Source code for eventsourcing.domain

import inspect
import os
from abc import ABC, ABCMeta
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime, tzinfo
from types import FunctionType, WrapperDescriptorType
from typing import (
from uuid import UUID, uuid4

from eventsourcing.utils import get_topic, resolve_topic

# noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
TZINFO: tzinfo = resolve_topic(os.getenv("TZINFO_TOPIC", "datetime:timezone.utc"))

# noinspection PyTypeChecker
TAggregate = TypeVar("TAggregate", bound="Aggregate")

[docs]class MetaDomainEvent(ABCMeta):
[docs] def __new__(mcs, name: str, bases: tuple, cls_dict: dict) -> "MetaDomainEvent": event_cls = ABCMeta.__new__(mcs, name, bases, cls_dict) event_cls = dataclass(frozen=True)(event_cls) return cast(MetaDomainEvent, event_cls)
[docs] def __init__(cls, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class DomainEvent(ABC, metaclass=MetaDomainEvent): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences """ Base class for domain events, such as aggregate :class:`AggregateEvent` and aggregate :class:`Snapshot`. Constructor arguments: :param UUID originator_id: ID of originating aggregate. :param int originator_version: version of originating aggregate. :param datetime timestamp: date-time of the event """ originator_id: UUID originator_version: int timestamp: datetime
[docs]class AggregateEvent(DomainEvent, Generic[TAggregate]): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences """ Base class for aggregate events. Subclasses will model decisions made by the domain model aggregates. Constructor arguments: :param UUID originator_id: ID of originating aggregate. :param int originator_version: version of originating aggregate. :param datetime timestamp: date-time of the event """
[docs] def mutate(self, obj: Optional[TAggregate]) -> Optional[TAggregate]: """ Changes the state of the aggregate according to domain event attributes. """ # Check event is next in its sequence. # Use counting to follow the sequence. # assert isinstance(obj, Aggregate), (type(obj), self) assert obj is not None next_version = obj.version + 1 if self.originator_version != next_version: raise VersionError(self.originator_version, next_version) # Update the aggregate version. obj.version = next_version # Update the modified time. obj.modified_on = self.timestamp self.apply(obj) return obj
# noinspection PyShadowingNames
[docs] def apply(self, aggregate: TAggregate) -> None: """ Applies the domain event to the aggregate. """
[docs]class AggregateCreated(AggregateEvent["Aggregate"]): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences """ Domain event for when aggregate is created. Constructor arguments: :param UUID originator_id: ID of originating aggregate. :param int originator_version: version of originating aggregate. :param datetime timestamp: date-time of the event :param str originator_topic: topic for the aggregate class """ originator_topic: str
[docs] def mutate(self, obj: Optional[TAggregate]) -> TAggregate: """ Constructs aggregate instance defined by domain event object attributes. """ assert obj is None # Copy the event attributes. kwargs = self.__dict__.copy() # Resolve originator topic. aggregate_class: Type[TAggregate] = resolve_topic( kwargs.pop("originator_topic") ) # Construct and return aggregate object. agg: TAggregate = aggregate_class.__new__(aggregate_class) # Separate the base class keywords arguments. base_kwargs = { "id": kwargs.pop("originator_id"), "version": kwargs.pop("originator_version"), "timestamp": kwargs.pop("timestamp"), } # Call the base class init method. Aggregate.__base_init__(agg, **base_kwargs) # Call the aggregate class init method. # noinspection PyTypeChecker init_method = agg.__init__ # type: ignore # Provide the id, if the init method expects it. if aggregate_class._init_mentions_id: kwargs["id"] = base_kwargs["id"] # noinspection PyArgumentList init_method(**kwargs) return agg
