lt=None, lte=None, limit=None, initial_state=None, query_descending=False): """ Reconstitutes requested domain entity from domain events found in event store. """ # Decide if query is in ascending order. # - A "speed up" for when events are stored in descending order (e.g. # in Cassandra) and it is faster to get them in that order. # - This isn't useful when 'until' or 'after' or 'limit' are set, # because the inclusiveness or exclusiveness of until and after # and the end of the stream that is truncated by limit both depend on # the direction of the query. Also paging backwards isn't useful, because # all the events are needed eventually, so it would probably slow things # down. Paging is intended to support replaying longer event streams, and # only makes sense to work in ascending order. if gt is None and gte is None and lt is None and lte is None and self.__page_size__ is None: is_ascending = False else: is_ascending = not query_descending # Get entity's domain events from the event store. domain_events = self.event_store.get_domain_events( originator_id=entity_id, gt=gt, gte=gte, lt=lt, lte=lte, limit=limit, is_ascending=is_ascending, page_size=self.__page_size__ ) # The events will be replayed in ascending order. if not is_ascending: domain_events = list(reversed(list(domain_events))) # Replay the domain events, starting with the initial state.
return self.replay_events(initial_state, domain_events) # Todo: This doesn't belong here. Perhaps Snapshotter that inherits from EventPlayer.
[docs] def take_snapshot(self, entity_id, lt=None, lte=None): """ Takes a snapshot of the entity as it existed after the most recent event, optionally less than, or less than or equal to, a particular position. """ snapshot = None if self._snapshot_strategy: # Get the last event (optionally until a particular position). last_event = self.event_store.get_most_recent_event(entity_id, lt=lt, lte=lte) # If there is something to snapshot, then look for a snapshot # taken before or at the entity version of the last event. Please # note, the snapshot might have a smaller version number than # the last event if events occurred since the last snapshot was taken. if last_event is not None: last_snapshot = self._snapshot_strategy.get_snapshot( entity_id, lt=lt, lte=lte ) last_version = last_event.originator_version if last_snapshot and last_snapshot.originator_version == last_version: # If up-to-date snapshot exists, there's nothing to do. snapshot = last_snapshot else: # Otherwise recover entity and take snapshot. if last_snapshot: initial_state = entity_from_snapshot(last_snapshot) gt = last_snapshot.originator_version else: initial_state = None gt = None entity = self.replay_entity(entity_id, gt=gt, lte=last_version, initial_state=initial_state) snapshot = self._snapshot_strategy.take_snapshot(entity_id, entity, last_version)
return snapshot