Source code for eventsourcing.persistence

import json
import os
import uuid
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from copy import copy
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime
from decimal import Decimal
from distutils.util import strtobool
from typing import Any, Dict, Generic, Iterator, List, Optional, Type, cast
from uuid import UUID

from eventsourcing.domain import DomainEvent, TDomainEvent
from eventsourcing.utils import get_topic, resolve_topic

[docs]class Transcoding(ABC): # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection """ Abstract base class for custom transcodings. """ @property @abstractmethod def type(self) -> type: # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection """Object type of transcoded object.""" @property @abstractmethod def name(self) -> str: """Name of transcoding."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def encode(self, obj: Any) -> Any: """Encodes given object."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def decode(self, data: Any) -> Any: """Decodes encoded object."""
[docs]class Transcoder(ABC): """ Abstract base class for transcoders. """
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: self.types: Dict[type, Transcoding] = {} self.names: Dict[str, Transcoding] = {}
[docs] def register(self, transcoding: Transcoding) -> None: """ Registers given transcoding with the transcoder. """ self.types[transcoding.type] = transcoding self.names[] = transcoding
[docs] @abstractmethod def encode(self, obj: Any) -> bytes: """Encodes obj as bytes."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def decode(self, data: bytes) -> Any: """Decodes obj from bytes."""
[docs]class JSONTranscoder(Transcoder): """ Extensible transcoder that uses the Python :mod:`json` module. """
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.encoder = json.JSONEncoder(default=self._encode_obj) self.decoder = json.JSONDecoder(object_hook=self._decode_obj)
[docs] def encode(self, obj: Any) -> bytes: """ Encodes given object as a bytes array. """ return self.encoder.encode(obj).encode("utf8")
[docs] def decode(self, data: bytes) -> Any: """ Decodes bytes array as previously encoded object. """ return self.decoder.decode(data.decode("utf8"))
def _encode_obj(self, o: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]: try: transcoding = self.types[type(o)] except KeyError: raise TypeError( f"Object of type {type(o)} is not " "serializable. Please register a " "custom transcoding for this type." ) else: return { "_type_":, "_data_": transcoding.encode(o), } def _decode_obj(self, d: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any: if set(d.keys()) == { "_type_", "_data_", }: t = d["_type_"] t = cast(str, t) transcoding = self.names[t] return transcoding.decode(d["_data_"]) else: return d
[docs]class UUIDAsHex(Transcoding): """ Transcoding that represents :class:`UUID` objects as hex values. """ type = UUID name = "uuid_hex"
[docs] def encode(self, obj: UUID) -> str: return obj.hex
[docs] def decode(self, data: str) -> UUID: assert isinstance(data, str) return UUID(data)
[docs]class DecimalAsStr(Transcoding): """ Transcoding that represents :class:`Decimal` objects as strings. """ type = Decimal name = "decimal_str"
[docs] def encode(self, obj: Decimal) -> str: return str(obj)
[docs] def decode(self, data: str) -> Decimal: return Decimal(data)
[docs]class DatetimeAsISO(Transcoding): """ Transcoding that represents :class:`datetime` objects as ISO strings. """ type = datetime name = "datetime_iso"
[docs] def encode(self, obj: datetime) -> str: return obj.isoformat()
[docs] def decode(self, data: str) -> datetime: assert isinstance(data, str) return datetime.fromisoformat(data)
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class StoredEvent: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences """ Frozen dataclass that represents :class:`~eventsourcing.domain.DomainEvent` objects, such as aggregate :class:`~eventsourcing.domain.Aggregate.Event` objects and :class:`~eventsourcing.domain.Snapshot` objects. Constructor parameters: :param UUID originator_id: ID of the originating aggregate :param int originator_id: version of the originating aggregate :param str topic: topic of the domain event object class :param bytes state: serialised state of the domain event object """ originator_id: uuid.UUID originator_version: int topic: str state: bytes
[docs]class Compressor(ABC): """ Base class for compressors. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def compress(self, data: bytes) -> bytes: """ Compress bytes. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def decompress(self, data: bytes) -> bytes: """ Decompress bytes. """