class EventDecorator: def __init__(self, arg: Union[FunctionType, str, Type[AggregateEvent]]): self.is_name_inferred_from_method = False self.given_event_cls: Optional[Type[AggregateEvent]] = None self.event_cls_name: Optional[str] = None self.is_property_setter = False self.property_attribute_name: Optional[str] = None self.is_decorating_a_property = False self.decorated_property: Optional[property] = None self.original_method: Optional[FunctionType] = None # Initialising an instance. if isinstance(arg, str): # Decorator used with an explicit name. self.initialise_from_explicit_name(event_cls_name=arg) elif isinstance(arg, type) and issubclass(arg, AggregateEvent): self.initialise_from_event_cls(event_cls=arg) elif isinstance(arg, FunctionType): # Decorator used without explicit name. self.initialise_from_decorated_method(original_method=arg) elif isinstance(arg, property): method_name = arg.fset.__name__ raise TypeError( f"@event on {method_name}() property setter requires event class name" ) elif isinstance(arg, staticmethod): raise TypeError( f"{arg.__func__.__name__}() staticmethod can't be " f"used to update aggregate state" ) elif isinstance(arg, classmethod): # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection raise TypeError( f"{arg.__func__.__name__}() classmethod can't be " f"used to update aggregate state" ) else: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported usage: {type(arg)} is not a str or function") def initialise_from_decorated_method(self, original_method: FunctionType) -> None: self.is_name_inferred_from_method = True self.event_cls_name = "".join( [s.capitalize() for s in original_method.__name__.split("_")] ) self.original_method = original_method _check_no_variable_params(self.original_method) def initialise_from_event_cls(self, event_cls: Type[AggregateEvent]) -> None: self.given_event_cls = event_cls def initialise_from_explicit_name(self, event_cls_name: str) -> None: self.event_cls_name = event_cls_name def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: # Calling an instance. # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection if self.original_method is None: # Decorator used with name, still decorating... assert len(kwargs) == 0, "Unsupported usage" assert len(args) == 1, "Unsupported usage" arg = args[0] # assert isinstance(args[0], FunctionType), args[0] if isinstance(arg, FunctionType): # Decorating a function. self.original_method = arg _check_no_variable_params(self.original_method) elif isinstance(arg, property): # Decorating a property. self.is_decorating_a_property = True self.decorated_property = arg if arg.fset is None: method_name = arg.fget.__name__ raise TypeError( f"@event can't decorate {method_name}() property getter" ) assert isinstance(arg.fset, FunctionType) self.original_method = arg.fset assert self.original_method _check_no_variable_params(self.original_method) else: raise ValueError( f"Unsupported usage: {type(arg)} is not a str or a FunctionType" ) if self.given_event_cls: if self.given_event_cls in original_methods: name = self.given_event_cls.__name__ raise TypeError( f"{name} event class used in more than one decorator" ) # Set decorated event apply() method on given event class. if "apply" in self.given_event_cls.__dict__: name = self.given_event_cls.__name__ raise TypeError(f"{name} event class has unexpected apply() method") # self.given_event_cls.apply = DecoratedEvent.apply # type: ignore setattr( # noqa: B010 self.given_event_cls, "apply", DecoratedEvent.apply ) # Register the decorated method under the given event class. original_methods[self.given_event_cls] = self.original_method return self else: assert self.is_property_setter # Called by a decorating property (as its fset) so trigger an event. assert self.property_attribute_name assert len(args) == 2 assert len(kwargs) == 0 assert isinstance(args[0], Aggregate) kwargs = {self.property_attribute_name: args[1]} bound = BoundEvent(self, args[0]) bound.trigger(**kwargs) def __get__(self, instance: TAggregate, owner: "MetaAggregate") -> "BoundEvent": if self.is_decorating_a_property: assert self.decorated_property return self.decorated_property.__get__(instance, owner) else: if instance is None: raise TypeError("Unsupported usage: event object used without instance") else: return BoundEvent(self, instance) def __set__(self, instance: TAggregate, value: Any) -> None: assert self.is_decorating_a_property # Set decorated property. b = BoundEvent(self, instance) assert self.original_method name = self.original_method.__name__ kwargs = {name: value} b.trigger(**kwargs)
