Source code for eventsourcing.utils.times

import datetime
import time
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import Optional, Union
from uuid import UUID

utc_timezone = datetime.timezone.utc

[docs]def decimaltimestamp_from_uuid(value: UUID) -> Decimal: """ Return a floating point unix timestamp from UUID value. :param value: :return: Unix timestamp in seconds, with microsecond precision. :rtype: Decimal """ return decimaltimestamp(timestamp_long_from_uuid(value) / 1e7)
[docs]def timestamp_long_from_uuid(value: UUID) -> int: """ Returns an integer value representing a unix timestamp in tenths of microseconds. :param value: :return: Unix timestamp integer in tenths of microseconds. :rtype: int """ if isinstance(value, str): value = UUID(value) assert isinstance(value, UUID), value return value.time - 0x01B21DD213814000
[docs]def decimaltimestamp(t: Optional[float] = None) -> Decimal: """ A UNIX timestamp as a Decimal object (exact number type). Returns current time when called without args, otherwise converts given floating point number ``t`` to a Decimal with 9 decimal places. :param t: Floating point UNIX timestamp ("seconds since epoch"). :return: A Decimal with 6 decimal places, representing the given floating point or the value returned by time.time(). :rtype: Decimal """ t = time.time() if t is None else t return Decimal("{:.6f}".format(t))
[docs]def datetime_from_timestamp(t: Union[Decimal, float]) -> datetime.datetime: """ Returns naive UTC datetime from decimal UNIX timestamps such as time.time(). :param t: timestamp, either Decimal or float :return: datetime.datetime object """ return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(t))