[docs]class Cipher(ABC): """ Base class for ciphers. """ # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs] @abstractmethod def __init__(self, cipher_key: str): """ Initialises cipher with given key. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def encrypt(self, plaintext: bytes) -> bytes: """ Return ciphertext for given plaintext. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def decrypt(self, ciphertext: bytes) -> bytes: """ Return plaintext for given ciphertext. """
[docs]class Mapper(Generic[TDomainEvent]): """ Converts between domain event objects and :class:`StoredEvent` objects. Uses a :class:`Transcoder`, and optionally a cryptographic cipher and compressor. """
[docs] def __init__( self, transcoder: Transcoder, compressor: Optional[Compressor] = None, cipher: Optional[Cipher] = None, ): self.transcoder = transcoder self.compressor = compressor self.cipher = cipher
[docs] def from_domain_event(self, domain_event: TDomainEvent) -> StoredEvent: """ Converts the given domain event to a :class:`StoredEvent` object. """ topic: str = get_topic(domain_event.__class__) event_state = copy(domain_event.__dict__) originator_id = event_state.pop("originator_id") originator_version = event_state.pop("originator_version") class_version = getattr(type(domain_event), "class_version", 1) if class_version > 1: event_state["class_version"] = class_version stored_state: bytes = self.transcoder.encode(event_state) if self.compressor: stored_state = self.compressor.compress(stored_state) if self.cipher: stored_state = self.cipher.encrypt(stored_state) return StoredEvent( originator_id=originator_id, originator_version=originator_version, topic=topic, state=stored_state, )
[docs] def to_domain_event(self, stored: StoredEvent) -> TDomainEvent: """ Converts the given :class:`StoredEvent` to a domain event object. """ stored_state: bytes = stored.state if self.cipher: stored_state = self.cipher.decrypt(stored_state) if self.compressor: stored_state = self.compressor.decompress(stored_state) event_state: dict = self.transcoder.decode(stored_state) event_state["originator_id"] = stored.originator_id event_state["originator_version"] = stored.originator_version cls = resolve_topic(stored.topic) assert issubclass(cls, DomainEvent) class_version = getattr(cls, "class_version", 1) from_version = event_state.pop("class_version", 1) while from_version < class_version: getattr(cls, f"upcast_v{from_version}_v{from_version + 1}")(event_state) from_version += 1 domain_event = object.__new__(cls) domain_event.__dict__.update(event_state) return domain_event
[docs]class OperationalError(Exception): pass
[docs]class RecordConflictError(Exception): pass
[docs]class Recorder(ABC): """ Abstract base class for stored event recorders. """
[docs]class AggregateRecorder(Recorder): """ Abstract base class for recorders that record and retrieve stored events for domain model aggregates. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def insert_events(self, stored_events: List[StoredEvent], **kwargs: Any) -> None: """ Writes stored events into database. """
# Todo: Change the implementations to get in batches, in case lots of events.
[docs] @abstractmethod def select_events( self, originator_id: UUID, gt: Optional[int] = None, lte: Optional[int] = None, desc: bool = False, limit: Optional[int] = None, ) -> List[StoredEvent]: """ Reads stored events from database. """
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class Notification(StoredEvent): """ Frozen dataclass that represents domain event notifications. """ id: int
[docs]class ApplicationRecorder(AggregateRecorder): """ Abstract base class for recorders that record and retrieve stored events for domain model aggregates. Extends the behaviour of aggregate recorders by recording aggregate events in a total order that allows the stored events also to be retrieved as event notifications. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def select_notifications(self, start: int, limit: int) -> List[Notification]: """ Returns a list of event notifications from 'start', limited by 'limit'. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def max_notification_id(self) -> int: """ Returns the maximum notification ID. """
[docs]class ProcessRecorder(ApplicationRecorder): """ Abstract base class for recorders that record and retrieve stored events for domain model aggregates. Extends the behaviour of applications recorders by recording aggregate events with tracking information that records the position of a processed event notification in a notification log. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def max_tracking_id(self, application_name: str) -> int: """ Returns the last recorded notification ID from given application. """