[docs]def event(arg: Union[FunctionType, str, Type[AggregateEvent]]) -> EventDecorator: """ Can be used to decorate an aggregate method so that when the method is called an event is triggered. The body of the method will be used to apply the event to the aggregate, both when the event is triggered and when the aggregate is reconstructed from stored events. .. code-block:: python class MyAggregate(Aggregate): @event("NameChanged") def set_name(self, name: str): = name equivalent to... .. code-block:: python class MyAggregate(Aggregate): def set_name(self, name: str): self.trigger_event(self.NameChanged, name=name) class NameChanged(Aggregate.Event): name: str def apply(self, aggregate): = In the example above, the event "NameChanged" is defined automatically by inspecting the signature of the `set_name()` method. If it is preferred to declare the event class explicitly, for example to define upcasting of old events, the event class itself can be mentioned in the event decorator rather than just providing the name of the event as a string. .. code-block:: python class MyAggregate(Aggregate): class NameChanged(Aggregate.Event): name: str @event(NameChanged) def set_name(self, name: str): = """ return EventDecorator(arg)
triggers = event
[docs]class BoundEvent: """ Wraps an EventDecorator instance when attribute is accessed on an aggregate so that the aggregate methods can be accessed. """ # noinspection PyShadowingNames
[docs] def __init__(self, event_decorator: EventDecorator, aggregate: TAggregate): """ :param EventDecorator event_decorator: :param Aggregate aggregate: """ self.event_decorator = event_decorator self.aggregate = aggregate
def trigger(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: # This assert isinstance avoids PyCharm thinking that # self.event_decorator is a BoundEvent. No idea why! assert isinstance(self.event_decorator, EventDecorator) assert self.event_decorator.original_method kwargs = _coerce_args_to_kwargs( self.event_decorator.original_method, args, kwargs ) if self.event_decorator.given_event_cls: event_cls = self.event_decorator.given_event_cls else: assert self.event_decorator.event_cls_name event_cls = getattr(self.aggregate, self.event_decorator.event_cls_name) self.aggregate.trigger_event(event_cls, **kwargs)
[docs] def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self.trigger(*args, **kwargs)
original_methods: Dict[MetaDomainEvent, FunctionType] = {}
[docs]class DecoratedEvent(AggregateEvent): # noinspection PyShadowingNames
[docs] def apply(self, aggregate: TAggregate) -> None: """ Applies event to aggregate by calling method decorated by @event. """ event_obj_dict = dict(self.__dict__) event_obj_dict.pop("originator_id") event_obj_dict.pop("originator_version") event_obj_dict.pop("timestamp") original_method = original_methods[type(self)] method_signature = inspect.signature(original_method) # args = [] # for name, param in method_signature.parameters.items(): for name in method_signature.parameters: if name == "self": continue # if param.kind == param.POSITIONAL_ONLY: # args.append(event_obj_dict.pop(name)) # original_method(aggregate, *args, **event_obj_dict) original_method(aggregate, **event_obj_dict)
TDomainEvent = TypeVar("TDomainEvent", bound=DomainEvent) TAggregateEvent = TypeVar("TAggregateEvent", bound=AggregateEvent) TAggregateCreated = TypeVar("TAggregateCreated", bound=AggregateCreated) def _check_no_variable_params( method: Union[FunctionType, WrapperDescriptorType] ) -> None: assert isinstance(method, (FunctionType, WrapperDescriptorType)) for param in inspect.signature(method).parameters.values(): if param.kind is param.VAR_POSITIONAL: raise TypeError("variable positional parameters not supported") # Todo: Support VAR_POSITIONAL? # annotations["__star_args__"] = "typing.Any" elif param.kind is param.VAR_KEYWORD: # Todo: Support VAR_KEYWORD? # annotations["__star_kwargs__"] = "typing.Any" raise TypeError("variable keyword parameters not supported") def _coerce_args_to_kwargs( method: Union[FunctionType, WrapperDescriptorType], args: Iterable[Any], kwargs: Dict[str, Any], expects_id: bool = False, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: assert isinstance(method, (FunctionType, WrapperDescriptorType)) method_signature = inspect.signature(method) copy_kwargs = dict(kwargs) args = tuple(args) positional_names = [] keyword_defaults = {} required_positional = [] required_keyword_only = [] if expects_id: positional_names.append("id") required_positional.append("id") for name, param in method_signature.parameters.items(): if name == "self": continue # elif param.kind in (param.POSITIONAL_ONLY, param.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD): if param.kind is param.KEYWORD_ONLY: required_keyword_only.append(name) if param.kind is param.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD: positional_names.append(name) if param.default == param.empty: required_positional.append(name) if param.default != param.empty: keyword_defaults[name] = param.default # if not required_keyword_only and not positional_names: # if args or kwargs: # raise TypeError(f"{method.__name__}() takes no args") for name in kwargs: if name not in required_keyword_only and name not in positional_names: raise TypeError( f"{method.__name__}() got an unexpected keyword argument '{name}'" ) counter = 0 len_args = len(args) if len_args > len(positional_names): msg = ( f"{method.__name__}() takes {len(positional_names) + 1} positional " f"argument{'' if len(positional_names) + 1 == 1 else 's'} " f"but {len_args + 1} were given" ) raise TypeError(msg) required_positional_not_in_kwargs = [ n for n in required_positional if n not in kwargs ] num_missing = len(required_positional_not_in_kwargs) - len_args if num_missing > 0: missing_names = [ f"'{name}'" for name in required_positional_not_in_kwargs[len_args:] ] msg = ( f"{method.__name__}() missing {num_missing} required positional " f"argument{'' if num_missing == 1 else 's'}: " ) raise_missing_names_type_error(missing_names, msg) for name in positional_names: if counter + 1 > len_args: break if name not in kwargs: copy_kwargs[name] = args[counter] counter += 1 else: raise TypeError( f"{method.__name__}() got multiple values for argument '{name}'" ) missing_keyword_only_arguments = [] for name in required_keyword_only: if name not in kwargs: missing_keyword_only_arguments.append(name) if missing_keyword_only_arguments: missing_names = [f"'{name}'" for name in missing_keyword_only_arguments] msg = ( f"{method.__name__}() missing {len(missing_names)} " f"required keyword-only argument" f"{'' if len(missing_names) == 1 else 's'}: " ) raise_missing_names_type_error(missing_names, msg) for name, value in keyword_defaults.items(): if name not in copy_kwargs: copy_kwargs[name] = value return copy_kwargs def raise_missing_names_type_error(missing_names: List[str], msg: str) -> None: msg += missing_names[0] if len(missing_names) == 2: msg += f" and {missing_names[1]}" elif len(missing_names) > 2: msg += ", " + ", ".join(missing_names[1:-1]) msg += f", and {missing_names[-1]}" raise TypeError(msg)
[docs]class MetaAggregate(ABCMeta): _annotations_mention_id = False _init_mentions_id = False
[docs] def __new__(mcs, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> "MetaAggregate": try: args[2]["__annotations__"].pop("id") except KeyError: pass else: args[2]["_annotations_mention_id"] = True cls = ABCMeta.__new__(mcs, *args) cls = dataclass(cls) return cast(MetaAggregate, cls)
[docs] def __init__( cls, *args: Any, created_event_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(*args) # Prepare created event class. created_event_classes = {} created_event_class = None for name, value in tuple(cls.__dict__.items()): if name == "_created_event_class": created_event_class = value # The names must match... if created_event_name and value.__name__ != created_event_name: raise TypeError( f"Name of _created_event_class '{value.__name__}' not " f"equal to given created_event_name '{created_event_name}'" ) break for name, value in tuple(cls.__dict__.items()): if isinstance(value, type) and issubclass(value, AggregateCreated): created_event_classes[name] = value # Use the class as the created class, if so named. if created_event_name in created_event_classes: created_event_class = created_event_classes[created_event_name] elif created_event_class is None: if len(created_event_classes) == 0 or created_event_name: if not created_event_name: created_event_name = "Created" # Define a "created" event for this class. created_cls_annotations = {} # noinspection PyTypeChecker init_method: WrapperDescriptorType = cls.__init__ # type: ignore _check_no_variable_params(init_method) method_signature = inspect.signature(init_method) for param_name in method_signature.parameters: if param_name == "self": continue if param_name == "id": cls._init_mentions_id = True continue created_cls_annotations[param_name] = "typing.Any" created_event_class = type( created_event_name, (AggregateCreated,), { "__annotations__": created_cls_annotations, "__module__": cls.__module__, "__qualname__": ".".join( [cls.