[docs]class EventStore(Generic[TDomainEvent]): """ Stores and retrieves domain events. """
[docs] def __init__( self, mapper: Mapper[TDomainEvent], recorder: AggregateRecorder, ): self.mapper = mapper self.recorder = recorder
[docs] def put(self, events: List[TDomainEvent], **kwargs: Any) -> None: """ Stores domain events in aggregate sequence. """ self.recorder.insert_events( list( map( self.mapper.from_domain_event, events, ) ), **kwargs, )
[docs] def get( self, originator_id: UUID, gt: Optional[int] = None, lte: Optional[int] = None, desc: bool = False, limit: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Iterator[TDomainEvent]: """ Retrieves domain events from aggregate sequence. """ return map( self.mapper.to_domain_event, self.recorder.select_events( originator_id=originator_id, gt=gt, lte=lte, desc=desc, limit=limit, ), )
[docs] @classmethod def construct(cls, application_name: str = "") -> "InfrastructureFactory": """ Constructs concrete infrastructure factory for given named application. Reads and resolves infrastructure factory class topic from environment variable 'INFRASTRUCTURE_FACTORY'. """ # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection topic = os.getenv( cls.TOPIC, "eventsourcing.popo:Factory", ) try: factory_cls = resolve_topic(topic) except (ModuleNotFoundError, AttributeError): raise EnvironmentError( "Failed to resolve " "infrastructure factory topic: " f"'{topic}' from environment " f"variable '{cls.TOPIC}'" ) if not issubclass(factory_cls, InfrastructureFactory): raise AssertionError(f"Not an infrastructure factory: {topic}") return factory_cls(application_name=application_name)
[docs] def __init__(self, application_name: str): """ Initialises infrastructure factory object with given application name. """ self.application_name = application_name
# noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
[docs] def getenv( self, key: str, default: Optional[str] = None, application_name: str = "" ) -> Optional[str]: """ Returns value of environment variable defined by given key. """ if not application_name: application_name = self.application_name keys = [ application_name.upper() + "_" + key, key, ] for key in keys: value = os.getenv(key) if value is not None: return value return default
[docs] def mapper( self, transcoder: Transcoder, application_name: str = "", ) -> Mapper: """ Constructs a mapper. """ return Mapper( transcoder=transcoder, cipher=self.cipher(application_name), compressor=self.compressor(application_name), )
[docs] def cipher(self, application_name: str) -> Optional[Cipher]: """ Reads environment variables 'CIPHER_TOPIC' and 'CIPHER_KEY' to decide whether or not to construct a cipher. """ cipher_topic = self.getenv(self.CIPHER_TOPIC, application_name=application_name) cipher_key = self.getenv(self.CIPHER_KEY, application_name=application_name) cipher: Optional[Cipher] = None if cipher_topic: if cipher_key: cipher_cls: Type[Cipher] = resolve_topic(cipher_topic) cipher = cipher_cls(cipher_key=cipher_key) else: raise EnvironmentError( "Cipher key was not found in env, " "although cipher topic was found" ) return cipher
[docs] def compressor(self, application_name: str) -> Optional[Compressor]: """ Reads environment variable 'COMPRESSOR_TOPIC' to decide whether or not to construct a compressor. """ compressor: Optional[Compressor] = None compressor_topic = self.getenv( self.COMPRESSOR_TOPIC, application_name=application_name ) if compressor_topic: compressor_cls: Type[Compressor] = resolve_topic(compressor_topic) compressor = compressor_cls() return compressor
[docs] @staticmethod def event_store(**kwargs: Any) -> EventStore: """ Constructs an event store. """ return EventStore(**kwargs)
[docs] @abstractmethod def aggregate_recorder(self, purpose: str = "events") -> AggregateRecorder: """ Constructs an aggregate recorder. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def application_recorder(self) -> ApplicationRecorder: """ Constructs an application recorder. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def process_recorder(self) -> ProcessRecorder: """ Constructs a process recorder. """
[docs] def is_snapshotting_enabled(self) -> bool: """ Decides whether or not snapshotting is enabled by reading environment variable 'IS_SNAPSHOTTING_ENABLED'. Snapshotting is not enabled by default. """ default = "no" return bool( strtobool(self.getenv(self.IS_SNAPSHOTTING_ENABLED, default) or default) )
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class Tracking: """ Frozen dataclass representing the position of a domain event :class:`Notification` in an application's notification log. """ application_name: str notification_id: int