__qualname__, created_event_name] ), }, ) setattr(cls, created_event_name, created_event_class) elif len(created_event_classes) == 1: created_event_class = list(created_event_classes.values())[0] cls._created_event_class = created_event_class # Prepare the subsequent event classes. for attribute in tuple(cls.__dict__.values()): # Watch out for @property that sits over an @event. if isinstance(attribute, property) and isinstance( attribute.fset, EventDecorator ): attribute = attribute.fset if attribute.is_name_inferred_from_method: # We don't want name inferred from property (not past participle). method_name = attribute.original_method.__name__ raise TypeError( f"@event under {method_name}() property setter requires event " f"class name" ) # Attribute is a property decorating an event decorator. attribute.is_property_setter = True # Attribute is an event decorator. if isinstance(attribute, EventDecorator): # Prepare the subsequent aggregate events. original_method = attribute.original_method assert isinstance(original_method, FunctionType) method_signature = inspect.signature(original_method) annotations = {} for param_name in method_signature.parameters: if param_name == "self": continue elif attribute.is_property_setter: assert len(method_signature.parameters) == 2 attribute.property_attribute_name = param_name annotations[param_name] = "typing.Any" # Todo: Improve this? if not attribute.given_event_cls: assert attribute.event_cls_name event_cls_name = attribute.event_cls_name # Check event class isn't already defined. if event_cls_name in cls.__dict__: raise TypeError( f"{event_cls_name} event already defined on {cls.__name__}" ) event_cls_qualname = ".".join([cls.__qualname__, event_cls_name]) event_cls_dict = { "__annotations__": annotations, "__module__": cls.__module__, "__qualname__": event_cls_qualname, } event_cls = MetaDomainEvent( event_cls_name, (DecoratedEvent,), event_cls_dict ) original_methods[event_cls] = original_method setattr(cls, event_cls_name, event_cls) # Inspect the parameters of the create_id method. cls._create_id_param_names = [] for name, param in inspect.signature(cls.create_id).parameters.items(): if param.kind in [param.KEYWORD_ONLY, param.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD]: cls._create_id_param_names.append(name)
[docs] def __call__(cls: "MetaAggregate", *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> TAggregate: # noinspection PyTypeChecker self_init: WrapperDescriptorType = cls.__init__ # type: ignore kwargs = _coerce_args_to_kwargs( self_init, args, kwargs, expects_id=cls._annotations_mention_id ) if cls._created_event_class is None: raise TypeError("attribute '_created_event_class' not set on class") else: new_aggregate: TAggregate = cls._create( event_class=cls._created_event_class, # id=id, **kwargs, ) return new_aggregate
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs] @staticmethod def create_id(**kwargs: Any) -> UUID: """ Returns a new aggregate ID. """ return uuid4()
# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
[docs] def _create( cls, event_class: Type[TAggregateCreated], *, id: Optional[UUID] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> TAggregate: """ Factory method to construct a new aggregate object instance. """ # Construct the domain event class, # with an ID and version, and the # a topic for the aggregate class. create_id_kwargs = { k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in cls._create_id_param_names } try: created_event: TAggregateCreated = event_class( # type: ignore originator_topic=get_topic(cls), originator_id=id or cls.create_id(**create_id_kwargs), originator_version=1,, **kwargs, ) except TypeError as e: msg = ( f"Unable to construct 'aggregate created' " f"event with class {event_class.__qualname__} " f"and keyword args {kwargs}: {e}" ) raise TypeError(msg) # Construct the aggregate object. agg: TAggregate = created_event.mutate(None) # Append the domain event to pending list. agg.pending_events.append(created_event) # Return the aggregate. return agg
[docs]class Aggregate(ABC, metaclass=MetaAggregate): """ Base class for aggregate roots. """ Event = AggregateEvent
[docs] def __new__(cls, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: return object.__new__(cls)
# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
[docs] def __base_init__(self, id: UUID, version: int, timestamp: datetime) -> None: """ Initialises an aggregate object with an :data:`id`, a :data:`version` number, and a :data:`timestamp`. The internal :data:`pending_events` list is also initialised. """ self._id = id self.version = version self._created_on = timestamp self.modified_on = timestamp self._pending_events: List[AggregateEvent] = []
@property def id(self) -> UUID: """ The ID of the aggregate. """ return self._id @property def created_on(self) -> datetime: """ The date and time when the aggregate was created. """ return self._created_on @property def pending_events(self) -> List[AggregateEvent]: """ A list of pending events. """ return self._pending_events
[docs] def trigger_event( self, event_class: Type[TAggregateEvent], **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """ Triggers domain event of given type, by creating an event object and using it to mutate the aggregate. """ # Construct the domain event as the # next in the aggregate's sequence. # Use counting to generate the sequence. next_version = self.version + 1 try: new_event = event_class( # type: ignore, originator_version=next_version,, **kwargs, ) except TypeError as e: raise TypeError(f"Can't construct event {event_class}: {e}") # Mutate aggregate with domain event. new_event.mutate(self) # Append the domain event to pending list. self.pending_events.append(new_event)
[docs] def collect_events(self) -> List[AggregateEvent]: """ Collects and returns a list of pending aggregate :class:`AggregateEvent` objects. """ collected = [] while self.pending_events: collected.append(self.pending_events.pop(0)) return collected
[docs]def aggregate( cls: Optional[MetaAggregate] = None, *, created_event_name: Optional[str] = None ) -> Union[MetaAggregate, Callable]: """ Converts the class that was passed in to inherit from Aggregate. .. code-block:: python @aggregate class MyAggregate: pass equivalent to... .. code-block:: python class MyAggregate(Aggregate): pass """ def decorator(cls: Any) -> MetaAggregate: if issubclass(cls, Aggregate): raise TypeError(f"{cls.__name__} is already an Aggregate") bases = cls.__bases__ if bases == (object,): bases = (Aggregate,) else: bases += (Aggregate,) return MetaAggregate( cls.__name__, bases, dict(cls.__dict__), created_event_name=created_event_name, ) if cls: return decorator(cls) else: return decorator
[docs]class VersionError(Exception): """ Raised when a domain event can't be applied to an aggregate due to version mismatch indicating the domain event is not the next in the aggregate's sequence of events. """
[docs]class Snapshot(DomainEvent): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences """ Snapshots represent the state of an aggregate at a particular version. Constructor arguments: :param UUID originator_id: ID of originating aggregate. :param int originator_version: version of originating aggregate. :param datetime timestamp: date-time of the event :param str topic: string that includes a class and its module :param dict state: version of originating aggregate. """ topic: str state: dict # noinspection PyShadowingNames
[docs] @classmethod def take(cls, aggregate: TAggregate) -> "Snapshot": """ Creates a snapshot of the given :class:`Aggregate` object. """ aggregate_state = dict(aggregate.__dict__) aggregate_state.pop("_pending_events") class_version = getattr(type(aggregate), "class_version", 1) if class_version > 1: aggregate_state["class_version"] = class_version originator_id = aggregate_state.pop("_id") originator_version = aggregate_state.pop("version") # noinspection PyArgumentList return cls( # type: ignore originator_id=originator_id, originator_version=originator_version,, topic=get_topic(type(aggregate)), state=aggregate_state, )
[docs] def mutate(self, _: None = None) -> TAggregate: """ Reconstructs the snapshotted :class:`Aggregate` object. """ cls = resolve_topic(self.topic) assert issubclass(cls, Aggregate) aggregate_state = dict(self.state) from_version = aggregate_state.pop("class_version", 1) class_version = getattr(cls, "class_version", 1) while from_version < class_version: upcast_name = f"upcast_v{from_version}_v{from_version + 1}" upcast = getattr(cls, upcast_name) upcast(aggregate_state) from_version += 1 aggregate_state["_id"] = self.originator_id aggregate_state["version"] = self.originator_version aggregate_state["_pending_events"] = [] # noinspection PyShadowingNames aggregate = object.__new__(cls) aggregate.__dict__.update(aggregate_state) return aggregate